- Japan was the leading industrial and consumer goods innovator
until the 1990s when the Nikkei stock market crashed.
- I remember, reading in the Wall Street Journal or New
York Times who workers left their stock exchange offices and went out into
the streets saying "The Jews have crashed Japanese markets."
I remembered how odd it was to me that the Japanese would actually say
that -- they are not given to rash statements.
- The world would have been a different place had Rothschild
-- with Israel and China -- done that. Japan had no bubble -- or let
us say that that bubble was our real future -- a future of robots doing
our work, a futgure oriented towards goods for households a future with
lots of leisure for everyone. The Japanese, by the way, were, according
to Richard Cook, very interested in the social credit ideas of C H Douglas
when Douglas was still alive, both before and aftger WWII.
- But a fuutre of Robots and very high standards of living
for the common man do not fit the Zionist dream of Rothschild power. They
derive satisfaction not from absolute height attained but from their elevation
in wealth and power and command over everyone else. In this sense Rothschild
and Zionism are oriental despotism, whereas Japan was really, before the
great crash, the leader of the Western Civilization for the future --
although the US, Britain and France would not like to admit it.
- Once again, there was a geat rise in land prices --
but as Henry George wrote more than a hundred years ago -- rent will automatically
rise -- a boon to speculators with development. And yes, rent, like usury,
doesn't deserve the big share of income it gets -- but the collapse of
Japan was caused not by a bubble puncturing pin as the popular imagry is,
but by Rothschild market manipulation. The bubble analogy is bad, because
with it one blames the bubble and not the pin. Anyway, it was not uintil
February of 2001 that N. M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. jumped in to reap
the harvest of dead Japanese enterprises they had killed, entering the
merger-and-acquisition market in this country that hitherto they were unable
to crack into. At this time also China along with the Rothschild international
mafia -- regional bosses Bush and Rockefeller etc. -- so that the US
bought into a future of slave labor and debt slavery -- rather than the
vision of the future we were expecting and wanting and that we shared with
the great Japanese people.
- I also remarked at the time at over thirty books, perhaps
a dozen of them on the NYT best seller's list, warning about Japan taking
over the world economy. They even made movies on the subject. All, I
noted back in the 90s were authord oer co-authored by Jews.
- That's the truth. take it or leave it.
- Dick Eastman
- oldickeastman@q.com
- Yakima, Washington
- Every man is responsible to every otehr man