- The Transportation Security Agency has become a political
and social madhouse in which perverts are being hired To Sexually Abuse
the public supposedly in the name of "The Greater Good." Apparently
The Lord of the Flies has now taken over the Airport boarding terminals,
and they are daring to call what they do as "necessary to the national
security of the United States." Not only is this wrong it has become
blatantly offensive to even attempt to fly in America anymore.
- This would be fixable if there was any interest whatsoever
by anyone in the government or the US Department of Justice to insure that
the treatment of passengers that are trying to board aircraft, are treated
like something other than cattle being sent to a slaughterhouse. Since
everyone in the government has now succeeded in dropping the ball on this
one maybe a few hints about how this could be easily fixed is in order?
- ONE: Names of everyone on duty need to appear on the
passenger's ticket, for future reference, should the passenger decide to
take legal action against the perverts that have been hired to grope and
squeeze people in ways that most will find extremely offensive. This is
not and has never been about finding bombs or detecting weapons this
has always been about intimidating the public to the point of tears, just
because they can. (1)
- TWO: All videos being taken should include the faces
of the offending officers rather than blocking out the faces of those
that are belligerently mistreating passengers. This should include all
the additional officers from whatever branch of what is so casually called
"law enforcement," as this additional muscle needs to be clearly
on-the-record for whatever they add to the confusion. To insure that videos
exist; cameras ought to be installed at every combat-zone (the staging
areas) wherever people are routinely subjected to everything from groping
to full-body scans, in much the same way that cameras had to be added to
patrol cars; to keep officers from killing innocent civilians caught up
in illegal or questionable traffic stops
- In the case of this man who: if he left the airport was
threatened with a $10,000 fine for leaving an areas that he was ordered
to leave and then escorted from, by the Airport Security director.
- "The man asked me to stay put while he walked off
to confer with the officer and Mr. Silva. They went about 20 feet away
and began talking amongst themselves while I waited. I couldn't over hear
anything, but I got the impression that the police officer was recounting
his version of the events that had transpired in the screening area (my
initial refusal to be patted down). After a few minutes, I asked loudly
across the distance if I was free to leave. The man dismissively held up
a finger and said, "hold on". I waited. After another minute
or so, he returned and asked for my name. I asked why he needed it, and
reminded him that the female supervisor/agent had already taken a report.
He said that he was trying to be friendly and help me out. I asked to what
end. He reminded me that I could be sued civilly and face a $10,000 fine
and that my cooperation could help mitigate the penalties I was facing.
I replied that he already had my information in the report that was taken
and I asked if I was free to leave. I reminded him that he was now illegally
detaining me and that I would not be subject to screening as a condition
of leaving the airport. He told me that he was only trying to help (I should
note that his demeanor never suggested that he was trying to help. I was
clearly being interrogated.), and that no one was forcing me to stay. I
asked if tried to leave if he would have the officer arrest me. He again
said that no one was forcing me to stay. I looked him in the eye, and said,
"then I'm leaving". He replied, "then we'll bring a civil
suit against you", to which I said, "you bring that suit"
and walked out of the airport". (2)
- THREE: The virtually useless US Attorney General * needs
to open an immediate investigation into Mr. Chertoff's business ventures
and the obvious 'conflicts of the public's-interests' which he willfully
created with this latest endeavor. Chertoff was responsible as the head
of Homeland Security, for creating the supposed need for these backscatter
scanners in the first place, and as head of that agency he decided whether
or not such a device would be "needed" and then he proceeded
to insure that the use of the machines was mandated (after he stepped down)
so that after he left 'government' he could then get the no-bid contract
for these very expensive machines. What a colossal scam of the flying public
and the citizens of this country. This was a shakedown pure and simple:
and he should be charged under the RICO statutes as a racketeer that has
extorted money for false purposes from the Treasury while inflicting massive
humiliation upon the flying public for no good reason except to increase
his illicit profits from this bit of vulture capitalism while subjecting
the public to insulting and outrageous treatment under the guise of national
- In fact it would seem to be a very good idea to put the
names of all officers of whatever branch of government service they are
in, on their person very visibly, along with their badge numbers. That
way, whenever a crime is reported the officers name should be published
so that the public can directly contact the heretofore invisible "officers"
that have used their invisibility to vent their rage at will; on the public
that does not necessarily deserve what 'the law' chooses to dispense-sometimes
with deadly force.
- The routine torture of members of the public, at random,
must not just be discontinued-it must be totally redesigned to actually
serve some real purpose-which to date has never been the case, so far.
Maybe some healthy lawsuits might be far more effective in getting the
corrupt US government to actually follow the laws that were laid down for
everyone to follow not just the targets of government crackdowns that are
booming out of control everyday. (3)
- In all of the recent stories since this full-body scanner
has come upon the scene; the overtly obvious intimidation tactics being
used To Sexually Abuse (TSA) airline passengers is becoming obscene. What
the hell is the matter with the public that will simply put-up-with this
(and have to pay for it as well) when the truth is the agency involved
is riddled with inefficiencies and incompetent people at all levels. If
"insuring the safety of the flying public is so damned important then
let's either hire competent and polite people capable of understanding
the plight of those they are trying to intimidate or let's forget the whole
nightmare and go back to the simple basics without all the electronic toys
and whistles that haven't stopped anything anyhow!
- Part of the reason that no one in authority actually
gives a damn is because they're all flying on private planes that are not
subjected to these barbaric practices-so they do not care what happens
to the slaves that have to fly-commercially.
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) TSA Screener Accosts a 3 year old Child
- http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26809.htm
- 2) TSA Encounter San Diego
- http://johnnyedge.blogspot.com/2010/11/these-events-took-place-roughly-between.html
- 3) Systematic Humiliation of Air Passengers
- http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/972.html
- *) Open Letter to the US Attorney General
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2010/art101.htm