- The last time I beat another human being to within an
inch of his life I learned 'something.' This happened so long ago that
just being in a street fight did not yet mean that you'd be killed or worse.
The 'being' I had just crippled was lying in a pool of his own blood
and waste, on busted pieces of asphalt in a nameless alley on a moonless
night. His twisted body lay just inches from his smashed weapon and from
his ruined mouth these words fell out.
- "It weren't noth'in It were jist words. . . why'd
ya have to go and get so hot about it?" Then he blacked out.
- Yes 'something BIG is still coming' and now all these
years later apparently among the powers that be today; words still have
no real meaning in themselves and are only there (at the core of government)
to be used and abused for power and the omnipotence of their inherent "right"
to rule. However there are still those of us that believe in ourselves;
(And not this criminal government) so this contest is really just beginning!
- The U.S. Constitution and the US Bill
of Rights are also 'jist words'
- It don't mean noth'in do it?"
- So from those dark and youthful nights of misdirection,
to this dreary day of waiting for the axe to fall, things have only gotten
worse: Especially among that crowd that has never had to prove anything
to anyone, throughout the whole long farce of what they still refer to
as their lives. If there is ever to be any difference between having the
words and the promises in our national documents broken repeatedly: And
the way of daily-life that any people choose for themselves-then those
words in our now shattered documents must have meaning and consequences-or
we all shall find ourselves broken by these criminals; and left to die
in the burned-out alleys of our lives, because we shall have failed ourselves,
and in the process we will have failed the wider-world as well.
- If this Congress dares to "seat" the SUPER-CONGRESS
on September 6th, the day after Labor Day, then this Act of Treason should
be met by US Marshals and Congress itself should be held in contempt
for violating the terms set out in the US Constitution that governs how
these creatures must treat all legislation in the United States.
- Listen up America! If you think this place was
built on capitalistic enterprise, then you have another think coming. USI
is not a capitalistic state at all, it is a communist enclave where corporations
thrive by sucking at the public tit for CORPORATE WELFARE that makes public
welfare appear to be just a handful of bread crumbs compared to the literal
mountains of cash which the corporations rake in each and every day and
all of it comes from you and me. These private-corporations have been draining
this nations' wealth for private-profits leaving 'the state' impoverished
and destitute while the corporations saddle the nation with all of
their own failures, and keeping every cent of the PROFITS whenever
they succeed, as they rarely do. Moreover these maniacal privateers ought
to be forced to de-privatize all public-services and return them to public-control
immediately; while forcing the corporations to forfeit their illicit-profits
in public-transportation, in energy of all types, and in all public services
that have been privatized. Control of everything from our public libraries
to our prison-systems to control of every cent of our money,
must go back to public-control! The money saved by that one act could easily
fix the DEBT-CEILING problem all by itself.
- If you are unfamiliar with LBJ's WAR on POVERTY, then
you should get familiar with it; because that laid out this insider-track
for the Corporations while it created destitution for the poor that it
was supposed to "help" and that was 47 years ago. The same thing
was true for Nixon's WAR on DRUGS. That was and still is nothing but a
protection racket to eliminate competition for the illegal-drugs the US government
sells and distributes. That was expanded by ATF which began to go after
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms as well as drugs since the same people were
involved in all of these "illicit-operations" on both sides of
all the laws. LBJ's other favorite nightmare which he tried to impose upon
America was called "The Model Cities Program" If you want to
see how that worked out, just take a look at today's Detroit where
the model cities program is still coming together to end life and liberty
amid the ruins of what was once one of this countries most prosperous cities.
- America and Amerrikans are the biggest suckers on
the face of the planet. This public is so docile they will simply stand
by in silence while their families and their so-called businesses are repeatedly
raped and plundered to give the corporations whatever they demand just
to keep on looting us, and those we love, of everything that matters!
- The First Rule of Capitalism: Create a market and sell
your products to that market. To do this you must first establish a need,
and then a constituency that can afford to pay for what you're selling.
In Amerika you have decided to slash what you pay the employees that also
used to be able to afford what you want to sell. This holds true for everything
from Insurance of all types to products of all kinds that range from cars
and homes to appliances and services. If the people that work for you cannot
afford to buy your products then your so-called enterprise is destined
to fail; sooner rather than later.
- When the nation is BROKE as well as broken, there can
be no business to profit from? DUH! Some have wondered why this concept
is so difficult to grasp? Could it be that because these assholes own these
interbreeding Corporate Boards (who control the corporations) have
never themselves ever worked even one day in their miserable and protected
lives that they simply have no clue about what the rest us need to
survive? On one level that is true, but in their world they simply do not
care whether anyone besides themselves "survives." The problem
with this for the slightly longer term-is that if their workers cannot
survive then they will fail as well. (2)
- All this excessive greed and fascism worked well back
when there was a wider world out there to take up the slack. There were
other countries that had not yet lost their minds as well, so there were
places to run away to and other places where the goods could still be found.
But thanks' to Hillary's imitation husband and all of his global contracts
that he forced down the throats of all Americans beginning with GATT and
going on until the world is now covered by these criminally designed contracts
that have outlawed any protections for any people that want to control
their own lives!
- If you are part of the government and you continue to
hate the people that pay your salaries and your illegally-created bills;
then you should be looking to buy Gallows-Insurance because it is
only a matter of time until you will be lynched for your crimes against
those people that you have been screwing for decades: And that's if you
are not charged in the International Criminal Courts for Crimes Against
Humanity or your multiple TREASONS against your own country, and the world!
- Here's what it takes to create a prosperous capitalistic
state. First insure that the public can live with what you are paying those
that work for you: You have failed that task Big-Time!
- Second: Insure that the people you employ do not want
to assassinate you at the earliest opportunity. Again you failed the litmus
test in every way and then some.
- Third: Insure that what you do actually helps the society
and/or the people that you say you want to sell to. Colossal failures here
all round given that every single project that is undertaken in this
country is designed to end life here as we know it: And that nothing
corporate could ever be conceived as being beneficial to anyone except
those that own stock in your shitty little enterprises. Incidentally the
public is about to begin making lists of those that have stock in
these massively criminal-corporations (Anonymous please note) we
need names and addresses of these criminals that are trying to coexist
with the corporations for massive and unearned profits, at the expense
of the rest of the planet and especially in this country that is caught
up in its own premature demise-due to criminal-activity, insider-trading
and basic piracy at all levels of "the markets." Once the public
has those names and addresses of those people, they too will become targets
and it won't be pretty.
- You bastards that call yourselves "CAPAITALISTS"
are at the end of the day nothing but failed-pirates in that you skim all
the real profits for yourselves; and leave the public to pick up your losses
while that same public tries to stay alive with the money they aren't allowed
to make under your massive CORPORATE WELFARE that attempts to hide every
one of the massive fallacies that exist everywhere throughout your entire
family of criminal enterprises. You people are nothing but parasites feeding
off the integrity and the sweat blood and tears of those that you screw
daily, while those who you employ remain trapped in your endless circles
of death and taxes, compounded by enough restrictions and personal punishments
to fill the Titanic ten times over.
- Once the public begins to realize that their so-called
jobs are just waiting to be either sent offshore or eliminated because
of the total lack-of-any-real-business; then people might just open their
eyes long enough to realize that they can and should risk losing their
non-jobs in order to get rid of you and yours forever!
- If you actually think for one moment that you can continue
this charade for much longer, then you are even dumber than your spokespeople
look or sound. The public will come for you and they will not be forgiving;
if anything they will be far angrier with you than they were before you
were outed; because of the huge number of years that this fraud has gone
unchallenged while it remained in place. You remember: You fired people
just before they qualified for real retirement, screwing those same people
that gave you the entire bulk of their working lives with loyalty and pride
and then you fucked them royally in the end: That will come back
to get you, as it should!
- Four: Your heroes are ancient pieces of shit that will
very soon be dead; we thank the universe for that. But many of you will
still be here when the feces begin to fly through everything that has until
now remained immune from attacks by the public. You people have been totally
immune to compassion for hundreds of years: In the end all that any of
you deserve is a flaming-end to your criminal lives with no trace of you
being left for the world to either morn or desecrate. In fact if there
is any justice in the actual new world, AFTER THE REVOLUTION, your lives
will be erased entirely along with everything you once amassed for your
own personal use. You and your corporate people are the scum of this earth
and need to be gone forever from this place, along with all your co-conspirators!
- How dare you continue to threaten the planet with your
bloodlusts and your petty greed and your shallow-ambitions; you creatures
are the very lowest of life-forms on this planet and your numbers need
to be decimated ASAP. You're not anything at all because you believe
in nothing, and you spend your every waking hour on devising new ways to
kill the planet. You are just common criminals that aspired to an unattainable
power that goes far beyond your abilities to create anything that will
actually allow you to obtain everything that you insist upon trying to
steal, from the other 94% of the world.
- Too bad that someone didn't kick your fat and unproductive-asses
back when it might have made a difference, in how your pathetic lives turned
out. But what's done is done; all that remains now is how much longer the
public will continue to tolerate your global sociopathologies; your unending
pathological paranoia's or the ferocity of your hatreds and fears that
are roaming the world in search of new victims every hour. To this point
you've won a few hundred battles, but the WAR is still pending and until
that's over, all bets are still off!
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Detroit Destroyed - images
- http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1195&
- bih=614&q=detroit+destroyed&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=
- 2) We Can't Make it Here Anymore video
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTW0y6kazWM