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Insider Trading And Silver
By Gary Jacobucci
Earlier this year, Lindsey Williams passed along some interesting thoughts on insider trading versus the rise in the price of silver.
He first looked at insider buying versus selling - people selling the stock of the companies they work for versus buying the stock of the company they work for.
He reported that from Sept 13-17, 2010 that there was a 400:1 ratio of sellers to buyers - the highest it had ever been.
From Oct 4-8, the ratio of sellers to buyers rose to 1,600:1
From Nov 15-19 the ratio rose to 8,280:1 
And from Jan 10-14: Insiders sold 163 million dollars of their stock on Wall Street and not one insider bought one penny of stock ­ the first time ever.
Williams then wondered what are they buying?
He finds that in Dec, 2010, the U.S. Mint sold 2, 221,000 ounces of silver ­ the highest ever on record.
In the first 12 days of January the U.S. Mint sold 3,407,000 ounces of silver.
For the total month of January, the U.S. Mint sold 6,400,000 ounces of silver.
When he reported that in September, 2010 that the ratio of insider sellers to buyers was the highest it had ever been - silver was 19.50 an ounce and people wondered if silver would break the through the $20 an ounce ceiling.
Today, silver is $39+ an ounce and people are wondering if it will break through the $40 an ounce ceiling.
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