- Earlier this year, Lindsey Williams passed along some
interesting thoughts on insider trading versus the rise in the price of
- He first looked at insider buying versus selling - people
selling the stock of the companies they work for versus buying the stock
of the company they work for.
- He reported that from Sept 13-17, 2010 that there was
a 400:1 ratio of sellers to buyers - the highest it had ever been.
- From Oct 4-8, the ratio of sellers to buyers rose to
- From Nov 15-19 the ratio rose to 8,280:1
- And from Jan 10-14: Insiders sold 163 million dollars
of their stock on Wall Street and not one insider bought one penny of stock
the first time ever.
- Williams then wondered what are they buying?
- He finds that in Dec, 2010, the U.S. Mint sold 2, 221,000
ounces of silver the highest ever on record.
- In the first 12 days of January the U.S. Mint sold 3,407,000
ounces of silver.
- For the total month of January, the U.S. Mint sold 6,400,000
ounces of silver.
- When he reported that in September, 2010 that the ratio
of insider sellers to buyers was the highest it had ever been - silver
was 19.50 an ounce and people wondered if silver would break the through
the $20 an ounce ceiling.
- Today, silver is $39+ an ounce and people are wondering
if it will break through the $40 an ounce ceiling.