- Have you seen the new Kashi commercials claiming Kashi
cereal has as much protein as an egg? Some of you might already know
my feelings with regard to sociopaths who use "half-truths" to
sell their product or further their egregious agenda... consequently this
latest insult has me pretty much in freakin' lunar trajectory!
- If you look at the long list of yummy sounding, "natural"
ingredients in Kashi GO LEAN, you might get that old hippy-dippy, "seeds
& nuts", lets-hold-hands-and-sing-a-"Kum Ba Yah"...
- This is, mind you, only if you don't know or understand
that once you "Process" all this crap into a "cereal"
you have just another high glycemic, hi-gluten, hi-carb, insulin-spiking,
sugary abomination that tastes great, you know, so people feel really good
about buying into the lie that this is actually a health food.
- Nothing could be further than the truth.
- No folks, Kashi is just more over-processed refined carbs
masquerading as a real-meal. If you're in a "21st Century" hurry
and double down feeding it to your small children, you might be able to
induce Type-2 Adult-onset Diabetes before they are actually adults! That's
right; trust me, it happens all the time-when 50 years ago it was unheard
- It remains... the thing I really want to take issue with
is the ridiculous assertion that-gram for gram-highly denatured Soy Protein
Concentrate is somehow just as nutritious as Egg protein! Stuff and nonsense!
Apart from being wrong on so many levels it buggers imagination, this
dietary mendaciousness is so silly and misleading that I am sputtering...
compelled, even, to launch into dropped F-bombs and one well provoked name-calling
- OK-deep breath-I'm alright. If I start swearing the
bad guys win... so lets look at just a few of Soy Protein's many shortfalls:
- 1) Phytates & Oxalates - These bind to minerals
like Calcium & especially Zinc. Many veggies & grains contain
varying degrees of P&O, but Soy is likely the highest... followed closely
by grains. And yes, even spinach... Sorry Popeye, but 95% of the Calcium
in spinach is bound to Oxalates, thus unusable. Where spinach is at 95%,
Soy has the dubious distinction of binding with 100% of its Calcium, and
then going out looking for more!
- 2) Trypsin inhibitors These block the absorption
of protein by inhibiting the enzyme Trypsin. These inhibitors are very
high in raw Soy so this is why virtually all these soy products are highly
cooked & denatured, and why Soy Oil must be refined. Unfortunately
cooking doesn't destroy all the Inhibitor, which can lead-supposedly-to
an enlarged pancreas and cancer!
- 3) Phytoestrogen - Folks, 90% (that's a guess) of the
population doesn't need more estrogen, estrogen-mimics, or Xeno-Estrogens
that already clutter their lives. This is, of course, unless you like
Eric Cartman man-boobs (moobs) on your big-boned, "Hey... not fat,"
male off-spring... then double down on the stuff, eh?
- 4) Amino-Acid Profile - Soy is a "Complete"
protein with all 11 essential amino-acids but like many veggie proteins
it is weak due to low methionine.
- Actually, we could continue this list but hey... why
pile on? Face it... Soy protein is unadulterated garbage! Now let's
look at the Egg.
- The Egg is likely Mother-Nature's most extraordinarily
perfect food, which kinda figures, eh? Life would likely begin in a packet
of perfect food...
- 1) It is the "Gold-Standard" for highly digestible
complete proteins with very, very high levels of all 11 essential amino-acids.
Egg protein is even superior and more highly digestible than fish protein.
- 2) If you can refrain from cooking the egg-yolk to death
it contains the 2 very powerful Omega-3's (EPA &DHA), like that which
is found in cold-water fish. The 2 best ways to avoid destroying the delicate
Omega fats is to soft poach the eggs or even better is to separate the
white & yolk...soft scramble the whites in butter or olive oil to destroy
the nasty glycoprotein that binds to the B vitamin, Biotin - then mix the
raw yolk back into the cooked whites after they cool down some (again,
so as not to hurt the Omega-3's).
- 3) Cholesterol - I swear, if you try to tell me undamaged
cholesterol in FRESH egg yolks is bad for you, I'm afraid I will have to
scream. Anyway, undamaged cholesterol is one of the most healthful, multifaceted,
necessary nutrients that we consume.
- Contrarily, on the other hand, if you consume lots of
arterial inflammation causing sugar & refined carbs (like Kashi by
the way) and lots of highly processed, DAMAGED, OXIDIZED cholesterol like
that found in bacon or hundreds of other processed foods secretly containing
highly oxidized powdered milk & powdered eggs... then have a "Happy
Heart Attack," eh?
- Many MD's, like NPR's hugely uninformed Dr. Zorba Pasture,
continue to rail against Saturated Fat & Cholesterol when all the latest
creditable research shows that decades of this crazy "Low-Fat, No-Fat"
crap has resulted in old folks suffering the unintended consequences of
MORE heart disease from TransFat in margarine and over-amped insulin from
Hi-carb cereals, instead of the butter and eggs our Grandparents ate.
Also effecting mostly the elderly: not enough good fats, the dearth of
which causes cataracts and eye disease while contributing to joint problems,
dementia, and thyroid disease!
- Years ago when I was a self taught "Grand-Master"
of cooking with Soy & Tofu, my cholesterol was 260 (which may or may
not be considered high) & my "good" cholesterol (HDL) was
a sickly 30.
- After I saw the light and stopped eating Soy & refined
carbs and started eating 4 to 6 poached eggs every day, my cholesterol
dropped to 190 & my HDL climbed to 50! Undamaged dietary cholesterol
has almost no effect on your total serum cholesterol but refined hi-carb
foods have a tremendous negative effect on your cholesterol. If you try
to convince MD's of this, it will cause their Tweety-bird heads to implode.
Recall that, Eskimos eating high satfat & cholesterol diets have
the lowest percentage of heart disease on the planet, but a thin Marathon
runner who eats textured Soy burgers, Soy Vegetable Oil, Sugar & refined
carbs (even with normal cholesterol) can easily die of a blocked artery.
How's that for a little of the old irony?
- Of course 75% of the stuff clogging his artery is Oxidized
Polyunsat Omega-6, Linoleic Acid (LA) from the Soy Vegetable Oil... NOT
from Cholesterol. See how that works?
- Anyway Folks, even after reading this some of you will
continue to give this crap to your kids while trying to convince yourself
it's a health food just because cereal is convenient... yeah, throwing
some crappy cereal on the table is certainly easier than poaching eggs.
- For Vegetarians who don't eat eggs, instead of an insulin
causing, hi-carb cereal can I recommend a powdered Hemp &/or Pea Protein
Smoothie with banana &/or small dark berries. Write me for the recipe.
Also, crazy as this sounds, blend one of Mother-Natures most perfect foods
into your Smoothie...a ripe Avocado. Bananas & berries blended with
Avocado create real synergy.
- FYI - Hemp & Pea Protein are very digestible &
have NONE of the negative characteristics associated with Soy protein.
- Closing, if you insist on eating cereal, at least get
one that is Gluten-Free, TransFat-Free & Sugar-Free; however, if you
let your kids eat "Fruit Loops" & "Frosted Mini Wheats"-Cartman's
"Snacky Cakes and Cheesy Poofs"-then you run the risk of creating
an Insulin-Resistant, fat, and slow-witted little monster who will live
in your basement forever in front of a video game and never kiss a girl.
- Really, good luck with that!
- Questions?
- Alan Graham
- alan068@centurytel.net
- http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
- That's enough, well be.