- While you were being DISTRACTED with the hokum of a budget
... THIS bill was passed with NO media coverage. Check to see
if hydro fracking is taking place in your STATE!
- While the media went on and on and on about arguments
having to do with a BUDGET due last year - HR 1380 was quietly slipped
in place. NO media coverage on this destruction
- affecting OVER 34 states. All under the guise of energy
blah blah - being free (please) of
- foreign oil. We're NOT talking (per days of old) vertical
drilling for gas - but a new 'super-
- improved' technique that is destroying private wells
- entire aquifers across the nation/ including great emissions of METHANE
gasses killing fish/ birds etc.
- This horizontal hydro fracking put in place under CHENEY'S
secret energy policy ---drills horizontally / fracturing the earth. In
some areas there are now swarms of earthquakes. Cheney saw to it that this
toxic drilling was EXEMPT from any and all oversight/ regulatory control.
There are approx 593 Chemical used in this drilling process/ including
- ethyl benzene - vylene- hydrocarbon methanlphosphete - etc. INDUSTRY
(imagine) refuses, even in the case of citizen in distress (ER nurse -
A.Behr - ) who nearly DIED just administering aid to a worker! Ashley ended
up in Intensive Care. Natural GAS much more toxic than coal.
- T. Boone Pickens had the audacious gall ,to state on
several TV shows, that decades of hydro fracturing shows no impact on the
environment! He neglected, and hosts, obvioulsy ignorant didn't confront
him -----is that VERTICAL vs HORIZONTAL are apples and oranges. No comparison.
Pickens under the guise of goofy wind farms - is grabbing up hundreds of
thousands of acres in several states - using eminent domain - SUCKING up
water that he doesn't own - selling it off to large cities!
- He's done this under the radar with the focus being on
wind farms which need coal plants KEPT on line due to the fact that wind
is not dependable - it needs to be at a certain velocity and MANY of these
turbines are found to be defective (made in China) seizing up etc. Pickens
has received millions in subsidies/ tax credits. Cows grazing near a drilling
site in La all dropped dead after drinking from a nearby pond - polluted
with migrating chemicals!
- Anywhere from 1 million to 3 mill gallons of water are
needed for just ONE well (Pickens says he has 3000!). God knows where the
toxic chemically laden waste water is ending up after the drilling is complete.
I have a sinking feeling - much like I had with the toxic leachate being
shipped from wells at our huge ash landfill (incinerator ash/ includes
mercury - arsenic - lead - cadmium etc). I envisioned these tankers collecting
these thousands of gallons and then letting them leak out over our highways
on a RAINY night. Paranoid?
- You bet. When you are involved (activism) with industry
- any and everything happens. ALL to save a buck to hell with the citizens
health! The HALLI BURTON LOOPHOLE has this industry completely free from
regulations! IMAGINE - true: Those citizens protesting - upset, duh, that
their wells, aquifers for towns are poisoned - their property values worth
ZERO -----had James Powers of Homeland Security (AMERICAN SECURITY - this
isn't GERMANY) characterizing them as 'TERRORISTS' not the industries destroying
a nation's water SUPPLY. What doth it profit a man to drill for gas / which
DESTROYS a nation's water? Are they dumping this waste into rivers - streams
in the dead of night? Who knows? Where is it going?
- Maybe these hucksters don't give a damn/ seeing that
they've bought up hundreds of thousands of acres in Patagonia & are
relocating homes/ businesses to India - Dubai etc (shrug - don't know?)
Then we have the truck traffic - 1,200 a day thundering over these rural
roads/ small towns - day in and day out.
- READ all of below. Maybe you aren't impacted as yet
- but with 34 states involved (Google - states with hydro fracking) you
soon will be or a family member or friend. You may live miles from a site
and still find your water ( migrating chemicals) destroyed. Right now the
hucksters are doing everything in their power to possess the land north
of New York City - New York has some of the best water in the country.
People are PROTESTING -etc but this isn't important enough to report .
Instead updates on Charlie Sheen's doper road show takes precedence or
the President rushing up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial claiming VICTORY
in keeping the monument open. HUH? When the administration saw no problem
in NOT paying those in the military - their families! Please!
- I was shocked noting the sponsors and 70 co-sponsors
of this bill. Many of them from states suffering toxic poisoning of wells
etc. DID they even bother to research the subject? Did they watch the Academy
Award nominated GASLAND - that shows what's happening? Apparently - like
the Health INSURANCE bill they didn't. And this bill was only 27 pages
- NOT 2,700! - JM
- PS - I almost feel that our nation is being given over
to total destruction what with destruction of the Gulf - toxic waste sludge
on farmland - toxic mining sludge ponds ( 1,200) - pesticides by the bushel
on crops - growth hormones to cows - toxic incineration - mega dumps polluting
ground water/ rivers - nuclear reactors with NO disaster plan - water
takings etc. We have NO oversight or regulatory controls over the most
egregious polluters. Christie Whitman not only gave the all clear for
workers (many sick and dying now) of 9/11 but was involved in the exemption
of hydro fracking ( 2005 - Energy policy by Cheney). WHO is protecting
the country - the people's health?
- Fracking Insiders Score Big in New Gas Bill. Americans
Not Told the True Costs of Massive Drilling Plan
- http://www.prwatch.org/news/2011/04/10546/fracking-insiders-score
- -big-new-gas-bill-americans-not-told-true-costs-massive-dr