- Note - The following email was received by a colleague
of Susan Lindauer and we thank Susan for sending it immediately to us.
This document is extremely important to read as it shows the hideous barbarity
of the so-called 'civilized' Zionist-controlled United States and its City
of London EU Western gangster allies. The bombing of the Libyan water project
(the 'Great Manmade River'), the bombing of schools, hospitals and population
centers, the blockading of the port at Tripoli to cut off all food and
medical supplies, are all designed to starve and kill masses of humanity.
- The people of Libya are incredibly intelligent and strong
and are committed to withstanding this effort to steal their nation from
them. We wish them all possible success. If Libya is allowed to be slaughtered
and reduced to Third World rubble like the Zionist-owned United States
did to the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Western world - and 'civilization'
as we knew it - are essentially gone. Remember Dresden... - ed
- Susan: Also enclosed below is a press release on today's
bombing by NATO
- Finally back on the internet, not at our hotel, had to
travel to get on. Thursday and Friday no gasoline thanks to the piracy
of NATO.
- What they gave me for Jeff Rense is a web link, they
say it has photos and a video of what he needs. It is http://libya-sons.tv/video/
(Ed note - This page is now 404, apparently as a result the outrageous
NATO bombing of the Libyan Broadcasting Authority and the murder of three
journalist colleagues there.)
- These people are now excited hiring some of the biggest
lawyers in the world to file (lawsuits) against NATO. The war crimes here
are unforgivable.
- Last night, NATO bombed the Libyan Broadcasting company
killing 3 civilians and injuring 15 others. They don't like any TV here
except NATO propaganda. I am attaching 2 more leaflets, NATO dropped these
last week. In what alternate Universe does NATO think these people will
take any advice from them?
- We were at a rally on Thursday where probably 400,000
to 500,000 people rallied behind their country and the Leader of their
- These were some of the poorest people in Tripoli, yet
they came with signs and their children dressed in green. They had written
on their hands and bodies, we will give our soul for M. Ghadafi, we will
all die before we let NATO and the great Colonial crusaders kill our beloved
leader. NATO has stepped into a huge pile of shit and I hope that they
end up with it all over their face. Ghadafi spoke at this rally over the
phone, he said to NATO, "you must negotiate with the people of Libya"
NOT ME, it is the people who decide their government and their leader.
- I suppose you know about the infighting amongst the rebels?
Now they have killed one of their big generals and this has instigated
hate amongst them, this is due to the tribal loyalties. They have actually
been fighting amongst each other for weeks, the kill each other periodically
as they are all thugs.
- In England, the British tried to give the Libyan embassy
to the rebels! Like England says who owns the Libyan embassyand then the
next day the rebels are killing each other. What a joke. The legitimate
government of Libyan has now sealed that embassy. The UK can KISS any
business here in Libya off they are finished as are the FRENCH who
periodically by orders of Sarkozy, shut the border between Tunisia and
Libya to stop food and medicine and gasoline from coming in. NATO has
blocked all the ships from coming into Tripoli so they want to starve these
people out. Libya must pay big bribes to get the border open every time.
- They are losing and they don't like it, they had better
wake up, the US taxpayer will not fund this huge atrocity against humanity.
The truth is coming out.
- The Eighth Wonder Of The World
The Great Libyan Manmade River Project
- The 'United States' can't even build high speed trains
let alone anything close to the scale of the vision of Muammar Gaddafi.
This astonishing engineering feat provides pristine water to 70% of the
people of Libya is now being systematically destroyed by US-NATO Depleted
Uranium bombs.
- And the desert blooms....