- Date: Thu, Mar 3, 2011,
- From: arnel mathew garcia lenragarcia@yahoo.com>
- Subject: Aviso-powered Electrical Vehicle
- To: Ranger116@webtv.net
- I do not see any proof of anything here other than
he did present it to the DOE to be tested which I give him credit for and
maybe future tests will prove some free energy / scavenged energy from
somewhere ? But at this point I and it appears they do not
see any thing very special about his set up ? I do give him
credit for taking it to them to test and I think that if his idea and his
device works it may be above the government's intelligence or equipment
to understand or test, But ??
- Now Sterling I would appreciate it if you would
give me more credit for being involved and for being able to get information
in situations like this and stay in better communications with me and remember
I am a volunteer helper here. '
- - Tom Buyea
- See below...
- Dear Sir/Madam:
- This refers to your email to Dir. Raquel Huliganga of
the Philippine
- Department of Energy, requesting information about the
Aviso powered
- Electric Vehicle.
- Mr. Aviso claims that his invention is far more
efficient than the existing electric cars in the market. Onboard the Aviso
electric vehicle is a DC motor and a capacitor box. Mr. Aviso coordinated
with the Department of Science and Technology-Technology Application and
Promotion Institute (DOST-TAPI). DOST-TAPI organized an Inventorâ¤s
Forum last February 03, 2011 to discuss Mr. Ismael Aviso's
invention. An evaluation committee was formed and composed of representatives
from Don Bosco Technical College-Mandaluyong City,UP-Diliman, DOST-PCIERD,
DOE, UP Mechanical Engineering Department and DOST-TAPI.
- On February 24, 2011, the evaluation committee proceeded at
the UP Vehicle Testing Research Laboratory (UP-VTRL). and conducted one
of the proposed tests, i.e.., Dynamometer Comparison Test between MERALCO
Load and Aviso Technology (using lead acid battery & capacitor bank)
- The prototype vehicle was subjected to a dynamometer
testing. Input power to run the vehicle on-board the chassis dynamometer
was initially sourced from an electrical outlet (MERALCO) and measurements
of power and load were determined. Then the input power from MERALCO was
disconnected and the Aviso Technology provided the input power to the
prototype vehicle. Three sets of test runs using input power from Meralco
and Aviso Technology were completed.
- Moreover, the committee has proposed for the conduct
of On-Road Test as well as a Run-Down Test whereby the Aviso powered
EV will run continuously at the dynamometer test equipment until the battery
is fully discharged. These 2 tests are not yet completed.
- Further tests may be necessary to determine the full
merits of the invention.
- As the organizer, TAPI may provide you additional
information regarding the said invention and the test already conducted.
Director George Colorado of DOST-TAPI may be reached through tel. no.:
0632-8381140 or 837-2071 local 2166
- Regards,
- Arnel Garcia
- Department of Energy