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What Mother Nature Doesn't Care About
By Frosty Wooldridge
My long time Canadian friend Tim Murray brings it home as to environment and human onslaught. As the human mob overwhelms and overpopulates the planet, Mother Nature bats last. You can see it in Somalia in the past month. You will see it in more "Somalia's" to come in areas like India, Mexico, China and Bangladesh. You can see it in the erratic and violent weather patterns now engulfing the planet. You can see it in the acid rain destroying our soils. You can see it in the species extinction rates. You can see it in the beleaguered city folks that struggle with their compacted tensions around the world.
"It is amazing what Mother Nature doesn't care about," said Murray. "Her house rules are impartially enforced, indifferent to our protestations. And they were not designed with us in mind. Her biophysical laws cannot be repealed by a democratic parliament or be subject to the whims of human autocrats. She doesn't care about our political arrangements. Or about how we treat the passengers in our lifeboat. Only that we have overloaded it.
"Left and right dichotomies are irrelevant to her concerns. Mother Nature takes no notice of our class structure. We can run our vessel like a slave ship or we can eliminate all class and racial barriers on board. But whether we choose to live in feudal subjugation or be organized by socio-economic caste or egalitarian harmony, we will remain accountable to her demands.  Her ship's manifest only records three facts. The number of passengers, their ecological weight and where they are situated. If those of lesser means---the vast majority, in the name of justice, are permitted to shift to our side of the boat, she will capsize it without mercy.
"Mother Nature is not a humanitarian. She does not accept Mother Theresa's credentials. Neither  Judeo-Christian ethics or the rhetoric of the antique civil rights movement make no impression on her. Climate "Justice", Environmental "Justice" human rights, women's rights, the rights of the disabled or the rights of the poor and the dispossessed are of little interest to her. Our petition to rescue drowning swimmers who are victimized by persecution, war or ecological disaster will not be received with sympathy. Mother Nature doesn't give a crap about our moral imperatives. She doesn't care if people we judge to be worthy (the poor, the persecuted, the people of color, the handicapped, the oppressed) should be lifted on to our lifeboat--- only if it is overloaded. Her laws of physics trump the laws of any Holy Text, ethical system or left-wing Manifesto. If even a small remnant of us survive, we will have to play by her rules, not ours.
"Mother Nature does not make fine distinctions between legal and illegal, skilled or unskilled immigrants. She can't distinguish immigrants from refugees, legitimate from illegitimate asylum-seekers, white from black or European from Asian or Hispanic migrants, or those who climb aboard via the airport from those new consumers who enter through the local maternity ward. All human passengers have footprints whatever their origin, and no category of humanity earns an exemption from her law of Carrying Capacity.
"Some believe that Mother Nature can be fooled or appeased by technical improvements that grow a phantom capacity, which only enables the addition of more passengers-as did the "Green Revolution". No technological con job can win us a permanent reprieve from her determination to adjust the number of passengers to the limited capacity of our boat.  Nor is she deceived by the sweet talk of  oxymoronic buzzwords like "sustainable growth", "smart growth", "smart cars" or "green buildings". In fact, this lady is from Missouri. When a 'green' politician talks a good game she replies "Show me." Actions speak louder than words.
"Mother Nature might be characterized as a callous witch, but she is more like a stubbornly neutral umpire. Scream at her with outrage, if you will, but when the Ump says we're out, we're out. By all means, quote from your sacred book, but she will remain unmoved. The Bible, the Koran, The Wealth of Nations and Das Kapital will fall on deaf ears. If there are too many passengers and not enough to go around, her ruling will be upheld.
"Passionate, defiant, compliant, passive, devout or agnostic, we have no bargaining power with Mother Nature. We need her, but she doesn't need us. We either get with her program, or we don't get anywhere. It is amazing what Mother Nature doesn't care about."
Interview with Tim Murray and republished with his permission by Frosty Wooldridge
Tim Murray, www.immigrationwatchCanada.org , http://sinkinglifeboat.blogspot.com 
or http://biodiversityfirst.googlepages.com,  said, "I came upon an orchestration, the environmental movement, and all the musicians were playing violins to the tune of "Overconsumption, overconsumption, overconsumption." They refused to play any other tune or use any other instrument to compliment that narrow repertoire. Apparently some corporate donors were paying them to be a one-trick pony.
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