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The True Patriot Movement
Is No 'Movement' At All
A Steel Net Has Been Thrown Over America

By Jack and Margy Flynn
"With great disappointment, we tell you that this movement for which we hoped has NOT taken place, and today the vast majority of Americans are even more ignorant, indifferent, apathetic and stupid than they ever have been. 
America is in a precipitous decline and the angle is getting much more steep and severe with each passing day.  
It is with great regret that we announce that this is our last News-Letter, that we will be vastly decreasing the work we have done for the people and we will all but withdraw from active involvement in the so-called "patriot movement". 
This "movement" is no movement at all, or said another way, there is no movement in the "movement".  With the exception of a few people and a few sincere groups, it has been reduced to a total fraud and a money gurbbing sham, replete with shills, provocateurs, planned "opposition" leaders, many of whom foist a hypocritical filthy con-game, centered around making money, off the backs of gullible, naïve people, and distracting them from the cause of freedom and justice, while leading them into pits of despair." 
Our Last Newsletter 
By Jack and Margy Flynn
Independence Day 2011
We hope the real reason for this July 4th holiday is uppermost in your mind.  This is not easy to do when one is bombarded by all the hoopla, parades, fireworks, flag waving, marching bands, media pundits, with all their nauseating, hypocritical hype, and the endless posturing by grandstanding, rhetoric-spewing politicians, but none of these "celebratory practices" truly convey the severe, wrenching sacrifices our forefathers suffered in the cause of freeing themselves from England's mighty tyrannical grip. 
If you can, try to relate to the people who lived in America on this date 235 years ago.  Can you equate your attitude, your quest for Freedom and your lifestyle with theirs? 
If your answer is "yes", what are you doing now to further the cause of freedom and restoration of Constitutional Rights in this nation?  Please remember that many of those forefathers gave their lives in the hope of creating a truly free country that would provide the people with not only freedom, but also justice and true opportunity.  Do any of these exist in today's America?
As is plainly evident to you and many others living in America, our country is not now, nor ever has it been free. 
However, the illusion of freedom was, and is still strong.
The propaganda, conditioning, programming and manipulations by the ruling elite moneyed interests have all done their jobs to perpetuate that illusion, but the sad reality is that this illusion is a far cry from the existent reality. 
Are you and your family better off this July 4th than you were five years ago?  What about three years ago?  How about one year ago?  Are you better off now than you were one month ago? 
You are the only one who can truthfully answer. 
Now, we ask you to speculate on how the rest of the people in this nation would answer these questions.  If we speculate how the adults in this country would answer these questions, do you think most would respond by saying that they are worse off now, in a steady downward fall, or they are better off now, in a steady upward progression? 
If those who answered were truthful, the overwhelming majority would firmly state they were worse off, in an escalating decline. How could this be possible in a truly free nation?  The obvious answer is, as stated above, that America is not now nor has ever been free in her entire history. 
In order to have real freedom, not the illusory kind, people want freedom and must be responsible in obtaining and keeping it. Margy often says that freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin.  One cannot exist without the other. 
As most of you who know us are aware, Margy and I have called our Constitution - despite its obvious flaws - the greatest egalitarian document ever created by man for the governance of a nation by the people of that nation. -  We have also stated that the American people, as a society, have never embraced and enforced this truly sacred document upon government at any time during the history of our country.  Margy and I believe the Constitution was divinely inspired, because during that tumultuous time in the new country, it could not have been achieved in any other way. 
Many would disagree that divine inspiration had any part in this.  However, if one were to look at and understand the mission and message of Jesus, it was many fold, but centered upon freeing humanity and their immortal souls from the evils that overtook, exist on and control this beautiful earth.  If we carry forth His intent to free us from evil and restore our own powers, then apply those positions to the Constitution of this fledgling new America, then we can realize that the political power was solidly vested in the hands of the people. 
This may not be apparent to many, but if one understands the positions of personal power and freedom for the people that Jesus intended, then he can understand the divine inspiration built into the Constitution. 
A Revolution had been just been won against the strongest nation on this earth, at great cost and suffering, and a new, free and independent nation was created.  This was the birth of an entirely different kind of nation, one in which the people were acknowledged by the founding document of that nation as the true power behind the government. 
In the long, sad history of mankind, this was a brand-new, revolutionary concept creating a brave new world for mankind that had never been permitted throughout the annals of history.  No other nation throughout the ages has ever devised a founding document that put the political control of that nation in the hands of the people. 
This power was an absolutely priceless, rare gem, yet, from the very inception of the Constitution, the American people abandoned their responsibilities and failed to recognize this precious power placed in their hands, so they never used it.   
Again, if one is not responsible, then, one cannot achieve or maintain freedom.  When an entire nation is not responsible, then, it is a total impossibility to obtain and maintain any semblance of true freedom or to hold and use political power to safeguard that freedom. 
These are just simple, logical facts with which no true historian can disagree.  The fact is that the American people squandered the opportunity to control their own destiny and that of their country, because they discarded the precious gift that was bestowed upon them by and through the divine inspiration. 
In the early years of the new nation, some people and some groups did attempt to secure rights guaranteed in the Constitution and many of them were dealt with quite harshly.  From time to time, over the past 224 years, some people and some groups have tried to assert their rights, but as a nation, the people have done nothing. 
Governments, insurance companies, banks and corporations work on actuarial percentages.  As long as the overwhelming majority of the people of any nation, support that nation, fight its wars, obey its laws and pay its taxes, without comment, objection or protest, then, that government is going to do anything it wants, whenever it wants, to whomever it wants. 
Since no one holds it accountable or liable for anything, it is free to proceed, exactly as it pleases, and to advance any agenda it or its corporate masters desire. 
This is exactly what has happened to America, and unless something descends from the heavens, to miraculously awaken and inspire the American people to stand up for their rights and take back their country, America will never exemplify the divinely inspired design for her as embodied in the Constitution.
For those of you who know us, are familiar with our writings, have attended our seminars or heard our radio broadcasts, you are likely aware of our feelings regarding the infamy behind the American Revolution and those who founded this nation. 
Despite all of this, the foundational position inherent within the Constitution is that the power of this nation was put into the hands of the people.  This is a monumental position that the vast majority of Americans, from the beginning, never understood, and because they never understood, and were never educated about it, they completely failed and abdicated their duties to use that power, just like now.  When one gives up his power or never claims it, then, the way human nature works, another will take that power and use it against him. 
This is precisely what happened in America, because those operating the machinery of government seized that power, used it against the people and continue to do so today.  The Americans of today are far more ignorant than their predecessors, so for one to expect that present day Americans would ever truly understand where the Constitution placed the power is a virtual impossibility. Impossibilities do not lead to progress, freedom and prosperity for the people. 
Over the past 50 plus years, both Jack and I have been trying to educate our fellow Americans to bring them into awareness of the power and authority of the Constitutions, both federal and state, and of their responsibility to exercise the power the Constitutions vested in them. 
Sadly, very few Americans have any interest in this most important arena, and without genuine interest, no real learning can take place. 
Politics has earned itself such a dirty reputation that one can easily understand the reluctance of so-called "normal" people to delve anywhere within it.  However, this reluctance only serves the agenda of the devious, evil, crooked politicians and their corporate masters, because it insulates them from the scrutiny, which the people should have been exercising over their public servants since the Declaration of Independence proclaimed America as a new nation. 
As repugnant as most political issues are, "We, the People", are the ones with the duty to pay attention, to care about what goes on in our nation and "in our name".  Yet, the people, the "U.S. citizens, the "Human Resources" are caught up with nonsense, trivia, minutiae, gossip, celebrity watching and mindless consumerism to the point that they have proven themselves incapable and unworthy of exercising self-governance. 
This is an insult to every man who sincerely fought, sacrificed and labored to free this nation.   
June 23rd, 2006 was the date of the first seminar we presented outside New Mexico, which took place in beautiful Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  June 23rd, - 1996 was our wedding date, and June 23rd, 1967 was the birthday of Margy's first son. 
During that Arkansas seminar, we told the attendees that, in our view, America had no more than 4 to 6 years to come together as a nation, to right the wrongs that had taken place for centuries, to hold government officers accountable and liable for their actions, to reclaim rights guaranteed in the Constitutions and to restore Constitutional governance to this nation. 
June 23rd, 2011 was just a few weeks ago.  We are now into the sixth year of that prediction.  Those of you who have followed our works for years know that virtually every prediction we have made over that period of time has come true, as have most of the predictions we made over the past 50 years. 
Our intent was to begin a Constitutionally based grassroots movement that would spread like wildfire throughout this land, which movement would be predicated upon our very simple, direct and extremely successful Constitutional methods that had won victories for the people for many, many years.  One would expect that a true patriot would want to avail himself of this type of opportunity and use those effective methods to establish freedom for himself and his family and to initiate beneficial changes for the people in his own local community. 
With great disappointment, we tell you that this movement for which we hoped has NOT taken place, and today the vast majority of Americans are even more ignorant, indifferent, apathetic and stupid than they ever have been. 
America is in a precipitous decline and the angle is getting much more steep and severe with each passing day.  
It is with great regret that we announce that this is our last News-Letter, that we will be vastly decreasing the work we have done for the people and we will all but withdraw from active involvement in the so-called "patriot movement". 
This "movement" is no movement at all, or said another way, there is no movement in the "movement".  With the exception of a few people and a few sincere groups, it has been reduced to a total fraud and a money gurbbing sham, replete with shills, provocateurs, planned "opposition" leaders, many of whom foist a hypocritical filthy con-game, centered around making money, off the backs of gullible, naïve people, and distracting them from the cause of freedom and justice, while leading them into pits of despair. 
That said, we fully recognize, as we have always stated, that there are true and sincere people and groups in this "movement". You know who you are, we know who you are, and you know that we know.  However, as we have mentioned before on numerous occasions, the true supporters of the Supreme Law and the real workers for freedom number only in the low hundreds, at the very most. 
With a total population in this country of approximately 315 million, plus or minus, these few hundred are so minuscule that they don't even show up on any scale anywhere.  However, their victories for the people do, but since the people do not emulate the methods that achieved those victories, then, they remain only individual victories with little or no far reaching effects for the people.
Prior to 2006, most of our work took place in New Mexico where, as many of you know, we and our groups won hundreds of cases in state courts, based on the authority of the Constitutions, without loss, were instrumental in removing dozens of politicians, judges, police, and bureaucrats from office, and won victories for the people against such national giants as Los Alamos National Laboratories and other large politically connected corporations. 
Both of us earnestly thought that the people who attended our seminars and those who heard us over the radio, read our News-Letters and reviewed our website would recognize the effectiveness of these simple methods by their success rate and begin to use them to advance their own causes in their own local communities. 
We knew that locally based efforts are the only way to go, since D.C. is a total cesspool and a lost cause.  This local Constitutionally based initiative is basically a "no-brainer", but none of what we intended took hold and materialized as we expected, and, with some few exceptions, the large grassroots movement, we mentioned, did not ignite for the benefit of the entire country.  A little more than five years after our referenced Eureka Springs seminar, we can clearly see, as most somewhat aware Americans can also see, that this nation and her people are about to fall over the cliff into the abyss of tyrannical slavery and unimaginable hardship and horrors that have never before been experienced on American soil. 
This is a tragedy beyond measure. 
Certain people throughout history have attempted to give gifts to mankind, yet mankind has often spurned those gifts and gone its own way. 
You can probably think of many such entities like this.  In our own simple, small and humble way, we seriously attempted to provide a reminder to the people of this nation of the priceless treasure chest that is our Constitution and evoke within them the quest for freedom and justice that was imbued within that document through divine intervention. 
No one likes to see his gifts turned down or discarded, but that is exactly what the American people have done and through their own ignorance, apathy, indifference and other ignominies, they now and in the future will reap what they have sown. 
Both of us truly regret this malignancy, devouring our nation each and every day, but we can no longer continue with an American public that is basically superficial, banal, ungrateful, selfish and a mindless mass of what we call the walking dead. 
In addition to the Constitutional methods, which have helped so many people over the years, we have put forth proposals capable of changing and saving America within a very short period of time, in fact, within months. 
There have been many of these proposals over the years.  One of the more recent ones was a Constitutional Affidavit we proposed be publicly executed by all candidates for public office, in which the candidate vowed he would strictly abide by the Constitutional mandates contained within his oath and never oppose the Constitutions or rights guaranteed therein under any circumstances.  Signing the Affidavit constituted agreement to leave office voluntarily, if he or she were ever to violate the Affidavit. 
It was up to the American people to press this requirement upon their candidates, and with all the endless talk about "throwing the bums out" for their perfidy that abounded throughout last year's election cycle, common sense should have impelled the people to qualify their candidates in this way. 
Inexplicably, they did not do so and we are disgusted with their myopic mindless homage to a so-called election process, which is nothing but a superficial, dog and pony show fraud.
Another recent proposal was for an Alternative Currency, public not private, and issued by a public bank, owned, operated and controlled by the people.  The currency would not be based in gold, silver or any other "precious metal", all of which, of course, have always been and always will be owned, manipulated and controlled by the power elite. 
The value of our Alternative Currency would be based only in and on the labor, productivity, skills, ingenuity and resourcefulness of the people, businesses and industries of the adopting state.  If implemented, this currency could economically revive and change for the better any state within a 90 day period, bringing back real prosperity to the people of that state. 
With the exception of a few thousand people across the country who "got" and liked these proposals, they simply died of attrition.  We just cannot fathom or tolerate the insanity of a society, which permits a private, for-profit banking cartel to impose a pernicious, privately owned, debt-based currency and resultant economic system upon it, without so much as a whimper, and which system controls every aspect of everyone's lives. 
If the people are not willing to help themselves, then, we are no longer willing to help the people. 
We can no longer tolerate an American public that supports evil, whether they do it knowingly or unknowingly.  One should be able to recognize truth over the lie, and good over evil, but it seems the American public has a learning deficiency and major problem in this area that causes them to constantly "go along to get along", making expediency and compromise their watchwords in life.
Last weekend, we were invited to be guest speakers at a Freedom Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada. 
Although Margy and I no longer like to fly because of the Nazi, Gestapo, SS and SA style TSA, based upon the sincerity of the organizers of this conference, we agreed to appear as guest speakers. 
When we arose to speak, the organizers presented us with a beautiful mahogany and metallic engraved plaque, honoring us for our lifetimes in service to the American people, to the American Constitution and to our very strong intention for restoration of Constitutional governance to this nation. 
In over 50 years in this effort, we have helped many thousands of people and maybe, in fact, it is in the tens of thousands, but we have never received an award like this, which touched us deeply.  In fact, after we help most people, they simply drop out of the "movement" and forget their "patriotism", because they got what they wanted. 
Fred and Nina, the organizers, are made of different stuff and are very sincere and dedicated to this nation and to the cause of freedom and justice for all.  They have recently been using our Constitutional methods with various groups all over the country and have been achieving successes by and through them. 
For people like Fred and Nina and others who share their true, sincere patriotic fervor, we will continue to work with and help them.  However, we are no longer willing to help the casual, hard-time, self-centered seekers who care nothing about America, but only about themselves.  There are far too many who call themselves "patriots" who fit this description.  Mark Twain once said:  In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.  - Notebook, 1904.
 Also, we have included numerous articles regarding America and her present day problems that merit your attention. 
Please be aware, dear reader, that virtually all of these problems could have been resolved years ago had the American people actually exercised the responsibility delegated to them in the Constitutions to control, oversee and supervise the federal government and all other governments in this country. 
The real tragedy is that we could have had an absolute paradise in America, with true freedom, genuine justice, real opportunity and a growing vastly egalitarian society that would now be, believe it or not, thousands of years more advanced in all aspects than we are right now. 
The divine gift of self-governance was thrown away.     
    For years, people have asked us to write a book and that is what we have decided to do.  It will be a novel, based in politics, reality, spirituality and mysticism, centered around the gifts given to us by the Supreme Being.  This effort is already underway and the first several chapters have been drafted. 
         To all our loyal followers and supporters over the years, we want to convey our sincere appreciation for your work and efforts on behalf of America and her people and your support for our work. 
We are deeply grateful for it and will never forget what you have done.  You are the true patriots and we wish you Godspeed in the uncertain times ahead. 
Unless something unexpected happens, which we do not foresee right now, this is Jack and Margy saying goodbye, and signing off.
Best regards,
Jack and Margy Flynn
Bingham, Maine, July 4th, 2011
Jack and Margy Flynn
C/o P.O. Box 292
Bingham, Maine [04920]
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