- When the society of any nation begins
to try and live the lies that are keeping it in chains; the end result
is an upside down world that can longer see-itself for what it has become.
In this case we are nothing but a police-state without even the shreds
of our former Constitutional shell to support any of the crimes which this
government continues to commit against its own people.
- Believe it or not there was a time when some people became
'cops' because they wanted to make-a-difference in other people's lives
for the better. Many wanted to help people and not just murder nameless
strangers; because they can. There was also a time when, because of the
court of public-opinion, the uber-rich and the corporations were restrained
from committing crimes because they feared the public's anger. That time
too has now become just another complacent-component of the dust of history:
And because of the public's stubborn refusal to challenge any of the criminally-based
decisions being taken at all levels of both government and private-enterprise-everything
that once was-no longer exists.
- There is a television series called "DAMAGES,"
which in Season Three of that series, uses a not-so-veiled version of the
almost distant Bernie Madoff heist in which millions of people lost everything
to the corrupted greed of just one man? This is of course just a made-for-television
story, but in it the script refers to the fact that 'no person can be detained
without probable cause.' The character being referred to is part of the
ownership class, but the inference is that no American can be held without
just cause. (This was the case until we made the transition to the current
police-state). Now anyone can be stopped without cause, their vehicles,
and their belongings searched while they are detained without charge; pending
secret proceedings against them-and no constitutional 'rights' are ever
acceptable to these thugs because they do not serve the constitution or
the Republic they are the uniformed arm of the New World Order Police-state
whose mission is to end the United States of America as we once knew it.
In this capacity these thugs can beat, Taser or torture people at will
and many have died during these frequent assaults. Those that have conducted
these illegal detainments, tortures and infrequent murders, are sometimes
temporarily removed from duty or sometimes fined, but are almost never
prosecuted-because too often the public will NOT object and more to the
point the public will not openly rebel against this totally illegal and
completely fascist behavior.
- In the case of Kenneth Harding Jr., to cite just one
example, the story of the death of this man has changed so often now that
there is no longer any shred of evidence which the public can believe from
the point of view of the SF police department; because they continue to
lie while they continue to try and deceive the public about what really
happened to this man who was supposedly chased because he had failed to
buy a ticket to ride a bus.
- Had the officers been immediately subjected to the full-panorama
of drug and alcohol tests, along with testing for steroid usage; immediately
after the shooting, the public might have behaved differently. Had the
officers been stripped searched and had all their weapons confiscated they
might have found the mysterious missing gun that supposedly was used to
kill Kenneth Harding. (1)
- Instead the police and the media continue to cite the
type of gun used by police, and the fact that the bullets that struck Harding
were not from "police issued weapons" completely overlooking
the fact that officers working in the projects always carry at least one
other throw-away weapon. Regulations prohibit these "other weapons"
but the fact is that they exist and are frequently used to give an alibi
to officers when it turns out that the person they thought was armed, had
no gun-so the cops that do the shootings, just place the unmarked weapon
in the hand or near the dead body to prove that he or she had a weapon,
at the time of the illegal death which by any other name is an outright
- This is the problem on the streets in a nutshell. In
the Justice System the problem is the same with a few key differences.
The courts were supposed to be used to address inconsistencies and omissions
in the law; whenever fairness or actual practices become outrageously imbalanced;
in order to make committing these crimes so costly that behaviors must
change. But what has happened is that settlements have been capped so that
the costs of committing crimes is not reflected in the corporate bottom
line-hence the illegal practices not only continue but increase in frequency.
- Corporate-Crime is by far the leading cause of death
and injury in the USA and the world today; and yet there is no capital-penalty
involved wherever there is corporate crime-so those that commit these massive
crimes are never ever charged, much less punished. When an ocean is polluted
and millions of species die, along with the loss of whole professions in
the affected areas, not to mention the millions that simply lose everything
because some corporation wanted to make more illicit profits from their
already bloated profits; This is the outline of the private-corporate footprint
that is stamping out the face of humanity around the world. And so-far
there is no law against these crimes, whenever the perpetrator is a corporation.
- The courts have given corporations "personhood"
when it comes to profits and privileges; but they have no responsibilities
in matters of law when it comes to the real-damages they inflict to obtain
the profits they seek regardless of the cost to human and animal-life as
well as to the global society and the global-environment for millennia
to come. Corporate Crime must include the possibility of the Death Penalty,
or life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, as well as "desertification
of the corporation" whenever their crimes become this immense. But
those that could make these changes to the existing laws are themselves
those that benefit-the-most, from this massive global-wealth-transfer,
which this corporate-fleecing of the entire planet has enabled; not just
to continue but to reach every more damaging regions wherein there is no
one left to appeal to anywhere within the so-called "lawful society"
which has ceased to exist.
- The world today for most Americans is Upside Down. While
for Amerrikans it is just "business as usual." Something big
needs to happen here before the lights go out and we begin to join that
long list of dead-empires that litter the footnotes of history with the
obscenities inherent in their colossal failures.
- Since the days of Ronald Reagan there
have existed seventeen lawmakers inside the government that have been preaching
and insuring the continuation of the exact same policies of debt and default
that got us into this ridiculous position in the first place: Why are they
still there and still PREACHING all that crap about trickle-down economics?
(Supposedly the silver-lining in tax-cuts for the rich and mega-wealthy)?
- If these completely-illegal policies are so successful
how is it that we have managed to rack up $1.2 QUADRILLION in debt; with
only more of the same waiting just beyond every horizon? Or if our current
policy of "unending war" is so necessary then why is it that
we have not actually won any war since the end of WWII? These ever-expanding
wars have cost us over three TRILLION in just the last ten years, alone
(as computed by just the 'costs' they let us know about-not counting Israel's
blackmail or the massive black-ops budget)-There is NO MONEY to pay for
the lawful and required services that this government contracted to pay
to the citizens of this country, in exchange for the monstrous amounts
of taxes, fines, fees, and licenses that every person here is required
to pay for each and every thing that anyone might want to do in life.
- Without doubt the American herd is the most heavily taxed
bunch of animals in the world; and we get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for all that
money; and in addition we have also now lost every supposed right we thought
we had to anything from the right to "own" private property,
to any choice by way of having a job, or seeking a pleasure to enhance
the slavery that we are forced to live in every day, in every way! For
every action than any person might wish to engage in now there is a commission
or a government agency that controls every single aspect of every part
of that supposed choice, and all of everything has a price tag attached
to it: But there is nothing at all that anyone can do anymore, without
paying some form of taxation to this fascist government at each and every
turn in the road. And STILL it appears that far too many will simply NOT
COMPLAIN, regardless of how abusive the actions of this government have
become, no matter how illegal, or how barbaric-WHY?
- College is a fraud because there are no jobs to be obtained
at the end of that extortion which is marketed to the public as an education
when in fact it is only a diploma-mill that teaches nothing but outright
obedience to government dictates: and the costs of this fraud to each and
every student now are stratospherically high and rising.
- Medicine and Drugs along with the FDA, the EPA and all
the other 'agencies' as well as every branch of the feral government-because
all of them are enforcing the exact opposite of what they're supposed "mission-statements"
say that they were created to protect us from. Insurance is nothing but
an extortion racket, just like WAR, which is also just a global-profit-driven-racket.
Yet no-one questions all these completely unnecessary ventures because
they have become mainstream touchstones for a society that is terrified
of their very own shadows! (2a, 2b)
- So while the public herd continues to graze among their
private-sanctuaries to greed and self-indulgence the fascist checkpoints
continue to proliferate; but this is not something that can continue to
exist, as this world will very soon begin to physically destroy the boxes
of our self-created compartmentalization's, that have become the invisible
walls, that have kept us from seeing what we have become. This is the beginning
of the end of this time without a rudder, of this place without any responsibilities,
because this farce cannot continue to rule over the entire human race-no
matter how much the criminal-elements of the N.W.O. might like to believe
that they can do this.
- As a people we are about to find ourselves in a global-desert
or our own making, with bullet-holes in the canteens that might have kept
us alive for just a bit longer. This is part of the price that we will
pay because we have failed to even consider the consequences of every action
we have so callously approved of with our continued silences. This is part
of what Insanity looks like!
- The billions of people that we have arrested, tortured,
maimed and murdered around this earth will have their day because of what
we've done to so many for so long-and none of that was ever justified!
There is no one that can say they speak for the dead-but if there were,
this country and all of that very tiny group that is pulling the global-strings
on all of this would be dead in an instant by virtue of the damage we have
extorted from the planet just to keep their pockets filled to overflowing.
. .
- How long can you survive while trying to live with being
upside down?
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Localizing the License to Kill
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2011/art156.htm
- 2a) War is a Racket
- http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm
- 2b) The US War Department
- http://kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2011/art133.htm