- "What Courage!"
- From The Disasters of War by Francisco Goya
- Wars have been with us from before the time when records
were kept, as have the conditions that threaten life. These have been as
numerous as the numbers of those that have fought in all those wars. However,
sometimes the gravest threats do not involve weapons as much as they involve
the depth of human commitment to ending those threats. Chief among these
deterrents' has always been the almost forgotten value, in the raw but
determined courage of "Tenacity."
- We know that 'War is a Racket' and that this nation's
leaders have continually signed us up to play the starring role in this
global production; that has to date been run by thugs and amateur politicians
who are basically ignorant of everything in life; except the corporate
bottom-lines' which are the real purpose behind every war we undertake.
- Since the Vietnam War we have learned that 'War becomes
perpetual when it is used as a rational for Peace' which always seems to
fall to idiots to implement. These 'most important questions of war &
peace' cannot be left to politicians and third rate generals: Because whether
or not we go to war was supposed to come from a consensus of Americans;
based on a direct threat to our actual 'national-security.' That is not-the-same-thing
as initiating pre-emptive strikes against imagined enemies, without bothering
to get the facts before we begin our bombing runs: As we did in both Afghanistan
and Iraq.
- In that phase of American-military-projection into the
Middle-East, as opposed to Vietnam in Southeast Asia: we can see some very
serious parallels that we have continued to expand on, rather than to re-evaluate.
First among these failed policies was the role of American-media in American-wars,
together with how that has driven our policies as well.
- One very interesting side-bar to our recent wars, involves
the shift of emphasis that has been radically altered since the First World
War. During that time a great deal of concern was placed on protecting
civilian life. However their weapons were not all that accurate, but the
focus of that war was on killing enemy troops. In WWI only 10% of all casualties
were civilian. By WWII civilian casualties had jumped to 50%. In Vietnamwe
began to introduce smart weapons to supposedly alter the number of civilians
killed. However in Vietnamthe casualty rate for civilians was 70% of all
combat related deaths. By the time we got to Iraq with all our super-high-tech
weaponry the civilian casualty totals accounted for over 90% of all the
deaths in that war. So we could say that as high-tech precision weapons
increased (along with the costs; that equal profits earned), supposedly
to avoid collateral damage-that civilian casualties have skyrocketed.
- The media in the US has been the whore that translates
the military scripts to the public as 'the truth' of what we're doing in
any of the wars we manage to initiate. 'Media' also lies about every action
undertaken during battles now, but this is not news. What is news is that
they have become as much a part of every war, as whatever weaponry is used:
Because it is the media that creates the furor and feeds the appetite for
war that comes so easily to the minds of too many; that have a twisted
love-affair with the hardware and the carnage they watch daily on their
television-screens which they think of as 'their lives.'
- The 24 hour news cycles of the media have turned war
and the promotion of wars into our biggest national interest in the world
today-right behind the obscenity of the creation and distribution of our
now worthless money that was 'minted' and spent without any oversight whatsoever.
- [The latest instance involved $12.3 Trillion that went
directly into the same corrupt banks that have brought us to the edge of
oblivion; who then proceeded to use part of the $12.3 Trillion to prop
up foreign banks]
- The War in Iraq was called "Operation Iraqi Freedom"
but the price of that farce turned out to be the near total devastation
of the Iraqi people; together with the enslavement and near total surrender
of most Americans, along with the loss of all our freedoms over here. To
understand what went wrong in this society, and how this relates to the
inherent powers of Tenacity; we need to know that the corporate world has
successfully turned the USA into the USI and has been pivotal in both our
capture and surrender: Almost entirely through the deception and the propaganda
that creates the myriad of lies, which the USI cannot survive without!
- First among our real enemies now is corporate-think;
led by "TEAM thought." This states that no individual's opinion
can ever matter; because only the TEAM matters. Or as corporate-speak so
proudly proclaims: "There is no "I" in TEAM. That's why
Corporate-speak and 'Team-think' represent some of the most dangerous enemies
that we must crush if there is to be a tomorrow. This concept has also
bled-over into the military as well which now produces semi-robots instead
of individual soldiers; troops that could manage to continue on, despite
the loss of many friends. To this end we must all begin to think of ourselves
as Americans, whether we are in the military or not, because none of the
other political affiliations have ever really mattered anyhow!
Each of us needs to find some
point of real interest within this nightmare, and begin to work to bring
it down. One by one, with tenacity and determination we can begin to unhinge
this monster by intricately-interfering with every critical part of all
the lies they have created, just to keep us all ensnared. I. F. Stone said:
"All government's lie and nothing they say should be believed."
But when he was asked about that phrase he went on to say: 'We should never
trust whatever is said by the government' [because for the most part it
always lies]. Instead ordinary people need to learn to trust themselves,
and to find the proofs that are needed to confirm that trust which can
and should be placed in what you discover: Instead of just following that
unending stream of lies which is the only thing this government knows how
to do-in any situation.
- We are in a very unique situation at this moment; poised
as we are in the space between humor and torment, The barbed wire of torment
must be unwound from our daily lives so that we can again experience the
subtleties' and ironies of life again, in the humor that comes naturally
with just being alive!
- This place can never be ours again unless we have the
determination to challenge those that have stolen most of what was ours.
But if you find that stubborn streak in each of us, that some choose to
call 'tenacity' and use it with determination, to find the answers that
you know are out there: Then there is a real chance that together we can
begin to reverse this nightmare and reclaim what we once believed was "ours."
- Just like that woman in the Goya etching above; this
will not be easy and
- some of us will die in the trying-but with tenacity and
courage we may yet prevail in this twenty-first century war for the soul
of this place. For if we are to survive in this closing chapter of WWIII-then
we must understand the truth and set 'it' free-before these unending lies
put an end to all mankind.
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net