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Where's Hoffman?
Michael Hoffman
If you asked that question and thought I was vacationing, guess again.
Like many operations, our Truth Mission is suffering straitened circumstances.
'So what else is new?' you ask. 'The financial crisis is hitting everyone.'
Our own predicament is exacerbated by a boycott against us by people claiming to be fighting the same fight we are fighting.
Texe Marrs, Paul Fromm, Pastor Herman Otten of Christian News, Jeff Rense and Willis Carto are the admirable exceptions. Otten, Rense and Carto afford us publicity. Fromm and Marrs were the only significant sellers of my book Judaism Discovered outside of Amazon.com With odds like that, it is difficult to remain in business.
The Hoffman Wire will continue but it will not appear as often. One very important case I wanted to report here was the murder last week of a major Kabbalistic rabbi by a Hasidic rabbi, in the Israeli state. This sensational murder is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what this case represents. Taking hours to write that
blockbuster investigative story here, however, is just not remunerative. Therefore it will appear as a section in the new, revised, updated edition of Judaism Discovered which I'm compiling now.
I am not on a pension. I am not retired or disabled. Writing online is not a hobby of mine. I am a professional historian who, in eight books, has pioneered historical discoveries such as white chattel slavery (not 'indentured servitude') in early America. I am also an investigative journalist, formally with the Associated Press and the American Contemporary Radio Division of ABC News.
After the second edition of Judaism Discovered is completed, I hope to write a book that will serve as an exposé of the root of the evil of shylock indebtedness that afflicts our nation -- Usury: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not. When that is concluded I hope to return to my research on the Cryptocracy with a sequel to Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, which will be titled Twilight Language. I also seek to initiate a "University of the Airwaves," wherein my chalkboard lectures on these diverse subjects are videotaped and distributed for advanced students. Furthermore, our dream of The Hoffman Center for the Study of Anti-Goyimism awaits an affluent visionary.
You've heard it before: all of this takes money. It used to be that I could write books and write columns for The Hoffman Wire and the On the Contrary Blog, and manage our revisionisthistory.org website. In the past, donations for the latter three online missions were sufficiently robust to fund them. That is not the case at present.
We do have an investor for the forthcoming new edition of Judaism Discovered. Therefore, Judaism Discovered is where I am putting my time and energy. We also have several hundred paid subscribers to our hardcopy history newsletter, Revisionist History. Subscribers are due an issue this month.
I promise to try to do my best to burn the midnight oil and occasionally produce something for free for my Internet audience, as a public service of our educational outreach. Hard times have, nonetheless, dictated a tougher approach toward the management of my time. I wish it were otherwise. My chief interest is in educating as many thousands of people as I can. The Internet is a terrific tool toward that end. Just like many of you, however, in the days and weeks ahead I will be mostly "punching the clock" -- trying to get these important books written and published, and that's only the beginning. After the books are in print we have to find a way to buck the boycott and the attacks which emanate mostly from within 'our own ranks,' and garner publicity for these books; that in itself is a full-time job.
Meanwhile, thank you for your interest in my work. If you have a moment, consider browsing our online store, where you will find my books, newsletters, CDs, DVDs and PDF files offered for sale: http://revisionisthistorystore.blogspot.com/
Michael Hoffman
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