Since the world was introduced to Israel,
the entire world has been upended.
- In the case before the world today of TSA's outrageous
behavior, that flies in the face of all-humanity, we can easily see that
this tyranny will lead directly to the enslavement of the American public
if these policies are not brought to complete halt.
- Here's the issue in a nutshell: TSA has said repeatedly
that "the right to fly is not a right but a privilege." Had this
taken place during constitutional times it could have easily been applied
then to horseback riding or the use of a carriage. But since there were
no planes then, this "right to fly" is being treated as if it
is somehow beyond the purview of the US constitution: That is the totally
unreal justification being used by TSA and VIPER to undo over two-hundred
years of the right to the freedom to travel: based on boy-George's idiocy
that led directly to his unilateral and illegal wars upon both Afghanistan
and Iraq.
- Those "WARS" are illegal, and anything that
attempts to prop-up the false justifications for them is also illegal because
this entire construct represents 'fruit from the poisoned tree.' The fact
that there was no crime committed against the United States of America
on 911; but there was however perhaps the largest mass-murder of civilians
committed on US soil that was never treated as the crime that it was. The
exception being the crime of murder for over twice as many people that
died in Florida, under the US occupation and the total isolation of the
remaining victims from Hurricane Andrew under GWH Bush's clean-up operations
in the wake of Hurricane Andrew that killed over twice as many people as
died on 911!
- Now, the completely obscene claim that any so-called
government agency (or those appointed by it to carry out these sexually
oriented invasions of private persons); can finally be seen for what they
are; crimes against the public that have nothing to do with either the
wars or the aftermath of those wars.
- "How so" you might ask? If TSA has the right
to do this to all of us-then where is their RESPONSIBILITY to prove to
the nation that what they are doing is actually in the national security
interests of the United States? As in: "By what authority are these
probings and gropings being undertaken" TSA refuses to comment and
any continued questions from an educated public that attempts to demand
an answer is met with major violence, arrest and prosecution-and all because
the offending agencies REFUSE to abide by the same laws they are demanding
that we-the-public all follow.
- The problem becomes crystal clear whenever anyone realizes
that there can never be a "right without the responsibility that authorizes
that supposed right, in the first place!
- The government does not have the right to torture anyone:
by virtue of the Geneva Convention and all US law. That was overridden
by the Decider in the Bush Doctrine of 2002. That 'policy' was however
the product of an illegal order given by a man that was not the president
(by any lawful means). He was appointed by the US Supreme Court acting
outside their
- constitutional role within the government: which itself
was another unconstitutional act, that because of what it did, produced
Bush-the-Imposter who then began to issue illegal orders (everything he
did was illegal thereafter) especially and including the wars he declared
without the oversight of the congress whose job that congress illegally
gave to the imposter in order to distance themselves from this coup that
supplanted the legal government of the United States and cleared the way
for everything, including the TSA of recent infamy and VIPER, that will
soon began to make its appearance felt unless we stop this insanity!
- This country needs to throw away the rose-colored glasses
we've been wearing since the selections of 2000 and begin to deal with
the realities of today: Firmly, and decisively before we all end up in
Israeli prisons.
- Today it was announced that Israel killed JFK, as part
of her need for Nuclear Weapons and Kennedy's determination to inspect
Israel's nuclear weapons programs.
- "In a startling accusation, nuclear whistleblower
Mordechai Vanunu has alleged thatJerusalem was behind the assassination
of US President John F. Kennedy, who was exerting pressure on the then
Israeli head of state to shed light on the Dimona nuclear plant.
- In defiance of a ban on talking to the media and meeting
with foreigners, Vanunu is said to have made the accusation in an interview
to London-based Al-Hayat newspaper.
- As per the interview published in newspaper's Arabic
supplement Al-Wassat yesterday, Vanunu said according to "near-certain
indications", Kennedy was assassinated due to "pressure he exerted
on then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's
nuclear reactor".
- "We do not know which irresponsible Israeli Prime
Minister will take office and decide to use nuclear weapons in the struggle
against neighboring Arab countries," he is quoted to have said, adding,
"What has already been exposed about the weaponsIsrael is holding
can destroy the region and kill millions."
- The whistleblower, who was
in April after 18 years of imprisonment on charges of treason for divulging
state secrets, also said that the reactor in Dimona, could become a second
"Chernobyl", Israili media reported. He said an earthquake could
cause fissures to the core and that would cause a massive radiation leak
threatening millions.
- Vanunu warned that Jordan should test the residents along
the border with Israel for exposure to radiation and give them pills just
like the Jewish state decided to do for its citizens. Criticising the visit
of head of the Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed el-Baradei, to Israel early
this month, he said, "He (Baradei) should have refused to visitIsrael
(because) he was not allowed to inspect the nuclear reactor."
- It was not yet clear how al-Hayat did the interview,
which the publication claimed is the first with Vanunu since his release.
If it turns out that he in fact gave such an interview in violation of
the conditions laid down for his release, severe sanctions might be imposed
on him.
- An Israeli Justice Ministry statement said "the
statements that Vanunu made will be examined and if it is determined that
he violated the law or his restrictions, then steps against him will be
- "The opinions on Vanunu are divided," said
Ra'anan Gissin, a spokesman for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. "Some
say let him speak and it adds to the ambiguity policy, while others say
the more he speaks the more he raises tensions, particularly in the current
- Brushing aside the latest allegations, he said that serious
people understood that Vanunu was speaking nonsense and his comments on
JFK were not worthy of a reaction." (1)
- Really-Well what do you think about the possibility of
Israel having been responsible for the murder of JFK? And are you willing
to accept whatever Israel says about that world-changing event? If not
then are you willing to accept that what TSA and the government are saying
about their new invasive procedures are "required" to protect
a flying public while so many other aspects of the transportation industry
remain untouched: buses, trains and the shipping ports of the entire nation?
- There ought to be a 'Fire in the Blood' within far more
Americans than we have so far witnessed: So "what's in your veins"
is it real blood or ice-water when it comes to what these people at these
checkpoints continue to do to our children, to pregnant women to the sick
and elderly as well as to everyone else that tries to fly?
- These programs were designed by Israel to intimidate
Americans into giving up all of what remains of our rights in order to
turn this place into a prison without walls, in all but name. And every
single one of you that actually agrees to let this happen to you, whether
it's at a checkpoint or in a boarding line at the airport, are in collusion
with the same people that murdered the 35th president of the United States:
The 47th anniversary of JFK's murder just happens to be TOMORROW
how will you memorialize that infamous black-day!
- 1) Israel Killed JFK Says Vanunu