Director Robert Mueller is calling for changes in federal law to help his
agents with surveillance of communications in anti-terror and other criminal
- At a conference of intelligence experts, Mueller said
that in some instances communications companies are unable to provide electronic
communications the FBI needs in response to court orders.
- His comments come as the Obama administration considers
proposals that would require service providers to make the plain text of
encrypted conversations - over the phone, computer or email - readily available
to law enforcers.
- The FBI's general counsel has said proposed changes would
not expand law enforcement authority, but privacy advocates disagree."
- Robert Mueller, the current head of the FBI was appointed
by Bush on September 4, 2001. He is eyeball deep in everything that had
to do with 911- and he should have been fired after the attacks along with
the head of NORAD, who instead of being court marshaled for utterly failing
to interrupt those attacks in any way-was instead promoted to head the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. These are the kinds of people that this new legislation
is designed to protect; and they ought to be in prison instead of remaining
within the same extended-government that allowed 911 to happen.
- In the late 1970's I worked for three years with the
California Department of Justice, the National and California District
Attorney's Associations and the California Chamber of Commerce as a political
illustrator; on projects that indirectly dealt with getting more lenient
rules for prosecutors and law enforcement: Supposedly to improve their
conviction rates in open court.
- Since that time when the concept of Terror was introduced
to the public in 1978, as one of the crimes that the victims of violent
crimes were supposedly suffering from: The entire system has been trying
to do away with Miranda and as many of the protections as the criminals
of that day and time had when suspects were being charged with crimes.
- It's been 32 years ago since this stance against the
public's right to be protected from government spying and police oversight,
into every facet of personal life, became something that the US Department
of Justice has sought to obtain. But it took the events of 911 to totally
cripple the protections that things like Miranda were created to protect
the public from the excesses of government crimes against the public-which
were never meant to become part of the powers that government should have
had over the lives and thoughts of the same people that this government
was supposedly created to protect and serve. Instead what we have now is
a Justice System that wants to blow-away the all the doors of protection
which the Constitution tried so hard to give to the public.
- Today England is awash with video and audio equipment
to be able to virtually watch any person from the millions of CCTV cameras
and recording devices that now litter the British landscape. This latest
ploy by the FBI for still more invasive spying upon ordinary people is
the first step toward turning America into a much larger version of what
London is today:
- And under the US constitution it's all illegal. There
is far more to life than "National Security" and Americans ought
to be demanding that law "enforcement" be reined-in and caged-again;
in order to actually protect and serve the people instead of randomly attacking
anyone they might think might be a problem.
- 'Terror' and all the "isms" that accompany
that concept are vastly over-rated. To begin with it is not something that
can be fought with bullets, bombs or missiles it's an idea -- a concept
that can only be defeated by constructive actions that convince the public
that their government can actually be trusted not to kill them. Increasing
government freedoms to do everything and anything to ordinary people, without
regard for either law or privacy only deepens the hold that terror now
has over the lives of far too many people today. The feral US Government
knows this and has specifically acted, since 911, to actively seek to continue
to destabilize the population in order to increase the fear in this country,
in order to increase the number of human rights they can continue to crush
in the name of their false-flag that is shielded by "National Security."
- Our prisons are overflowing, and while we hold more people
in prison than any other country now we should be looking at the
money spent on those prisoners that could have been used to create the
kind of life-conditions that would eliminate the needs that have driven
so very many that are needlessly imprisoned here, who should be leading
productive lives in freedom from the government in this country.
- The answer to this newly proposed-edict ought to be "HELL
NO" accompanied by a roll-back of the wholesale destruction of so
much of the Bill of Rights. However the terrified general public cannot
seem to grasp just how criminal the USCRIMINAL-just-us system has become
over the last 32 years since they began to build this national temple to
TERRORISM as something that every need and every ordinary person must now
kneel to. To exist in this country today is not living. If we do not begin
to reverse these Draconian tactics there will not be a country to argue
about. (2)
- People seem to have forgotten that the people that allowed
911 to happen are still in charge of this country; and no one was fired
for what happened on 911, nor was anyone demoted; However many were promoted,
while the official investigations were blocked or watered down to nothing
while everything to do with 911 was wrapped in a huge package of national
and international lies that led directly to the unwarranted and unilateral
attacks upon Afghanistan and later was extended to the virtually unarmed
nation of Iraq-everything about both these invasions was based on Lies,
Lies and More Lies. Yet to this day even though all the government's justifications
for these wars of conquest have been utterly destroyed: The US remains
firmly entangled in the occupation and slaughter of the people in several
countries and a half-dozen other places besides, which those illegal wars
have apparently given us the right to expand our international footprints
into. But still the public does not demand that these actions be terminated
and the money for them be withheld: This is what "National-Security
is being used for here.
- The relevance of those facts is in the fact that without
911 and the false-flag that it created, none of those wars would have ever
been possible; just as people would never have given up so many of their
rights had they been told what really happened on 911 instead of being
fed the fairy-tale which this government concocted long before Bush was
even selected.
- Terror is very old, but it can be dissolved as a viable
weapon if we care enough to stand and demand real answers as to why in
the hell we are even in the wars we are currently waging that is costing
this country TRILLIONS of dollars that we do not have?
- Law-enforcement does not need more latitude in what they
can do to people: They need to be held to answer for everything they continue
to do to each of us, daily. The uniformed officers of this society have
too often become just rabid-and-raging animals in search of helpless people
to abuse. That has to change in favor of those that once looked to them
for protection, instead of the belligerent violence they now routinely
dispense to anyone that doesn't cringe at the very sound of their voices.
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Terror, Terror, Terror. . . Where's the Proof
- http://rense.com/general92/terr.htm
- 2) Criminality in the CRIMINAL-Justice System
- http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/2005/2005.htm