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God Bless Julian Assange, aka: Wikileaks
By Karl Schwarz
It has been said that in the middle of a crisis two things will happen. First, true patriots will stand up and reveal the Truth, ugly as it is, for the world to see. Secondly, once such Truth is revealed the light of reality shines on what is a pathetic world leadership and the True Colors of that leadership and wannabee leadership is revealed for what it is; vapid, hollow, immoral and shallow.
Such is the role of Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange.
On the one hand we have Sarah Palin and certain other Republican operatives trying to interject their shrill, lame platform into the discussion. Kill Julian Assange!!! How dare he reveal to the world what a bunch of shallow, air-brained nitwits the US has for leadership.
The Truth is very powerful when its targets want the messenger killed.
Of course, Hillary Clinton is in industrial spin mode; her ass and political future are on the line right now.
Some of my friends in Arkansas like to quote me on something I said to Clinton's office when he was still governor of Arkansas: "Yeah, how dare them indeed to call you liars the liars you are!"
I thought, hoped, that she might be different but over time she has proven to be a Zionist Christian nitwit that is expert at nothing but political whore-ism, opportunism, canned rhetoric and cannot read a damned map. "We should attack Iran!" Really, lead the charge Sarah, same lies as Iraq you nitwit! "We should stand by our allies in North Korea!" Forrest Gump must know Sarah: 'Stupid is as stupid does'.
Sarah just does not get it that US policies are blowing back and crushing America.
Then on the other hand we have what is arguably the worst governor ever of Arkansas, and wannabee presidential candidate Mike Huckabee showing that he understands neither civics, nor the law, nor the US Constitution. He has offered the suggestion that Julian Assange should be executed for treason against the US. Seems Mr. Mike 'The Huckster' Huckabee does not realize that treason is a Constitutional matter regarding US citizens and Julian Assange is not a US citizen. To wit, it is not a matter of treason against the United States for a non-US citizen to reveal the ugly truth about the US government.
Marcus Tullius Cicero said it best:  "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
It is time for Americans to wake up to the reality that our national capital is full of traitors against the well-being of America.
If revealing the Truth is treason, then Washington, DC has more to hide than most Americans can possibly imagine, and they do. It is virtually impossible to plumb the depths of the sleaze that is Washington, DC.
It is an act of 'terrorism' as some of these political nitwits and talking heads on TV have suggested? Not hardly! If revealing the Ugly Truth about how truly ugly the US government is were treason, then all Americans who demand truth and accountability of the US government are terrorists. However, demanding the truth or revealing the Truth is not an act of terrorism. It is an act of courage and Washington DC has much to hide going back well beyond September 11, 2001.
What WikiLeaks is doing is called 'disclosure', and that is neither treason nor terrorism. However, it does laughably provide lots of revealing entertainment to watch some quake in their boots in being revealed for what they are.
Get it straight America!! The lies of 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and other underhanded things our government does is being revealed. Pay attention!
The sheer fraud, lies, deceit and corruption that are Wall Street and Washington, DC are being exposed. Pay attention!
What Julian Assange is in a nutshell is a single person that is making a difference in revealing to true shallow, vapid, corrupt, lying excuses the US has to call as 'leaders'. It is even going beyond that to shed light on the acts and deeds of others and how our US government tries to play everyone for suckers, American and foreigner alike.
When all the US has to package and export is lies, deceit, and corruption, the US is on no moral high ground and proving they are not worthy as world leaders or leaders of the USA.
That in a nutshell is why they are afraid and sounding mighty shrill right now.
If they truly fear the Truth that much, it is time for every American to focus on exactly why they fear the Truth. Yes indeed, they fear the Light of the Truth and have plenty of reason to fear.
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