- For many years while the shuttles have been flying, NASA
has been working on an advanced engine for a new space plane which will
have sufficient velocity to achieve orbit. A number of difficulties were
encountered during development of the new engine technology and the exact
status of it is currently unknown. No known successful test launch into
orbit of a space plane from runway on the ground has taken place at NASA.
Yet the agency discontinued the shuttle program without a viable replacement,
instead counting on the struggling Russian space agency and a 3 person
Apollo-style capsule for ferrying astronauts to/from the space station. Does
this make sense?
- To many people, the loss of the shuttle program brings
to mind the private space program which has already achieved orbit. It
would make you wonder if it could replace the shuttle. Consider that if
the space station was now under construction, this tiny passenger-oriented
space plane could not lift the massive sections of the space station up
to the requisite 200 mile high orbit. The private space plane would need
to be incredibly huge to accomplish such a task.
- Lifting a few passengers up to very low Earth orbit (essentially
sub-orbital for all practical purposes) whose orbit soon decays is one
thing. Lifting massive, multi-ton ton space station modules and satellites
up to a real Earth orbital altitude where they will stay there by themselves
with little help for years is quite a different story. Satellites are several
stories tall and utilize a single stage engine to lift them to approximately
a 22,500 mile high orbit.
- Perhaps to find out why our manned space program is essentially
and possibly intentionally crippled we need to look at a few developments:
- 1. Advanced space vehicle technology is already in use
by government agencies which employs a form of gravity propulsion.
Thousands of eyewitnesses have seen these huge vehicles, often appearing
as flying triangles and possibly other shapes. Many triangles fly so slowly
and close to the ground they block out most of the sky. Sometimes these
are low enough that seams and features on the hull's surface have been
sighted. This technology clearly makes the space shuttle program useless,
as it has been for more than 20 years since these vehicles first went airborne.
Further, this technology can do everything the shuttle does and much more
but with much less fanfare, no pollution and almost no noise.
- 2. One description of the early black triangle propulsion
system almost thirty years ago was described as a ring 60 feet in
diameter filled with high pressure, rotating mercury vapor to reduce the
weight of the vehicle by 89%. A thruster in each corner of the vehicle
would counter the remaining weight. Since that time we can be
certain many more advances have been made.
- I spent many hours plowing through NASA's image servers
and was able to find a photo of a toroid ring. This object looks far
too large to be a tire tube for a truck:
- Hairstyle of the women in this image suggests
this photo was taken about 50 years ago. (Note hairstyle of female at 1:00
position.) These people appear to be inspecting the ring for any defects
as no tools are visible here. If the height of the man standing near the
left side is about 5ft tall, this toroid appears to be about 7 feet thick.
- 2. Were we told in the past to stay out of space by ET
or their agents? There was a long-forgotten NASA press conference held
near the end of March 1998. In this conference it was stated there would
be no more manned space missions and no reason was given. Then the very
next day another press conference was held where it was stated that manned
missions will continue. Again, no answer or reason was given for the second statement.
- 3. On June 11, 2011 NASA sent out a short video message
to its employees about being prepared. Did they know about hurricane Irene
TWO MONTHS before it would occur? The spokesman in the video (which was
posted on the NASA website) flatly stated NASA is also responsible
for "people on other worlds." What other worlds? What more do
they know but refuse to make public? Apparently quite a lot. For them to
know about Irene ahead of time is fascinating in itself.
- 4. The History Channel has devoted hundreds of hours
to shows which they produced themselves that talk about UFOs, abductions
and evidence that aliens have interacted with humans throughout history.
When this same network first aired shows about aliens and UFOs years ago,
they were almost always filled with cynicism, ridicule and negative comments
about these very topics. Abducted people were often treated terribly on
their older shows. These shows were also narrated by the same unmistakable
voice which narrated the PBS Nova series for decades. Now these shows are
no longer aired and have been replaced with pro-alien shows.
- 5. Werner VonBraun, the late former Nazi scientist and
his team are the real founders of the US space program which pre-dates
NASA. VonBraun was asked many years ago how could he possibly develop such
advanced technology back in the early 1900s. He pointed upward, quietly
saying "We had help." According to his secretary Bonnie Holmes, back
in the seventies VonBraun stated that long range plans in place for
America include wars, terrorism and will lastly be followed
by the announcement of an alien threat. His secretary has already gone
public with this information herself.
- 6. While perhaps not related, more and more alien-threat
type movies are hitting theaters. The last time we saw this type of activity
was back 60 years ago, such as the first version of the film "The
Day The Earth Stood Still" which boldly portrayed a single alien and
his robot telling all of mankind what they must do. Today's films are far
more violent, and often portray humans as unable to fight back and hanging
onto life by a thread.. Films like "Battle of LA" and "Skyline."
There is at least one post-alien attack television series about this scenario,
- 7. Flyovers of massive black triangles, such as the one
which flew over the Hudson river valley years ago have been seen by thousands
of people. These sightings and encounters very well may be staged events
(if humans fly all of them.) These sightings could also be used as evidence
to "prove" aliens are already here.
- Connecting all these dots leads us to at least one
possible conclusion We are on the verge of hearing an announcement
from the government that advanced space technology already exists. That
should really hammer the already skittish and rumor-driven stock markets
into the ground and the world economy along with it. We'll also certainly
be told as well that the shuttle program is no longer necessary. Perhaps
the idea of an outside alien threat (as stated by president Ronald Reagan)
will also be used to start up the fear-factor in the population all over
again, just as 9/11 did ten years ago.
- Announcement of "new" superior spacecraft technology
developed or used by the government (which thousands of people have already
seen outdoors) will first require the cooperation of the secret space program
which operates vehicles propelled by advanced gravity drive technology.
Some children don't like to share toys in their sandbox. But an announcement
of an "outside alien threat" could be the catalyst to make that
happen. When you have worked with the government you soon understand it
has taken on a life of it's own and is far bigger than any one man, or
group of men. But suppose the agency which operates these vehicles decides
not to cooperate in the disclosure process? One possible alternative is
to claim these human-built vehicles are of alien origin. After all, who
outside of government can prove they are not?
- It has been said that time reveals all things, and indeed
it will.
- Ted Twietmeyer
- tedtw@frontiernet.net