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The Latest 'Lone Nut'
By Michael Hoffman
Anders Behring Breivik in masonic regalia including lodge apron
"On the Facebook page attributed to him, Mr Breivik describes himself as a Christian and a conservative. It listed his interests as hunting, body building and freemasonry. His profile also listed him as single. The page has since been taken down."
The Telegraph (England), July 23, 2011
"His favorite TV show was named as Dexter - a series about a Miami police forensics expert who moonlights as a serial killer...There was anger among some of the 150,000 Muslims living in Norway when a newspaper reproduced the controversial Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in January last year. Last night 'Helpers of the Global Jihad' posted a message on the internet claiming the bombing was 'only the beginning' of the retaliation over the cartoons."
Daily Mail (England) July 23, 2011
Mr. C.A. on Norway Terror:
Is the attack a slap on the wrist for Norwegian meddling in the globalist agenda? Norway is not a member of the European Union and its recent actions will have undoubtedly angered many of the power players amongst the global elite within that inner circle. Specifically, Norway's support for full Palestinian statehood, set to be voted on at the UN in September, Norway's decision to reverse its support for the bombardment of Libya and withdraw completely from the NATO operation on August 1, and Norway's move to freeze a $42 million dollar payment to Greece, an obvious hindrance to recent efforts to prop up the country's dire debt crisis, are all massive issues that could have caused a fall out between Norway and the Anglo-American establishment.
Reports that the culprit of the mass shooting at a Labor youth camp outside Oslo, who early indications show killed at least 84 people, was a blonde-haired Norwegian man, fit perfectly into the recent propaganda campaign to hype the "white Al-Qaeda" as the most deadly terror threat. Self-proclaimed security experts quoted by Reuters are already predicting the blame will "fall on both Islamists and right-wing extremists," in some form of alliance that led to a "hybrid assault," which in and of itself is a ludicrous notion but does serve to link anti-government sentiment amongst the host population with Muslim terrorism, which has been the goal all along.
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