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Time To Shut Down The Brits
Magic Money Machine - The Fed

By L. Wolfe
1. The time has come for swift and decisive action by Congress to pull the charter of the Federal Reserve Bank and thereby shut down the principle institution responsible for the British subversion of our sovereign credit and currency.
2. Only the Fed, alone among the world's private central banks, has the power to utter national currency, without approval of the elected government; this is in total violation of the Constitutionally defined process for the utterance of credit and currency, the which power is given to the US Treasury, acting with the approval on the Congress. It does not matter that a treasonous government (the Wilson Administration) and treasonous elements of the Congress passed in 1913 the legislation drafted by the Morgan interests and British allied Jacob Schiff creating and chartering the Fed and vesting it with these powers; without an amendment sent by the Congress for the approval of the states, the which would never have been passed, Congress does not have the power to grant powers given to it by the Constitution to a private central bank. As many people have correctly argued from it inception, forward, the Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional.
3. The Fed and its chairman, Ben Bernanke, are now using this unconstitutional power to utter Federal Reserve fiat money in stupendous amounts, in an effort to bailout a hopelessly bankrupt national and global banking system. These actions will bankrupt this country and do great harm to our people, leading to a hyperinflationary explosion, as many leading economists, including Lyndon LaRouche, have warned. The Fed took such actions, with the approval of British puppet in the White House, Barak Obama, and with full knowledge that such actions would not be approved, if they were fully understood, by either the American people or their elected Congress.
4. While the scale of the bailout, which, since the outbreak of the most recent round of financial crisis, is at least several trillions of dollars utterance of Fed ``monopoly money,'' this corrupt and insane activity is dwarfed by a Fed-run and fully sanctioned ponzi scheme, involving the sale and resale worthless mortgage backed securities, which implicitly places the US government and American taxpayer on the line to underwrite the value of the entire multi-quadrillion dollar derivatives market.
5. According to several well placed Wall Street sources, the scheme works as follow: In seeking to calm panicky markets, who correctly fear the impending collapse of several major financial institutions, the Fed announced a new round of so-called quantitative easing (large scale Open Market operations that will place ultimately more than a trillion dollars in non-borrowed accounts in member banks, supposedly freeing up a much larger amount that could be used for other activities including new speculation and settling of accounts, etc. That much, for political and other purposes, has been widely reported, especially immediately before and after the most recent meeting of the Fed's Open Markets Ctte. However, sources report that this is only one side the Fed scam. The Fed is also ``selling'' a large chunk its portfolio of toxic MBS, originally taken in as collateral for bank loans and as purchases to take this bad debt off the books of bankrupt banks-they are re-selling this debt back to banks, at or near their notional values, despite the fact there is no market for this financial sewage. The Fed has already ``sold'' more than $400 billion of this crap since September, with the banks using the money they are being given by the Fed to purchase it!
5. With the Fed making the only effective market for the MBS, they are effectively underwriting the value of this entire pile of worthless financial paper, along with the daisy chain of derivatives contracts linked to them. As one source put it, if the MBS market later blows up, as it must, everyone holding them will run to the Fed demanding that it make good on their financial paper at the value of the sales the Fed made. If the Fed doesn't make good by printing money to cover this, then it will effectively be admitting that it committed securities fraud in selling worthless paper that it knew to be worthless.
6. As these actions, and the entire process of the bailout should make clear, the system would have already collapsed in a very visible heap, were it not for the actions of the Fed, specifically its massive hyperinflationary money printing policies in which it serves as the Brits ``magic money'' machine. Conversely, if we shut the Fed down, this puts a stake in their heart of the Brits global financial operations.
7. Up until the recent election cycle, anti-Fed sentiment was routinely voiced by many on the left, as well as from certain of the tea party and libertarian types, including both Ron and Rand Paul.
Despite some clear efforts to manipulate results through the way questions were asked, polls showed widespread distrust and even hatred of the Fed within the general population, regardless of whether the respondents favored ``donkeys'' or ``elephants.'' However, hardly a mention was made of the Fed and its policies during the election campaign. Asked whether the Fed and Bernanke feared a popular outcry, a knowledgeable source said they were always afraid and slept with ``one eye open.'' But he said, as things have turned out, the Fed appears less afraid of the new Congress than one might have expected. He stated that some of the Fed's toughest critics were gone (eg, Russ Feingold and he expected soon, Charlie Rangel) while people like Rand Paul are now more concerned with slashing the budget and entitlements-something where they will find common ground with the Fed. The source said that various people from Wall Street have already talked to Paul and his dad about their support for their message of smaller government and balanced budgets.
8. The Fed may be in trouble on another, related flank as well. Last year, the Fed went on an all mobilization to stymie legislation that demanded regular and public audits of the Fed's books and activities; this was viewed by some in Congress, as important, in that the Fed no longer supplied timely figures on the nation's money supply. However, some sources have pointed out that what was really worrying the Fed was that such an audit, if fairly conducted, would have revealed the real size of its holdings of toxic waste, the which is itself prohibited by its own charter, which specifies that the Fed can purchase and hold bonds and securities of only the highest rating.
For some time, and especially since October 2008, the Fed has been buying worthless securities at an alarming pace; the low end estimate of these holdings before recent sales was approximately $1.5 trillion in notional value (since they have no {real} value, the price for they were purchased or exchanged becomes the ``real'' value); the higher estimates are between 2 and three trillion dollars, which would mean that the Fed holds in its portfolios more of this junk than US debt! How these purchases were and are authorized remains somewhat puzzling, since there has been no clear restatement or amendment of its charter prohibition against such holdings. There is one report that they were conducted under a still secret Bush era national security directive issued in the wake of 9/11 that gave the President the right to take whatever actions he deemed necessary to protect the integrity and functioning of the financial markets; this was supposed used by the White House and then invoked again by Obama. There are other reports that purchases/exchanges were authorized in legislation that created the so-called TARP.
9. All of this leaves the Fed in its most vulnerable political position in decades, possibly since the moment that FDR decided against its nationalization in 1933 (see my previous report). Decades of subsequent mass brainwashing about the role of the ``independent'' Fed in preserving our financial stability have gone up in smoke in this present crisis; few people, if any, believe that Fed plays a positive role or have faith that its chairman, ``Helicopter Ben,'' knows what he is doing. It is sitting out on a political and financial limb, awaiting some sane people to saw it off.
10. We should push now, and hard, for the end of the Fed and its treasonous activity of functioning as piggy bank for the British empire's Wall Street and other financial interests, debasing our currency, and setting in motion a chain-reaction hyperinflationary explosion, and for its replacement with a Hamiltonian National Bank as the lynchpin of a new credit distribution system. Merely opening this attack, along with our continued insistence on the re-imposition of the Glass Steagall, should have an effect on bringing a halt to the Fed's illegal ponzi scheme bailout.
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