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Do illegals Have More Rights
And Privileges Than Citizens?

From Anon
I'm finding locally that illegal aliens who previously wanted to become U.S. citizens no longer want to. They have leaned that they have more rights and privileges as illegals than as citizens.
This feeds into the sense of separation, illegal pride and the idea of Reconquista ­ that parts of America are the rightful property of Mexico.
At a local café, you now find the Mexican waitresses and service help speaking only Spanish unless dealing with gringos.
Here's a recent example of dual laws in California...
LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck"The sad truth is that the people that were most impacted by this law were the people that could afford it the least ­ generally hardworking folks who are trying to make a life for themselves in the city of Los Angeles."
He defended himself against critics who said his policy promotes illegal immigration.
"I rigorously enforce the law," the chief said. "The law gives me the option whether or not I impound that vehicle for 30 days. I am exercising that option because of the adverse impact of this law."
The chief said unlicensed U.S. citizens and legal residents stopped at checkpoints will still see their cars impounded, because unlike undocumented immigrants they have the choice to get a license."
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