Perhaps the most underrated weapon being
used against the populations of people everywhere is silence. Not the kind
of silence that denotes indecision or forbearance: NO this is the that
brand of 'silence' that is rooted in sheer terror of what could happen
if and when people finally snap-out-it; pick up a weapon and begin to make
the streets run red with the blood of those that have been behind every
single one of these treasons that have brought us to the brink of WWIII.
- I'm not suggestng that anyone do this, I'm simply stating
the obvious that history has shown to anyone that bothers to look at actual
results, going all the way back to before formal history records were even
kept. If we want to survive we must begin to take the chances that we each
have been given; each and every day that require us to make the hard choices.
- Live a little take a chance now and then because the
rest of your life is at stake!
- The day before yesterday I sent out this article, which
carefully explains, with documentation, the entire saga behind the events
surrounding the attempt by Israel to sink the USS Liberty, during the six
day war in the Middle East. Far from "an accident or mistaken identity;
the Liberty was sent to the spot where she was attacked, by orders in a
plan called Cyanide. This PLAN was conceived TWO MONTHS BEFORE THAT WAR
BEGAN: This involved US intelligence, the US Navy and Israel in a carefully
constructed plan that was designed to sink the Liberty and blame it on
the Egyptians. (1)
- When the Liberty was attacked, the US ordered A-4 aircraft,
with nuclear weapons to attack Egypt with nuclear weapons to obliterate
Cairo. But as soon as Washington realized that the Attack on the Liberty
had not succeeded the nuclear armed planes were ordered to return to the
carrier. At the same time the Commander of the Fleet ordered aircraft (armed
only with conventional weapons) to go to the aid of the Liberty. Washington
again intervened and ordered the commander of the US Fleet to withdraw
those rescue fighter-aircraft as well and all of this is documented
by White House briefing notes, and other data from that day and time, in
the Cyanide file that was discovered in the LBJ Library, by a time tested
- The amazing thing that happened to my message of the
14th was this; from a friend of mine about this entire episode:
- "As I mentioned last week, I already know that the
CIA/FBI/NSA, and any number of letter agencies are monitoring social media
such as Facebook. Therefore, I INTENTIONALLY submit truthful and politically
incorrect websites to Facebook on a regular basis. Today, I submitted your
below USS Liberty related link, right from that website itself, as can
be done often with an imbedded social media icons links.
- What happened doesn't happen very often at all, not to
me. I clicked the "F" icon which represents Facebook, and I was
immediately asked to submit my comment, which would be shown on Facebook
with the link to the USS Liberty article. After typing a few angry sentences,
it simply disappeared. So, I went to my Facebook profile to see if it appeared
there anyway. The link to the USS Liberty article did indeed appear, but
minus my angry and accusing comment. Moments later, I clicked off of my
Profile page and onto my Facebook "Home" page, which shows all
my contacts' submissions (which I subscribe to see as they are posted).
I saw my own posts as well, which is normal, except the USS Liberty article
link was now MISSING. An earlier post showed up which I had submitted,
as well as a later post which I submitted from a totally unrelated website
concerning homeopathies (I normally have several browsers open at once).
- My comments disappeared first, then the link to the USS
Liberty also disappeared from Facebook, while the other almost simultaneous
link submissions I'd made were still there. That's political censorship
in action, as it happens, in cyberspace.
- Sure, I've thought I must have my "own" tiny
group of censors monitoring me. Now I have the proof. Which of course means
that YOU also have the same honor, because I receive your emails and write
you back, and I submit your articles to my blogspot. But I think you're
already aware also that you're being monitored." (Private email)
- This is only the latest in the long chain of treasons
that have been practiced against this country. The first one in the New
Millennium was this horrific act:
- "We left the United States Because on December 12,
2000, the United States Supreme Court nullified the results of a national
election and installed George W. Bush as president. And then I saw millions
of my fellow Americans deliriously happy the Rule of Law was broken by
the Supreme Court of the Land so "their guy" could "win."
- That's when I knew partisanship had ultimately won out
over reality. More Americans believe in angels than election fraud. If
millions of Americans could turn a blind eye to a stolen election, simply
because their side stole it, and then have that coup legitimized by not
only the Supreme Court but by all of Main Stream Media then I knew the
country I lived in was not the land of my birth.
- I can't emphasize this enough. Millions of Americans
were ecstatic that George W. Bush won regardless of how he won. Unquestioning
blind partisanship was more important than the law to these people. But
more ominous was Main Stream Media ratifying the coup. At that moment Corporate
Media proved they were committed to the destruction of our democratic republic.
- That was pretty scary to witness. We've all heard of
similar ham-fisted tactics used in banana republics south of the border
but this was happening here." (2)
- The third and clenching-condemnation of what was left
of the old USA was when the congress chose to grant Bush-the-Dictator a
License to Kill. With this action I started to write because it was now
clear that these back-from-the-dead Robber-Barons would not stop until
they owned or controlled everything that was once considered to be the
USA. (3)
- The final dropping of "the other shoe" came
with the creation of The SUPER-CONGRESS and its thirteen members (that
includes the resident of the Oval Office). This final travesty finally
removes all possibility of any representation of or for the people, by
any member of the congress: Thereby having formalized the creation of the
POLICE-STATE firmly and clearly in that part of the public that has not
chosen to remain oblivious to the continuing crimes being done to every
American, 24-7, and 365 days every year. The USA is now clearly USI, and
our freedoms and our supposed rights no longer exist!
- Today the news has begun to take on the final elimination
of the formerly fixed leaderships of all the players in the war-torn Middle-East,
including the failing and almost-encircled Israel. Turkey has formed new
alliances with Egypt and possibly Iran; while NATO's obscenities have begun
to be exposed as never before in places like Libya and Syria, with Russian
and China on the scene but still in the background.
- It begins to appear that the yet to be house-broken Israel
with all of her hatreds and fears has finally crossed the line in too many
places now, and she too will soon be sacrificed on the alter of the New
World Order. But however this plays out, it is certain that the surprise
release of the long dead secrets that were kept in the Cyanide File for
just such an occasion could not have been an accident.
- There is however one very bright spot in all of this.
These formerly dead bodies that have now been reincarnated have been using
the wrong end of the microscope in their planning to destroy the public.
- Their primary beneficiaries were always thought to be
the massively criminal corporations many of which are larger than most
of the nations in the world. But if this were true then you would think
that the corporations would want to stay not just profitable but growing?
Apparently; since the bankers and the corporations do NOT look at outcomes
but only at profit margins and numbers, instead of people, they have managed
to overlook the one thing that could very quickly kill them all: The people
they pnce employed.
- What once set this country apart from all others is that
we were actually able to buy the products and services that this country
once provided to the world. We can no longer do this. Moreover, the people
that were thought to be needed to show a profit were downsized and traded-in
for overseas workforces that cost next to nothing; because that would increase
the companies profits even more while almost eliminating the costs of production.
The companies, even though they are overseas now are still listed on the
Stock Exchange as American companies but that is lie. Still this
allows these corporations to buy and sell each other (out of view of the
American public) which is how these basically destroyed American corporations
can still show profits when everything is dying, everywhere in this country
- But in their haste and greed they seem to have forgotten
the most important thing of all, their own survival. All of the food and
the water and the electricity that is needed to keep their lives and their
obscenely grand mansions functioning is dependent not upon their profit
and loss sheets but upon the slaves that are needed to keep everything
moving. When the goods and services businesses can no longer survive; neither
will they. No one can eat or drink their phony money or the gold and silver
that they have amassed: And without real money there is no way to continue
to pay their private-security forces to protect them from us. In countries
very far from this one the ragged populations of the poor have figured
out that even unarmed, and in their rags, these starving people could and
did descend upon their overlords in such numbers that the corruptions that
had been controlling them had to run for their lives and not the other
way round. (4)
- We have the power and the strength in numbers to overrun
this government and end this nightmare once and for all. Ah but apparently
things have not yet become BAD ENOUGH, but when they do reach that point
- this will end their entire construct with such finality; that this will
truly be over because most of those in charge now will be dead, precisely
because they have overlooked this most-dangerous of all threats to their
petty tyrannies and their grievous TREASONS which they are now practicing
- This time round the collapse of this nation will not
be followed by tent-cities all over this land; it will be followed instead
by a massive resistance against all those who have stolen and murdered
their way through the entire infrastructure and the ruins (which they have
created) from what was once the actual-culture of this flawed but thriving
United States of America.
- 2) Why We Left the United States
- 3) Open Letter to Congress 2002
- 4) Belonging see the first footnote The War
on Democracy - film