- Almost every issue that remains at issue today can trace
its confusions back to the failure of most of us, to deal with our own
history. PROTESTS in America are among those problems which the general
public has completely misunderstood. The forgotten key piece in these confrontations
is that those the demonstrators are opposing are not afraid of them or
of the public-opinion which many believe they represent: But in fact they
laugh at the simplicity of the fools outside their gates that will not
ever dare to enter and begin tearing down the entire mountain of manipulations:
Under which the public has been suffering-from for centuries now.
- For instance: VIETNAM and the protests that were focused
on ENDING THE WAR in VIETNAM were generally and completely misunderstood!
- A lot of people believed that those demonstrations (nationwide)
were what caused the end of the war in Vietnam, but they did not! What
the demonstrations succeeded in doing was to cause Nixon to end the DRAFT;
which subsequently ended the demonstrations: The WAR itself ended when
we were driven out of Saigon by the North Vietnamese Army. The US was militarily
- Because of the way that the Vietnam War ended, it took
the Amerikan public over ten years to even acknowledge that this war even
existed: But the FACT that we actually LOST THE WAR IN VIETNAM, has still
not really penetrated the Amerikan psyche! It is for this reason and others,
that the continuing 'demonstrations' are having so little impact on those
topics which the pubic is still-demanding real-changes in and for the aggrieved
public. Talk is not the answer. Free Speech requires ACTION if anything
is to ever change. The crowds in New York should simply march through and
occupy the New York Stock Exchange: to literally shut it down, in order
to cause a real interruption in the "business as usual" that
continues regardless of whatever might be happening in the demonstrations
in the streets outside.
- In fact "demonstrations" have not been responsible
for any changes in government policies ever: as least as far back
as I can remember. Basically they have been a feel-good endeavor that allows
the participants to believe they are actually doing something. The truth
is: Like the over 12 million who demonstrated AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ,
worldwide: That outpouring of global public opinion; had no effect upon
the Bush Administration who launched the WAR on IRAQ, right on schedule.This
made it very clear to the criminal governments around the world that popular
opinion while it might be overwhelmingly OPPOSED to whatever any government
might be doing; are in reality nothing but a large pack of toothless barking
dogs that will always stop at the gates of criminality, with no real intent
to take down the CRIMINALS inside their bastion of control and outright
- So what has the demonstration-minded-public actually
learned? NOTHING AT ALL!
- Because we continue to seek peaceful confrontations with
the forces of Darkness, only to be surprised when those forces of evil
meet peaceable assemblies with violence brutality, tasers and mass arrests.
The public has recently looked for help from Oathkeepers and Veterans,
as well as serving military personnel for help in these confrontations:
But to date, even though a few have shown up they have chosen not
to come between the Police-State-Thugs and their targets-of-opportunity;
the general public.
- The current demonstrations have done nothing about the
need to meet the attacking thugs with intelligent tactics that could have
surrounded these criminals and ended up by using their own completely overwhelming
physical-powers against them. Therefore, until the public finally begins
to kick-some Police-State-ass: Nothing will ever change because these power-mad
sociopaths will never relinquish even one inch of their 'current powers"
to a bunch of people that are promising Not-to-Resist!
- You want Justice, you want Freedom: Then You have to
take it back from those that have physically STOLEN EVERYTHING FROM YOU!
- Because nothing else will have any effect at all! (1)
- That's the truth about "DEMONSTRATIONS" but
there are other things that can be done to TAKE BACK WHAT IS RIGHTULLY
- If the public had thought-strategically about what has
really been stolen; then they could easily begin to mount the most-effective
way to end this whole nightmare; by simply rearranging who they choose
to bank with.
- This entire takeover was engineered by taking over who
prints our money. That was accomplished in 1913: and everything since then
has been about how to shut down every other avenue that is necessary to
preventing the overthrow of their control over our money. So, the New World
Order went after the Constitutional Republic and everything that once kept
that Constitutional Republic strong and free.
- This effort has taken them 98 years, in order to get
to the end or the Republic, and to usher-in the beginning of the extension
of their fascistic-empire that has been in existence for 88 years. The
Nazi's were formed in 1923, before Hitler was even a candidate for international-terror.
(And after Hitler was defeated, they continued on inside Israel as Zionistas),
Today they are ready and just waiting to assume control, after we have
'demonstrated' our way into global-oblivion.
- But it truly is within our powers now to stop this cold!
All we need to do is to switch banks from any bank that was complicit in
the banking bubble that was kicked off in 2008, by the FED-to any bank
or credit union that did not buy into the mortgage crisis with all the
bogus Mortgages; or receive any of those massive public-thefts which were
called THE BAILOUTS, but which only went to the banks and not one dime
filtered down to mainstreet or to any of the people that actually NEEDED
- With the criminal institutions GONE; the public could
begin again to rebuild this society while prosecuting the bankrupted and
collapsed institutions that will have all failed once they could not pay
off the depositors that DEMANDED all their money back from every account
held by these criminal institutions. In just a few days EVERYTHING about
the current crisis could be finally ended, and not just temporarily interrupted:
Which has always been the case before, whenever the globalists have been
threatened from outside the SECURITY of their own little world of artificial
power and control.
- And the best part is: The solid people, along with the
sketchiest of the rest of us that still have bank accounts, could do this:
- And because what is involved is REAL, there would be
no waiting, as the end of those major banks would end the FED immediately
because they will no longer have a united criminal base with which to work.
Without their own base of illegally stolen money continuing to flow into
their coffers they will have no choice except to try and flee. And with
the failure of the Federal Reserve here, that would likely endanger the
other eleven of these major crime families who own the rest of the Rothschilds
Banking Empire.
- In summation: If Americans act to end the hammer-lock
on their own money by moving that money to another institution, not affiliated
to the massive banking scheme that has almost ended us-then quite possible
that plague of "AUSTERITY" everywhere else might also begin to
stumble before it too falls victim to the real change that Americans could
create by simply changing who holds all their banking accounts?
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Think for Yourself
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2011/art226.htm