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Inside Job - The Movie
From America's Journey
Ed Note - The sucking sewer scum maggot Zionist Republicans who bled the country dry from the George W. Bush Administration are trying to do it again. To destroy the homes, employment, financial security and stability of the United States, to support Zionist wars in the Middle East and destroy the support systems of the United States. They drove our jobs to China and then by staging the false flag of the "911 terror" and "WMD" destroyed our economy and the lives of our service men who thought the were fighting for "freedom" instead of oil and opium markets for the bankers. 
Vote in 2012 for the Zionist Republicans and destroy MEDICARE, deprive the children of advanced educations, and drain the financial resources of the country to support the parasitic maggots moving the assets to the Israel and the Middle East wars. We need them, let's all sacrifice our old people and children the beauty of Zionist objectives in 2012.  Shalom.  Arden Gifford, MD] 
From Glutimas Maximus 
This is very well done, and well worth the time. And it is pretty humorous if you are as cynical as I am. This is what happens when criminals gain control of huge financial power. It should be captioned "the parade of the psycopaths."  - tom
Inside Job (2010) Full movie
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