- Our young kids have fought two wars for ten years in
Iraq and Afghanistan. Total cost exceeds $1 trillion. Result: horrific
deaths on both sides, destruction and no resolution. Does anyone know
or understand why we sent 6,200 kids to their deaths and another 40,000
brought back home without legs and arms or their minds? We can expect a
minimum of 100,000 post-war suicides from combat troops with scrambled
brains. That doesn't count the ones that stumble forward with alcohol,
drugs and poverty.
- Did we stop terror?
- Suicide bombers and killers blow up churches, government
buildings and outposts as regularly in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011 as
they did in 2001. No leader in the United States understands that Muslims
will defend their lands against Americans until the last one dies. We
would have to kill every single last one of them to win.
- Did we bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan?
- Iraq and Afghanistan cannot agree on a constitution or
path toward peaceful co-existence any more than a bunch of 5thgraders arguing
over a jar of cookies. Karzi is a puppet of the United States. We send
endless billions of dollars to prop up him and Malaki. We might as well
flush that money down a New York City sewer.
- Did we find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
- We found not one single weapon worthy of such fear to
go in and blow up an entire country on George W. Bush's whim. He caused
hundreds of thousands of deaths and 2.5 million refugees. What he did
to Iraq and its citizens defies human understanding. Lyndon Baines Johnson
did the same thing to Vietnam. He killed 58,267 kids while he blew up another
2.1 million Vietnamese. In his book Fog of War 35 years later,
the architect of Vietnam Robert McNamara said, "I made a mistake."
- George W. Bush is too stupid or inept to write a book
on how brainless his decision to destroy Iraq and Afghanistan turned out
to be. A full 17 of the purported hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.
Bush should have attacked Saudi Arabia and destroyed that country.
- However, overwhelming evidence shows that 9/11 was an
inside job. If it was, George Bush should be brought to trial for crimes
against humanity and America.
- Iraq provides yet another example of stupid men in power
doing stupid things for stupid reasons with incredibly painful outcomes
for millions of innocent people, children and countries.
- Are we any safer from terror in the United States after
10 years of war?
- More terrorists reside in the United States from our
irrational immigration policies than ever before. We've got 40,000 MS-13
gang members in 35 states selling drugs to millions of our kids. (Source:
Newsweek) We have 10 million illegal alien Mexicans stealing jobs from
Americans and breaking our laws while we pay for their medical, educational,
babies, prison and food needs. We import 2,000 Muslims per month from
places like Palestine, Iraq and Somalia-as refugees-any of them potential
- Note that Iranian-American immigrant Manssor Arbabsiar attempted
to kill a Saudi ambassador this week. Notice American born Muslim Anwar
al-Awlaqi inspired the shoe bomber, underwear bomber, New York Times Square
bomber and Major Hasan to kill Americans.
- Does anyone think that victory can be won against a religious
jihadist Muslim group like al-Qaeda?
- We would have to kill most of the Muslim world to kill
al-Qaeda. The Koran dictates that all good Muslims "convert or kill
non-believers and Jews." That's the prime directive of Islam. We
can pretend it is a peaceful religion, but every terror event in the world
since 1972 has been planned and carried out by Muslims.
- If we fight for another 10 years to make it a 20 year
war, what will we accomplish?
- If the American people sit back and do nothing, the military
industrial complex will continue those two wars for another 10 years.
The military won't win, but it won't lose, but it will continue fighting
and dying as it sacrifices our kids in an endless conflict. We'll hear
weekly news reports that we're close to victory, but we need another 40,000
troops. We're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and we don't want
those who have died to have died in vain. General so and so is making
a "new" plan to win the warad nausea.
- Like corporations that Americans have been protesting
against for the past week, the military industrial complex possesses no
heart and no conscience. Young men and women's deaths mean nothing.
- How do we stop those wars, the deaths and the senselessness?
- 1. We withdraw all our troops
from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately.
- 2. We let their leaders
solve their problems.
- 3. Leaving Muslim lands
deletes their reasons for jihad.
- 4. Enforce our borders with
our troops to secure our country.
- 5. Engage a moratorium on
all immigration for 10 years.
- 6. Use the $12 billion monthly
war cost to improve our country.
- It's absolutely crazy to carry on two wars for ten years
without any positive result. It's even crazier to continue fighting them
for another 10 years. It's even worse that the majority of American citizens
lack enough gumption to stand up and speak out against the endless insanity
of war perpetrated by our Congress, Bush and now Obama. In the end, it's
just plain sickening on a mental, physical and spiritual level.
- _______
- Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents
- from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as six times across the USA,
coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic
Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents "The Coming Population
Crisis in America: and what you can do about it" to civic clubs, church
groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world
population balance at www.frostywooldridge.com He is the author
of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans. Copies-1
888 280 7715, Kindle,<http://www.amazon.com>www.amazon.com