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Dumb Voters Blame Bush
Over Obama For Economy

From D.A.
Here is an article that shows how stupid American voters are.  They are still trying to blame either Bush or Obama for the bad economy.
The truth is neither Bush nor Obama had anything to do with the economy. Neither was ever in charge of anything. They are put there by the corporate oligarchs and Wall Street criminals. Obama is continuing the policies Bush continued from Clinton, which he continued from Senior Bush, all of whom take orders from the people who blew John F. Kennedy's head apart in broad daylight.
You think Bush or Obama caused this, you are ignorant of the facts and need to get informed.  -- D.A.
Voters Blame Bush More Than Obama For The Economy 
Voters are increasingly displeased with President Obama's handling of the economy, but a new poll finds most Americans still think George W. Bush is responsible for the nation's dismal financial state.
According to a new Quinnipiac poll, 54 percent of those surveyed say Bush is responsible for the "current condition" of the economy, compared to just 27 percent who blame Obama.
Among self-described independent voters, a key 2012 voting bloc, the number shifts slightly: 49 percent point the finger at the former GOP president, while 24 percent blame Obama.
For rest of article, go here
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