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The Road To Nixa, Missouri
By Anthony C. LoBaido
The popular Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum Hollywood blockbuster trilogy opens with the scene of an unconscious man floating in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of France. He's alive. But then again, that all depends on your definition of living. The floating man is the CIA's top assassin. His name is Jason Bourne. He's a US$ 30 million killing machine gone haywire. At this point the floating man doesn't remember who he is or what he's done.
Meanwhile, far away in a large country called Russia, a pretty young girl quickly glances at a picture of her dead parents and feels nothing. And somehow we instinctively know that God is angry at Jason Bourne. Jason will spend three movies finding out who he really is. Along the way he,ll find out what he is a murderer for hire. And along the way he,ll make the worst discovery of all "it was he who chose them." (The CIA.)
This is the story of Jason Bourne. Like the Apostle Paul and perhaps Noah, (who might have been a Kurd) and his famous Ark long before that, it's the story of how we have to retrace our steps and fix what we've done wrong both to God and to others if we,re ever going to enter into God's Kingdom. Hurting other people and making them cry is bad. Ruining their lives is bad. Slandering them is bad. Driving them out is bad. Stealing from them is bad. Wasting years of their lives is bad. Jason Bourne will become a quick study in God's anger.
If you hurt God's child you hurt God. Just ask the Israelites, the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees who stood at the foot of the cross during the crucifixion of a Jewish Rabbi and carpenter from Nazareth named Jesus Christ. Ask them about their temple torn apart brick by brick till every last ounce of gold was vandalized. Ask King Herod. Ask Pilate. Ask the Romans terrorized by Attila the Hun. Ask the Roman Empire which was totally annihilated in 476 A.D. You could ask the Pharaoh or even Nimrod about the wide path and the narrow path. Attacking the righteous paves the road headed towards blood sport. You think you'll get away clean but you won't. Not even close ...
In short, God is okay with conflict because the wicked must be opposed. Even God's own children will be chastised because he loves them. "God has ordained conflict." "The Tribulation must come." (These two remarks were said to me by a Christ-like man I greatly admire on many levels.) Noah saw Tribulation. Don't believe it? Jesus Christ said the Flood and Noah were deathly real. It's mentioned elsewhere in the Bible too.
Is Jesus Christ a liar? Did He not say that if we follow Him we would be persecuted? The fact that we are persecuted, always have been and always will be proves Jesus is exactly who He says He was. Ask the Hmong, Karen rebels of Burma, Montagnards, Afrikaner farmers, Rhodesians, Chinese laogai Christians and North Koreans if you don't believe it. Ask Bob Dornan. Ask Patrick Buchanan. And before you ask, remember if you can't be a Christian where you are right now this very second, you can't be one anywhere.
So if the Tribulation must come, and we've seen prototypes of Antichrist and Tribulation throughout history via Genghis Kahn, the Black Death, America's War on the Indians, Muslims selling black Africans into slavery, World War I, the Spanish Flu, World War II, Hiroshima, Son of Sam, Winny the Pooh Mandela, Katrina, the Asian Tsunami, self-induced global financial criminality, MTV, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, Abu Ghraib, Predator Drones, patents on the human genome, GE/GM foods on and on ad infinitum, how should we then respond? How should YOU respond, since you are the one who out swam countless other sperm just to fertilize the egg. You are already the ultimate survivor.
To begin, we must walk by faith and not by sight. We must surround ourselves with humility and the power of the Holy Spirit like the lead characters in "The Book of Eli" and Kevin Costner's film "The War." Rent the award winning film "Runaway Train," which shows the relationship between high technology, paganism and violence. Indeed, we can watch good TV shows like "Carnivale" and "Touched by an Angel." We can put away all kinds of evil which might touch our lives the same way that evil touched the lives of the children of Lot and Noah before him. Don't be an automaton. Don't live for the changing of the seasons or holidays or sports, but rather use them as a diversion from the grinding tasks of work, industry and innovation.
Then of course there is the real work of seeking sanctification. I met a Korean pastor who told me, "When you seek sanctification then you will feel God's power." This is vital because if demonically controlled elites run the world for their own benefit and to the moral and physical detriment of mankind (late term abortion for fetal tissue) then we can only understand their agenda by relying on God's wisdom and revelations rather than on our own limited experiences and thoughts. What is the Devil telling Robert Mugabe and the leaders of the Burmese Junta or those who carry out the trafficking of women? Can we understand such evil without God?
The runaway train is coming. Look at 9/11, which I called since I was a child. On the morning of 9/11 my sister Carol-Donna called me and said, "Anthony, you were right!" I called the Texas A&M bonfire collapse, which any idiot could have called. Since 1989, I dreamed of the Asian Tsunami, only to recently discover there is a whole website with hundreds of people who have also dreamed of the Tsunami. Ask yourself if all of these people are bad or crazy? I,ll bet you every single one of them believes in themselves now more than ever since they found that website. You should believe in yourself too, dreams or no dreams fat or thin single or divorced trapped or free. Believe in God's plan for you. Understand that holy means "whole." God is whole. That means and you and me and we and us are not whole, which is why we are all so broken.
Come to understand, just as Jason Bourne came to understand, that "we chose them." We chose the evil in our lives. We turned our backs on God. We had contempt for those around us who lived in righteousness. We thought they were missing out on all the fun. In our heart of hearts we know it's true. We laugh at Mr. T. while he drinks milk, because if you work out, live for God and don't get caught up in gang culture, you'll avoid prison and there ain't no profit in that prison clothes, prison food, prison labor, appellate court judges, probation officers and the rest of it. Think hard -- why make fun of Mr. T to such a cultural extent?
When our cultural elites find a way to make money off of black NFL players praying in the prayer circle after a Sunday game then they,ll finally get around to making a video game about that. When they find a way to make money off of a black NFL player taking his little daughter to feed stale white bread to the ducks at the local pond then you'll finally see an MTV video about that. When white people start imitating black people who go to church on Sunday AND Wednesday night instead of some of the lowest oxygen stealing parasites ever to disgrace our planet then you'll be starting on the narrow path. But that takes work and grace and sanctification and repentance. That's not as easy as grabbing a gun, shouting the N-word to anyone who,ll listen and wearing your pants down to your knees. Indeed, impersonate the Wednesday night church Africans.
Accept that something has got to kill you. A train is coming for you. There is a personal derailment and train wreck ahead for you. (Insert Your Name Here) And yes, there is another coming for society and the world and perhaps the entire universe. Get off the track. Swim to shore. Find your sanity apart from the world, the pride of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. You are a human being, not a human doing. Ask God if you are using your talents correctly or you will wind up in the wrong place. Seek contentment. Stand up against evil. Call evil for what it is. Don't be a robot. That just brings closer the day when it will be "our robots against their robots" as my great student Amy once told me.
The human automatons have brought us nuclear weapons, biological and biochemical weapons that no one knows how to dispose of. Don't believe it? Go to Nevada and visit Yucca Mountain. Look at the gigantic islands of photodegradable plastic floating around the oceans. Look at the youth, the business ethics, abortion instead of birth, divorce instead of marriage, the gluttony, loss of purpose, loss of race, nation, culture and family.
Look at the suicides and addictions which mount in countries like South Korea, which has the lowest birth rate of any industrialized nation because of their female gendercide. Look at their reliance upon the Soju alcohol, brought to them by the invading Mongols, who swept through the entire peninsula in two weeks and left behind Soju (which originally came from Arak, Persia/Iran) and has proven to be even a bigger destroyer than Genghis Kahn himself. Watch South Koreans believe the lies about globalization, hand over their daughters to Satan himself, open up their 5,000 year old culture for things like lesbian kissing (the insertion point is inside the slick videos with the "hot girls") and jump up and down while cheering this mad spectacle.
Watch all your favorite Korean soccer players in the World Cup Kim, Kim II, Kim III and Lim. Watch the same South Koreans who pleaded for Rhodesian and South African pilots to fight for them during the Korean War (and many died during South Korea's darkest hour) only to see South Korea vote against Rhodesia and South Africa at the United Nations. This craven, bleeped-up story might end here, except that North Korea sent elite mercenaries to Rhodesia (by then renamed Zimbabwe) to train Robert Mugabe's Fifth Brigade in the techniques needed to kill between 20,000 to 30,000 Matabele tribesmen. The Matabele are the cousins of the Nbele, who in turn are the cousins of the Zulus. All over South Korea you can watch the United Nations flag wave its peaceful blue and white colors. The same UN which through its abortion/depopulation program is the greatest killer of unborn babies in all of human history. Where do you think the blood thirsty, child killing demons that controlled the Pharaoh and King Herod went? Is it not insane that a godless, Stalinist cult like North Korea AND allegedly Christian South Korea both mugged Rhodesia in thier own way? Talk about reunification ... and talk about the greatness of the UN! (As an aside, I appeared in the definitive South Korean documentary on United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and explained the facts of life.)
Live for Jesus Christ and don't worry about losing your friends your friends will lose you because God does not fit into their religion. Their religion is just about having access to a wider pool of resources. These lost souls are the precursor to the emerging robots or hybrids you see via "Sanctuary" and "Battlestar Galactica" on the Science Fiction channel. Do you think mankind won't devolve/evolve into a robot if given enough time? Why do the cultural elites spend so much time, money and talent on the Predictive Programming that rests behind those shows? (You can watch Alan Watt's videos on YouTube.com to begin the process of understanding that agenda.)
What did God say when he took down the Tower of Babel? "Soon they will be able to do anything." Does anything include robots and GE food and patents on the human genome? Does "anything" include getting sold a bill of goods by gorgeous stars like Grace Park and Tricia Helfer on "Battlestar Galactica?" Do you think the Devil will take any prisoners? Do you think Hell cannot be enlarged beyond measure? Do you think the Devil is not intent on playing for keeps? Do you think the Devil will hesitate to mislabel things like the "Federal Reserve Bank?" Why do you think hard alcohol is also called "spirits?" Because as my sister says, there is a spirit behind the drunken behavior. Kill the spirit and you'll kill the party. But few want to do that kind of killing.
Abortion, alcohol, drugs, divorce, theft, abandonment of children, lies, slander, driving out those from our midst who sought righteousness, disrespect to parents, wasting our lives away through the Internet, chatting, Twitting, IM-ing, text messaging, cell phones, I-phones, I-pods, Facebook and My Space all of this needs to be put in proper context.
Throw out your Big Pharma meds. They,re for losers and usually you'll find big, fat, slothful out of shape losers are the ones telling you to take them. Did Charlemagne need a pill for every mood? Did the Afrikaners have cell phones and custom license plates during the Great Trek and at the Battle of Blood River? These were real men and women. Which are you? Are you a big, fat, pathetic, lying blob or are you a real man or woman?
Can you force out your own softness with an NFL goal line stand? Can you turn off the Internet pornography and flush away your stash of marijuana? Can you realize that you are not allowed to punish or judge others nor yourself? But that you have to seek the narrow path all by your lonesome? Do you have the stomach for that? Or are you hooking up a battery and a charger to your taste buds and your groin 24/7/365 like some kind of primate in an immaculately clean laboratory? Or are you a robot like "Number Six," Tricia Helfer?
And do you understand our modern medical types are nothing more than Medieval barbarians in white lab coats? Do you understand they think they,re God? Do you understand the Ten Commandments boil down to theft and lies about God, lies about you and lies about one another? Do you think God can be overthrown by you or Satan?
Learn more about Face-to-Face book. Be a real person. Sweat, live and endure. Live your life to help others. If you're a fat pig, cut down on food -- walk, run and live in the weight room rather than getting a stomach operation. Get a personal trainer. Show some self control. You can't eat bacon at every meal. Show some pride. And believe in yourself. Win the battle vs. every meal. Fight. Fight for yourself. You can do it!
Stop living vicariously through others. Stop complaining. Stop living Groundhog Day again and again. Start building your own Noah's Ark. Build it in your heart, mind, soul and spirit. And while you're at it, remember the Ark of the Covenant and Indiana Jones, because after all God is Holy. Indiana Jones always kept the idea of God's holiness first.
Stop settling. Stop calling "good evil and evil good." Start reading your Bible. When you go to sleep, leave men like John MacArthur on over the Internet and listen to them even while you're in dreamland. Understand that liars and frauds will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Understand that Cain was a murderer and the builder of the first city. The first ruler. The first Mason holding a ruler in his hand -- which is where the word "ruler" comes from. Understand God's plan for mankind never included Kings or mercenaries or transnational corporations like BP. Big institutions have big flaws.
Realize that for good or bad, you're where you are because of who you are. "Get off Facebook and be a real man" as evangelist Paul Washer tells his audiences on YouTube.com. If you have no stones, grow a pair and try to be a real woman like Margaret Thatcher or the lovely and courageous Devvy Kidd who is like a second mother to me.
Understand like Lot, that your daughters should not be handed over for lesbian kissing. Understand like Noah that God hates violent men who try to play God. Rather, God likes good people who are very kind. Volunteer at an animal shelter and help animals, since Noah shows us that God wants them preserved. "Everything is mine and the cattle on a thousand hills," says the Holy Bible. Teach someone to read. Open a college and close a prison.
Again, expect to be ridiculed, laughed at, punished and driven out like Lot, Noah, Abraham, John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ. Once you accept that your leaders and friends are mostly cowards and full of you know what, they can't let you down and nothing will be able to touch you. Look around you, do you think these pathetic people could have sailed with Magellan or led the Donner Party to the 49er Gold Rush? Do you think they would have stood strong with the prostitute Mary Magdalene at the tomb guarded by rugged, elite Roman soldiers? Or would they have been cowering in hiding with Saint Peter and the rest of "the followers." Do your friends live in righteousness or in sin? Do they protect children from evil or hand them over to the Devil? Do they sit back and collect their mammon while going along to get along? Do you think such people will even get a whiff of heaven and meet Jesus? Not bloodly likely ...
So where does that leave you and I? Do we watch <http://usdebtclock.org/>usdebtclock.org? Do we study the prophecies of Fatima and La Salette? What about fear, denial and self loathing? Dystopia? The prison you put yourself in? What about the Johari Window the parts of yourself only you know, the parts only others know, the parts everyone knows and the parts nobody knows? Will you focus on aliens, UFOs, Hillary, Sarah, Obama, the Tea Party, the CIA, the Mossad, Zionism, Satanists, elites, Illuminati or Freemasons? Will you live your life mostly through the Internet?
Will you challenge the younger generation to do what is right? You do know that is your right as an adult, or have you forgotten? Do you remind children that only liars tolerate other liars and that no lie occurs in a vacuum? Do you tell them that what George said on Seinfeld, "Remember Jerry it's not a lie if you (YOURSELF) believe it?" is the Jehovah Nissi of Wall St, Madison Avenue and Hollywood? Like the main character in the powerful film "Phone Booth" said, "I tell so many lies I should run for F-ing President " (I showed this film to my university students last semester and they were blown away by the film's raw power and how it related to all which surrounds them).
Will you build a house of love and peace and respect or will you steal years of other people's lives to build your own house, program and position? And if so, do you think the Devil will allow you to keep what you have stolen? Because after all, Jesus didn't come to overthrow the Sanhedrin or the Roman Empire. He came to overthrow the Devil. And when you overthrow the Devil, the Sanhedrin and the Roman Empire goes down with it.
Doesn't that just fill your soul with an unspeakable joy as you struggle to separate yourself from this world for the sake of eternity? Don't you want to breathe that sigh of relief when you wake up in heaven? You realize that just by reading this that God is calling you right now out from the world. Why is it so hard to let go? Money it's just paper or blips on a computer screen created from thin air by counterfeiters eschewing gold and silver. Status? "Some of the last will be first and some of the first will be last."
You want power? A clean running river is power, not the white man's law written down on some piece of paper. You want even greater power? Did you know that when a cat purrs it is healing its internal organs with infrasound? Do you know pound for pound a spider's web is stronger than steel? Do you know that God made all of this in His grand design? Do you know God loves you? Do you know God longs for fellowship with you? Do you know that there is more joy in heaven for one sinner who repents than for 1,000 righteous?
Do you understand that NFL coach Bill Parcells would rather be doused by Gatorade after his Super Bowl wins than go on TV to sell Gatorade? Why do you suppose that is? And what's the emotional difference between absorbing the dousing and boycotting the selling? I must ask if the Power Elite have robbed you of the realization of what real power really is? The power to overcome every kind of shame and transform yourself like Rick Ankiel. The power to get spit on like Jackie Robinson and still love the country that spit on you while you forgive those who did the spitting in the first place. Because despite its many flaws, America is the country that taught all of us to fight for freedom against North Korea, the South African Communist Party, Marxism and Chairman Mao and the rest of the oxygen stealing parasites.
So where does this leave you? How do you create more joy in heaven and go from one of the sinners to one of those 1,000 righteous? So that God leaps for joy over you like a bridegroom. (John MacArthur has a sermon about this. You can watch it on Youtube.com.) Will you line up in the battle between the Holy Spirit and Lucifer? Will you take your spiritual terrain and hold it? Will you engage in spiritual warfare? Can you stop worshipping and worrying about cankered gold and being a lover of money? Remember again it's only paper and electrons on a silicon computer screen.
Do you think Crassus wouldn't be laughing at today's creative financial products? And did you know that when they poured gold down Crassus, throat and beheaded him near what is today's Anbar Province in Iraq, that he was planning to conquer all the way to India? Similarly, today's globalist elites are coming for you, wherever you may be on planet Earth, in the same way the "Sylar" character on "Heroes" came to open up the skull of Claire the Healer. ("Isn't she cute? I just think Claire is so cute!" says my sister.)
Can you say, along with Anthony C. LoBaido, "I know that without a certain Rabbi named Jesus Christ I am weak, wicked and unworthy, and actually not so great even with Him?" Will you tell the rich elites they are poor and tell those who think they soar with the eagles that they are blind and wretched? Will you understand that the Holy Spirit will protect the ground you seek to reclaim from the wicked and the blasphemous?
Do you know you are only one step away from turning your life back to God like the thief on the Cross? Will you stand together with the keepers and receivers of The Law, even though those people will always be blamed and hunted because their persecutors believe, erroneously, that by destroying them they will destroy The Law and overthrow God in heaven? They,ll hate you for this, just as they hated Daniel, Lot and Noah before you. They laughed at those men because they eschewed selfishness. They listened to God's voice. Yet how can you even think about hearing God's voice when you are drowning in mass media stimuli 24/7/365?
Can you understand our Satanic elites have taken full control of banking, the military, culture, TV, plays, medical research funding, (the Gramsci strategy), journalism and medical and law schools, teacher training, SPLC/police synergy, military academies, foreign policy (CFR), United Nations, production of toys, science fiction, destruction of gender roles, Madison Avenue, Wall St, manufacturing, outsourcing, admission policies to universities, radio, and even movies (with rare exceptions like "The Book of Eli")
Do you understand that the world state demands every tribe and race be broken up into one single entity? In the U.S. this might be traced to the Northern Union Army's officer ranks of the Civil War era being infiltrated with Jacobin Communists driven out of Europe during the rise of Marxism. It was the victorious Union Army which then proceeded to slaughter the American Indians. (Of course events like the Trail of Tears happened before the Civil War.) The point being that Afrikaners, Hmong, Karen, Kampas, white Christians, black and Hispanic evangelicals, Sufis, Muslims, Kurds and Orthodox Jews among others, will all find their tribes totally under siege. Sylar wants their brains. All of their brains. Sylar has special powers like our elites claim to have now, or will have in some future (re)incartation. But they aren't "Heroes." They're zeros. It is a zero sum game. They win. You lose. Why do you think they make such TV shows if only to debase the glorious power of Jesus Christ?
Debased and decadent, the low character of our cultural elites will grow worse and worse. Consider actress Cameron Diaz on SNL pretending to give oral sex right on stage. Or Heather Graham's "sex with the babysitter" skit. That's America. That's SNL for ya!
When we see such things, the drives, desires, decisions, energies, thoughts, habits and directions of the cultural elites do battle with our souls, minds and hearts. Don't be afraid to pick up your sword. But don't be like Saint Peter, who swore he,d never turn his back on Jesus, hacked off the ear of a Roman soldier with a sword "to prove it" and then ran away to hide from a teenaged servant girl who,d identified him. Praying to Michael the Archangel and to your own guardian angel is better than any word. It's even better than Kali, the preferred martial art of Jason Bourne.
Heaven is not for elites or mathematical wizards who can crack some elusive "Bible Code." Rather heaven is for the kind and the humble, for the broken, for those who know they are sinners and somehow find the strength to fix what they have done wrong to God and to others. This is the real war we all must face.
The deceptions come after us every day, washing over our societies like a Tsunami. (Hence so many people are having Tsunami dreams every night all over the world). But the evil plans and mass media and academic control of Satan and his demons cannot separate us from our memories of all the Lord has done for us. We are connected to God because God is more than great. God is good. And is it our love for God and for each other that makes us better than the so-called transnational elites who would seek to enslave us. That is how we must fight them by developing our capacity for love.
White, Christian American soldiers, and in fact all American soldiers, be they Mexican, Hispanic, Puerto Rican, Korean, Asian, black and so forth, must avoid being debased when they try to play the role of John Wayne and laugh as they blast away Arabs as though caught up in one giant video game not unlike The World of War Craft. Remember how America survived the occult forces of Hitler during World War II along with his Japanese friends? We do not want our soldiers to return home and join the police force carrying the seeds of brutality inside of them. Have you ever thought that Iraq and Af-Pak is the training ground for the coming war on Americans carried out by Americans? And is there not a demonic dynamic at work in all of this when you sift through the wreckage since 9-11 all over the globe?
Where did those demons go who inspired Hitler? Are they still not the powers and principalities in high places? Did the demonic hierarchy of hell merely vanish? If not, how is it being played out through our transnational elites? Are we not still seeing true craft in Iraq and Af-Pak and elsewhere? A true blood sacrifice to compliment abortion.
True craft in the way the film "The Craft" (featuring stars like Skeet Ulrich, Robin Tunney and the fabulous Ms. Campbell) sought to show teenagers how to "slit their wrists the right way." (It's up and down, not across.) But then you probably didn't know that did you? So who put up the money to make "The Craft," and who lured some of TV's best young stars to appear in it?
Skeet Ulrich became the star of TV's "Jericho" (which depicts an America destroyed by dozens of well-placed nuclear bombs in U.S. Cities). Robin Tunney was a star in "Prison Break." Ms. Campbell went on to star in "Wild Things," the TV show "Medium" and many other projects. Was appearing in "The Craft" a toll they had to pay to a radical homosexual director obsessed with female power, witchcraft and suicide? you're Goddamned right it was Where is the outrage from Christians, Jews and Muslims?
This is pure hubris, fear and greed and the smooth as silk operation of taking down our youth because of the apathy and ignorance of the parents. A man named Robert Bly wrote a book called "Iron John" which basically said that when fathers stopped being tough, that's when the Western world started heading south.
(This book and its main point were offered to me by another great man I once knew. A person whom I love like a brother and is a very good husband and father. He told me, "Anthony, people like you who think like you and have your values shouldn't even be alive anymore.")
Yet here I am. And here you are with me unafraid of lies and unwilling to be ruled by those lies. We understand that just as our parasitic financial-speculative elite has stolen trillions from us, and have been rewarded with even more trillions, there are cultural parasites reaping billions of souls. (Hence the popularity of TV's darkly enlightening "Dead Like Me" show about reapers.)
We have seen the darkness. More than that, we have seen through the darkness. Those who play chess against us think we won't understand their moves until checkmate. Yet the reality is that we already have them at checkmate before the game even begins. How? Because we throw Satan's stones and shatter his holographic window edifices even if it means we,ll starve, rather than turn his stones into a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
It means we reject the money-lines and the blood-lines and perversion and terror of the culturally elite dogs who eat, vomit and eat the same again as told in the Book of Peter.
We were lost, but now the collapse of the Western world has freed us from false idols. It's dying and melting and we don't have to care anymore. We can start to care about the only thing that should really have ever mattered anyway our souls and the souls of those we love. Even the souls of our very lost enemies who still buy into all the lies of the Barbarians sucking away the last vestiges of what made America and the West great.
Yet you can't ask them to change because that kind of a change (acknowledging their lives of lies and theft and fraud and leaving children in moral and mortal danger) would be an archetype death to those folks. As Jesus Christ said, "Shake the dust from your sandals let the dead bury the dead."
So who are these enablers, whores, destructive sociopaths, and so called "analysts" and elites directing this whole mad, apocalyptic scenario? Long ago, a female Seer named Regina said, "About the time of the end a peculiar generation will come. They will not have an urge for inner growth but rather carry the seeds of destruction for the entire human race." Regina, who lived at the turn of the 19th to the 20th Centuries, had a vision of a remnant digging tunnels under the Earth so as to survive the fruits of this generation. Sound familiar? Sound possible? Sound probable? Who is standing the gap?
What is so amazing is the total failure of the fathers, professors, the CEO's, the police, the monks, the clergy, the SEC, the basic training instructors, the Navy Seals who gloat over executing a Somali teenaged pirate, the nuns, the convents, the Catholic Schools, the Cardinals, the Popes, the billion Muslims, the billion Catholics, the billion living in India, the billion living in China, the directors, the athletes and peanut vendors who cheer on the building of new stadiums for bread and circuses, while worrying about recycling the newspapers and cardboard boxes the homeless outside the stadiums wish to sleep upon and wrap themselves up in. It's Caligula with a microwave oven and MTV.
Which brings us back to Jason Bourne floating in the water off the coast of France. Jason is pulled out of the water by a kind French fisherman. A chip in Jason's body is pulled out which leads him to a safe deposit box in Switzerland. Inside are many passports and identities and lots and lots of cash. Jason still doesn't know who he is. He doesn't know what he is or what he's done or who he's hurt.
But he finds out he could be an elite killer because the CIA has dispatched every single one of its other killers to take him out. Jason must use all of his elite fighting skills just to survive one more day in his quest to put together the pieces about who and what he is and what he has done to hurt others. He has to retrace his steps and fix what he's done wrong. He has to apologize and atone. But how can he do that when his mind and his memories have been almost totally wiped away? This is very frustrating for Jason.
Yet somehow along the way, Jason Bourne begins to change like the Apostle Paul on the Road to Damascus. He meets a pretty girl named Marie Kruetz. Marie helps him to become a good person. Jason Bourne is a Catholic after all somewhere deep down inside. When she is assassinated in Goa, India by a professional Russian sniper, Jason for the first time loses someone dear to him. Now he understands the pain, suffering and evil he has caused so many others he is overwhelmed by this pain. He realizes he has to retrace all of his steps, back to where he was first programmed into the CIA's killing machine operation.
This will lead him to Russia, where he finds the young Russian girl who feels nothing when she looks at a photo of her dead parents. And she feels nothing for a horrible reason. It is a reason almost worse than abortion. Jason Bourne explains to this girl that her mother did not murder her father and then kill herself. No, it was Jason Bourne who killed both her parents, and then made it look as if the mother did it. Jason Bourne says he's sorry this was his career and his job and his means of status, money and personal fulfillment. The pretty young Russian girl begins to cry, for the same Jason Bourne who took away her parents, has now given her back something very precious respect for those parents. She can love her mother again, even from beyond the grave.
Now Jason Bourne's journey is two-thirds complete. In the third film, he continues back through Europe, Spain, North Africa and finally again to the United States. In New York he finally confronts the doctor who first recruited him and turned him into what he has become. The doctor who made him lose his mind and erased his memory. The doctor who ordered him to murder all around the world with impunity.
"You really don't remember, do you?" the chief CIA doctor says to Jason Bourne.
"You chose right here you picked us you volunteered "
Then Jason Bourne's mind begins to be restored. He remembers that initial encounter
The doctor (back then) is harassing him "It's been a long time since you've slept. You have to decide or are you too weak? You have to let go of David Webb and give yourself to the program "
Jason: "I,ll be whoever you need me to be "
Jason Bourne then remembers taking off his dog tags. For the designation of religion on the dog tags it clearly reads, "Catholic." He was a captain in the United States Army sworn to uphold the Constitution. Yet he executes a man right in front of the doctor in order to be admitted to the program. He has no idea what this man has done. He is like Saul before the Damascus Road. He thinks he is killing for America and to "save American lives." He is a one man Predator Drone. A one man Abu Ghraib. A one man Iraq-Af-Pak video game. He is not however, D-Day, the Burma Road or Iwo Jima. Now he is the stepchild of Cain, slayer of Abel, first builder and ruler of a city. The first Mason.
"you're no longer David Webb. From this moment on you're Jason Bourne."
Eventually Jason Bourne manages to outwit and outfight the very best the CIA throws up against him. He exposes their evil plan known as "Operation Blackbriar." Best of all, he leaves the program behind.
He tells them, "I,m not Jason Bourne anymore."
But who is Jason Bourne really? And like Anthony C. LoBaido, should people like Jason Bourne even be alive anymore? You know, the people who hate lies rather than treasuring them like some valuable family heirloom? The people who will risk their very lives to expose lies, defend the weak and be a voice for the voiceless
Well, if you can make it through all three of the Bourne films, you'll finally get your answer as to who Jason Bourne really is. you'll have to fly to Lambert Airport in St. Louis. And once you land in St. Louis, you'll have to get a map and drive like you're going to visit the Lake of the Ozarks. Along the way there's a town called Nixa, Missouri. And in Nixa, Missouri there's going to be a great celebration, for along with all of the cheering angels in all the heavens, Jason Bourne is finally coming home again.
Only like Saul the Killer /Jason Bourne is dead. The Apostle Paul is standing in Saul's place. Jason Bourne's real name is David Webb. He's been fished out of the water like Noah of long ago. He's faced the onslaught of Tsunami after Tsunami while standing on the beach without flinching.
Yes, David Webb has been fished out of the water. But for the first time he can remember, he is no longer a fish out of water. For three years he's been searching for who he really is. How long have you been searching? Maybe it's time you got started?
Jason Bourne has finally been killed by the only assassin with the skill to take him out the conscience of David Webb. Long live David Webb. And long live the real you, my dear reader, carrying your own "Book of Eli." I,ll see you someday in Nixa, Missouri.
Anthony C. LoBaido is an American journalist and photographer who calls St. Louis home. And yes, he''s actually been to a real place called Nixa, Missouri. You can look it up on Google Maps. If you wish, you may write him at lobaidoresponses@hotmail.com.
Anthony C. LoBaido has published 337 articles on WND.com from 41 countries around the world. From Botswana to Belize, from Laos to Lebanon and from Nepal to Namibia he's searched for epic, often overlooked and morally uplifting journalism. These stories have been read by untold millions. As a university instructor, Anthony has completely designed and taught 40 unique courses since 2006 ranging from Psychology of Communication to Photojournalism to Advanced Globalization Studies. He received a full scholarship to Baylor University in Texas to study (and teach) International Journalism and was a winner of the Society of Professional Journalist's "Best Columnist Awards." His favorite stories include his work with Harry Wu of China fame, Lek Chailert's elephants, Aki Ra's land mines, Little Angels HIV babies in South Africa, blood diamond mercenaries in Sierra Leone and "Miss World" Karen Russell.

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