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China Claims No Intent To Challenge US (smile)
By Joel Skousen
Editor - World Affairs Brief  
Begin Excerpt
Everything about China's historical and confrontational conduct with the US, coupled with its massive military buildup, belies the friendly pretensions of China's Army Chief of Staff in a meeting with high ranking US officers. Carlos Hamann of AFP reports:
"China 'never intends to challenge the US' and welcomes its role maintaining peace in the Asia-Pacific region, People's Liberation Army Chief of General Staff Chen Bingde told US military officers Wednesday. While the Chinese military has improved considerably in the past years, there is still a large gap between them and US military might, Chen told officers at the National Defense University in Washington. China "never intends to challenge the US," he repeated.
"Later, responding to a question, Chen said there still exists 'a 20-year gap' between China's military and that of the western power [another lie-they are only about 8-10 years behind]. In his speech, Chen said it was important to increase 'strategic mutual trust through enhanced dialogues and communication, instead of being prone to suspicion.'"
"'The world does not need to worry about, let alone fear, China's growth,' he said [lulling them into complacency]. Chen is on the first trip to the United States by China's top-ranking officer in seven years." This speech is a classic execution of the Sun Tzu doctrine of feigning friendship and weakness while building for war. I happen to know that a fair number of ranking US officers haven't bought into this obvious ruse. Sadly, only those who do are promoted to the highest ranks--like Admiral Mullen.
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Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief (http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com)
World Affairs Brief
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