- The Congress of the United States went on overtime during
the Columbus Day holiday to pass a piece of legislation that will block
any increase in Social Security payments for 58 Million recipients in the
coming year. The irony of doing this on a day that is a travesty in itself
was masterful.
- "Question: Why do we honor a man who, if he were
alive today, would almost certainly be sitting on Death Row awaiting execution?
- If you'd like to know the true story about Christopher
Columbus, please read on. But I warn you, it's not for the faint of heart."
- 'More than 58.7 million people rely on Social Security
checks that average $1,072 monthly. It was the primary source of income
for 64 percent of retirees who got benefits in 2008; one-third relied on
Social Security for at least 90 percent of their income.'
- The problem with this Congress and their 1970's view
of the cost-of-living in determining benefits; is that they DO NOT even
CONSIDER food, fuel or rent in their "cost-of-living" index.
This is surreal and because of the number of people that look to Social
Security for survival it's also criminal.
- I was self-employed and wanted to be taken off the requirement
to pay into Social Security but that was denied each and every year. In
effect along with millions of others, I was extorted into paying into Social
Security and repeatedly told that there was no choice in the matter: And
that "it was for my own good." I was also told that the money
I was paying in was mine and it would be available to me after I began
to draw upon it, when the time came. However, after I began receiving Social
Security checks I was told that the money actually belongs to the government
and not to me.
- Social Security told me that they and they alone will
decide how much of the money I put in I will be able to get back in payments.
This amounts to having changed the rules of the game, after the game was
played, over a working lifetime of payments made in the misguided
belief that the system would honor its commitment to those that they had
extorted this money from in the first place.
- Last year they also denied that there had been any change
in the actual cost of living and there was no real resistance to
that decision: So this year they have decided to do it again-only now the
actual cost of living has now risen by roughly 50% (since they froze the
payouts beginning last year) once all the costs of daily life are factored
- In this matter; the Congress of the United States, like
the fabled Emperor of ols that has no clothes, and is as naked as they
were on the day they were born (a truly disgusting thought but an
apt description of this situation). And given the number of people that
actually depend upon their Social Security checks for survival - this ought
to become the basis for a genuine call to 'Shut Down the Government.'
- Government was created by a compact with those that it
governs which has turned out to be a horrifically criminal scam. Government
says that is in partnership with its citizens; and cites the low amount
of income tax that it takes as its share of that partnership. However;
government fails to count the literally thousands of fines, fees, use taxes
and innumerable ways that the government on all levels from county, through
city, state and federal that governments have used; to extort additional
money which they do not officially count as taxes. In the end government
takes away almost 75% of what anyone supposedly earns in this no-longer-free
- This is not a partnership this is extortion on a national
scale that, given the number of people that will be directly affected
and this deserves not just a reversal of this legislation that was just
passed on the national Holiday that celebrates the beginning of the slaughter
of the original inhabitants of this continent-this deserves to be thoroughly
investigated and those responsible must be charged with this crime.
- The question is how many of the 58 million people that
are about to be screwed again, will actually resist this publicly declared
theft? Why has there not been a public report on this travesty in the major
media sources? I believe that this, just like the events of 911 was purposely
ignored in the misguided belief that the old-guys-and gals directly affected
are too stupid to even complain about this massive theft, of what they
have spent their own lives earning (which they falsely believed would actually
be paid to them when the time came) because this was supposedly a
promise to be kept - between them and their government.
- When ordinary people refused to pay into the system that
congress itself refuses to pay into: they were charged with a crime and
either fined or jailed or both. Yet when the government breaks its own
promises to those same people, they expect that they (the government) will
not be held legally responsible, for their own extremely illegal and immoral
actions. The people that allow this government to get away with this are
no better than is the completely corrupt government who is trying to get
away with this massive and very public theft of social security money which
is not, and never was, theirs to keep or use in any other way!
- The original Social Security Trust Fund, called for the
money paid-in to be placed in interest-bearing-accounts that, through the
interest earned, could not only remain solvent down through the decades
but could and would be able to remain solvent throughout the centuries.
As it stands today: Even if nothing were to change -
- Social Security will remain solvent for the next 31 years;
despite the huge amounts of social-security-money that has been systematically
stolen by the government down through the decades. Yet now the government
wants to steal back all the remaining benefits and let the recipients deal
with the consequences, even if that means that they will die, one by one.
- This current crime is just a preliminary move by the
government before they announce that "we can no longer afford to pay
out social-security benefits" so this program will soon be terminated
altogether. This is not just about the old people, this is about whether
or not any American can ever trust their government about anything they
have promised to anyone, at any time-and it's about what the future holds
for anyone of us from infants to the elderly!
- There is one other thing that this government is counting
on here and that is that those who are not yet on Social Security will
not give a damn about this "problem" because it is not their
- But this problem with Social Security checks clearly
shows that the entire arrangement between the people of this society has
been captured outright by the fascist police state that now occupies Washington
D. C. Everything about this government is now nothing but lies; from the
trillions we are spending on Afghanistan, to the broken promises about
closing down Guantanamo. From the lies behind Katrina, Haiti, and now the
total farce that is now in place after Deepwater Horizon, and its actual
aftermath. (2)
- Shutting down this government is the least we can do
for ourselves and for those that we say we care about because the compact
between government and the people has not just been violated: It has been
very publicly destroyed.
- If you think this is "your country" maybe you
ought to try "Shutting down this corrupt government" and see
just how much of this place is really yours or mine!
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Columbus Day? True Legacy Cruelty & Slavery
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-kasum/columbus-day-a-bad-idea_b_742708.html
- 2) Deep-Water Horizon
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2010/art58.htm