- Back in 1865, Mark Twain said, "First God created
idiots. That was practice for his next handiwork. Then He created politicians."
- As our country watches the countdown to our debt calamity,
I sit in my office daily listening to the talking heads, the interviews
with financial know- it-alls and the rhetoric from politicians. Not only
is it mind-numbingly frustrating, but it's downright stupid beyond understanding.
- Instead of addressing the enormous $14.5 trillion debt
a year ago or six months ago-they let it slide until we face horrible consequences
on multiple levels. They run this country like a drunken sailor captain
that suddenly finds himself facing a storm the size of Hurricane Katrina.
He's so unprepared and so drunk that he doesn't understand his circumstances.
- That's my take on 535 arrogant, insipid and infantile
congressional representatives driving our ship of state. At the head of
this conglomeration of nitwits stands Barack Obama who is so far in over
his head that he can't even find someone to steer the ship toward financial
safety. It's called the Peter Principle and Obama defines it-and we all
pay for it.
- I called my two Colorado U.S. Senators Mark Udall and
Michael Bennett and gave their staff members a piece of my mind. Both
of them have done nothing to lead this country forward. I'll bet your senators
maintain the same stupidity, arrogance and outright pathetic do-nothing
stance as mine.
- It's enough to make a person scream with utter futility
as those nimrods in Congress stand in front of the cameras with absolutely
nothing solid or meaningful to say. One stupid excuse after another!
- If I were president or a member of Congress, I would
take action with common sense and reasoned actions. Save money by not
spending it on stupid things like wars, foreign aid, anchor babies, stupid
government grants like "discovering how a Frisbee remains aloft,"
and thousands of ridiculous projects that our government, led by our Congress,
spends without any reason whatsoever.
- Save our money, get us out of debt and work for Americans:
- 1. Leave Iraq, Afghanistan
and Libya. Let them fight for their own stinking countries instead of us
doing it for them at $1 trillion and adding $12 billion every 30 days.
- 2. Stop all foreign aid
to all those wishy-washy countries that laugh at us as they take our free
handouts like Israel, Egypt, Pakistan and Mexico at something like $30
billion a year. Savings: trillions of dollars over X amount of years.
- 3. Stop giving National
Public Radio $490 million annually. Let them broadcast on their own merits
and use advertisers for their liberal crap.
- 4. After 50 years on the
South Korean border with 35,000 U.S. troops at a cost of trillions of dollars,
bring them home and place them on our Mexican border to stop the flood
of drugs and people. Savings into the trillions of dollars in the long
run-besides putting at least eight million of our own citizens to work
at a living wage.
- 5. Stop giving billions
of dollars to the National Endowment of the Arts for projects that would
be done by artists on their own merits.
- 6. Stop giving 43 million
lazy-ass Americans daily food stamps without giving them a job to earn
their food such as community service, job training and personal responsibility.
Savings into the trillions!
- 7. How about stopping Pell
grants, Dream Act, free breakfast and lunches for illegal alien children?
How about stop giving $436 billion annually across 15 federal agencies
for people not even legally living in our country?
- 8. How about stopping "free
trade", NAFTA, CAFTA and other trade treaties with Mexico and China
to bring back jobs and manufacturing to our citizens? How friggin' stupid
is this president and his Congress? Answer: pretty and utterly stupid.
- 9. Raise the age of Social
Security benefits to 70 so it doesn't go broke. When it first started
under FDR, about13 paid into it with one withdrawing. Today, it's about
two paying in with one withdrawing. We just can't keep up that Ponzi scheme.
- 10. Stop
injecting 1.2 million legal immigrants into this country annually when
we already suffer 14.5 million unemployed Americans. It's just common
sense for heaven sakes!
- 11. Make
those that enjoy unemployment checks for sitting around doing nothing for
12 months or more-perform community service with their particular talents.
It's ridiculous to pay somebody for doing nothing.
- 12. Drastically
reduce the insane military budget. We spend trillions of dollars on our
military while we create wars abroad. We maintain 572,000 military personnel
on bases around the world as they twiddle their thumbs in other countries-and
nothing is accomplished. While our military budget soars out of reality,
we've got 13.4 million American children living in poverty and 1.5 million
homeless and our schools, roads and infrastructure disintegrating. The
fraudulent spending in military expenditures is breathtaking. "Every
gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies
in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those
who are cold and are not clothed." Dwight D. Eisenhower
- That's just for starters. I would engage the finest
economic and industrial minds to find the corruption and theft that continues
with American taxpayer dollars until we became a lean, clean and functioning
country. I would crawl into the guts of the federal government's finances
and stop all the idiotic "earmarks" and other pet bills that
break our financial backs. I would not do what Obama and Congress are
doing: the same old crap.
- Finally, Medicaid and Medicare cannot be sustained.
As the president of the United States, I would put a full court press on
healthy nutrition, exercise, weight loss and personal responsibility via
education. I'd make Dr. Oz the new Surgeon General because that fat lady
Dr. Regina Benjamin now representing the American people is a terrible
example of healthy living: obese and out of shape. She represents the
7 out of 10 Americans overweight or obese. That's sickening because they
suffer all the way up to the doorstep of death with maladies that shouldn't
be happening if they lived within their healthy weight. But as they proceed,
they want you and me to pay for their lifetimes of irresponsibilities toward
their health.
- Man, am I totally P.O. at our president and Congress
for their idiotic, stupid, arrogant and righteous lack of leadership.
- Twain's parting comment remains true today, "No
Man's Life, Liberty or Property is SafeWhile the Legislature is in Session."