- The JNN 'live' cam feed has been off for a couple of
days again. There is always a reason they do that and this is no
- ALL of the reactor cores AND the fuel pool at reactor
4 are back in, and out, of criticality because there was no place to store
more of the water they need to keep pumping over the whole mess just to
keep it from getting horribly worse - and the water is just a band-aid
as everyone knows. It's not a long-term fix. There ISN'T a
long term fix.
- While the world is looking at Ft. Calhoun, TEPCO dumped
- or is still dumping all its radioactive water into the ocean. The
radiation from the melted reactor cores is so bad that even the small drone
'helicopter' they tried to fly over the plant to 'gather air samples' was
cooked by the radiation and crashed onto the roof of reactor 2. Not
a surprise.
- So, the radiation levels will probably start going down
again - for at least awhile - because they can pump more water on the demon
cores - until they fill up the tanks once again and have to pour it right
back into the Pacific. After about a hundred years of that, the entire
world will be a very different place - and your kids won't have ears. But
you won't know of the danger you are facing because the NRC and EPA aren't
bothering with (public) readings anymore. In fact, the EPA actually
REMOVED its monitoring equipment from Boise, Idado this week. Coincidentally,
Boise registered some of the highest readings of Fuksuhima radiation in
America. You can try here: radiationnetwork.com
- Let me explain what these instruments are reading and
how it affects you. They are reading radioactive decay. Not
every particle that flies through the tube decays - we can't see the ones
that don't - we can only see the ones that do decay while we are looking
at them.
- The input grid to a typical professional-grade Geiger-Mueller
tube is about the size of a silver dollar. If 20 particles per second
are decaying in that tube, twenty more are decaying in every silver-dollar-sized
area within miles of that meter and you are breathing a hell of a lot more
than that because the meter just reads what is falling on it - you are
actually sucking in air - a LOT of it.
- If the NRC told you that minor fact, everyone would suddenly
realize that the radiation isn't all vacuumed up in the meter. It's
all over everything. The meter just gives you a wild guess as to
how soon the radiation is going to kill you. Right now, pretty slowly
- but radiation is bio-accumulative. You can play around with drinking
clay and bicarb and battery acid, but once that radionuclide gets in you,
something breaks. I'm reading 29 counts per second which is ~.05
Rads/hr. Everytime I take a breath I get another .05. Every
sip of coffee...
- It is a very imprecise science at best. You are well
advised to remember the government's dirty little secret. If they
can't help you, they will deny there is a problem.