- There seems to be a huge confabulation surrounding what,s
at stake with the demonstrators on and around Wall Street. Apparently these
people cannot decide on what the FCK they want from the rest of us.
- For me this one is easy.
- Restore the Constitution and ENFORCE every provision
- This ought to be simple enough
- For everyone whether they are observers or participants!
- We had a Constitution that over the decades became just
another dust-encrusted artifact for those that illegally took over power
in this place. The deaf, dumb and blind public let them do this: And now
they are upset because they no longer have ANY RIGHTS to fall back on.
- I simply cannot believe that these so-called demonstrators
are having any real difficulty defining what is they "WANT. If they
actually knew anything about the roots of this nation or the constitution;
there would be a universal cry for the RESTORATION of the U.S. CONSTITUTION.
But since most know absolutely nothing about what that document was created
to give to all Americans: They cannot decide what it is that they supposedly
want from their public display of dissatisfaction with everything today.
- The Constitution was created to protect the public, to
guide national polices and to curtail foreign involvement in our own national
affairs. All of that was trashed when the New Robber-Barons began to take
back, what we took from them, when we chained them up after the Stock Market
Crash of 1929. What we,re seeing now with all of those International Agreements
on tariffs and trade is PAYBACK for what we did to the bastards after the
CRASH of 1929.
- The US Constitution began by protecting free speech,
and the press from the government. It also protected freedom of religion
from both the government and competing views of any other religions: Reagan
crushed the wall between religion and the state and ended freedom of religion
along with assassinating the separation between the Free State and the
dictates of extreme religious viewpoints. All of this has been ended now
and there is no longer any "free speech anywhere in this police state.
Reagan,s body should be dug up and burned in public for the traitor that
he was to this country and to the US Constitution.
- The Second Amendment guarantees the public the right
to own and bear arms"because of what happened to them under English
rule: Now the Extreme Left is trying to eliminate guns because "they
kill people when the truth is that guns don,t kill anything by themselves:
people do the killing. And the EXTREME LEFT wants to DISARM THIS NATION
TO MAKE IT EASIER TO KILL US ALL IN OUR BEDS, or whenever we need to repel
the THOUGHT POLICE from our houses or our property in the middle of the
- Everything to do with the Fourth Amendment has also been
trashed and forever destroyed as it regards the right of people to be secure
from unlawful searches and seizures. TSA does a tap dance upon the Fourth
Amendment every time you go through the criminally-illegal-airport screening
systems and the brain-dead public just submissively complies with these
continuing crimes supposedly for reasons of a National Security that never
- Has no one understood the enormity of the treasons that
were committed on 911? Well apparently Ron Paul agrees with the Government
that actually committed that act, and he,s running for "prez yet
his supporters actually seem to believe this treasonous bastard (Ron Paul)
is going to represent them? He agrees with the existing government cover-story:
So how willing will Paul be to charge Cheney-Bush Rumsfeld, Rice, Ashcroft
& Chertoff, along with all the rest of the bastards that created and
carried out 911? Not very if at all!
- Those are just some of the Amendments in the US Bill
of Rights that also includes the Fifth Amendment that protects Americans
from having to incriminate themselves, in court or anywhere else where
the illegal thought police now rule this country. The right to REFUSE to
ANSWER has been countered by official police blackmail, extortion and intimidation
under cover of the badge; to extort that to which they are not legally
entitled. The whole "Just-us System has been reduced to a monetarily
based system of extortion, punishment and torture: Because the Constitution
has been murdered! The profits go to CCA (Corrections Corporation of America)
and through kickbacks to whichever criminals inhabit the Tarnished House.
Judges, Prosecutors, lawyers and attorneys are all involved in this totally
criminal scam that passes for law-enforcement in the old USA.
- Consequently it is not hard to see how this nation has
been completely corrupted: Nor is it hard to see what needs to be done
to get it back! The fact that so many people are still muttering around
near Wall Street without actually calling openly for the RESTORATION OF
THE U.S. CONSTITUTION tells me all I need to know about the veracity or
the credibility of their supposed CAUSE!
- "WE are all "Americans! Yet most of us, when
asked, always begin by giving some political affiliation, as if that was
some kind of identification of who they personally actually are. THAT ladies
and gentlemen is pure and unadulterated BULLSHIT!
- "We are all supposed to be "Americans FIRST
everything else is just an addendum that actually means very little because
what a political party "STANDS FOR can be changed as often as one
changes socks: And the public will never be aware of those official changes
until it is too late to do anything about it! So if you want to be understood:
Drop the artificial labels and speak from your heart and mind simultaneously,
just for a change of pace! "BE an American and then take a look at
who is actually trying to serve this country, as opposed to those that
are trying to serve themselves at our expense!
- So, when it comes to the Wall Street Demonstrations,
why not just try to look at them through "AMERICAN EYES and leave
all the rest of this garbage for the pundits to debate.
- When I do construction projects, the very last thing
we always do is make a run to the Public DUMP. What we need to begin with
here, as a nation, is that we NEED to make a public run to the DUMP because
that hasn,t been done with Politicians, with Politics in general or with
the programs and polices of this country for over fifty years: Which is
why there is so much confusion: Everything that's WRONG with this nation
today was basically not-allowed under the Constitution; which of course
is why those bastards behind this government went to such lengths to murder
the Constitution before they set about murdering each and every one of
in this nation today:
- We need to DUMP the CRIMINALS
- If we ever want to take back our former Republic
- kirwanstudios@sbcgloblal.net
- PS
- The Murder of the U.S. Constitution is what every political
party today has in common. Rather than destroying the Constitution we ought
to destroy all those political parties that have colluded in the assassination
of the Constitution, and all of its extremely important protections. The
constitution does NOT allow for there to be a private, for-profit bank
that actually owns the money, or the money-supply of the United States,
nor does it allow for anyone other than the United States to print our
money. That alone would free us from paying interest on the printing of
our own money.
- In addition, every thing from the illegal Invasions of
other countries to the totally illegal "License to Kill" could
never have been created or carried out. Everything to do with Illegal immigration
would also have been totally impossible according to the U. S. Constitution
- not to mention Ronnie's Death Squads in Central and South America or
the providing of training for them by the School of the Americas - all
of it would have been completely illegal under the U.S. Constitution.
- The US Constitution died with the murder of JFK, and
with LBJ's TREASON surrounding the events concerning the USS Liberty and
that particular TREASON: We lost all sense of what it means to "BE"
an American. Had the Constitution been a living document at that time.
LBJ would have been constitutionally tried and hung for the TRAITOR to
this nation that he proved he was during Israel's 1967 War: And that would
have ENDED our TREASONOUS relationship with that shitty little country
- We NEED to take back the original U.S. Constitution and
charge all those that have been instrumental in its murder going back to