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Talk's Fine But Rothschild Can Cut The Food Supply
By Dick Eastman

The fact that Ruppert Murdoch is being questioned by Parliament instead of being arraigned for these crimes shows he has already won. If the politicians had any intention of allowing Murdoch to be nailed for his tapping phones and computers they would have let the statute law find application.

The fact that they are just bringing Murdoch in for a secret chat shows that they realise he has the power to blackmail all of them -- and that all they can do is come to terms and together find the best way to quiet the public on the issue. 

Nothing is going to happen to Murdoch. His crimes are too big to fail.

We are about to see the false self-image Britain collide the reality of Rothschild criminal domination. Have no illusions about which of the two will crumble to dust.

Talk is fine, but Rothschild can cut of the food supply.

--Dick Eastman

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