- KINGSTON, NY, 17 November
2010 - As opposition to full-body X-ray scanners mounts among aircraft
crews and passengers, Gerald Celente,Trends Journal publisher proposes
a realistic and rational solution.
- With ample evidence indicating that repeated exposure
to doses of radiation poses a health risk, and with naked-body scans clearly
violating personal privacy, many are opting out for the personal pat-down
- "I am one of those frequent flyers that will opt-out
for health concerns," said Celente. "The government's assurance
that the scanners are completely safe is alone enough to convince me that
they are dangerous.
- "Moreover, the fact that full-body scanners were
promoted by former Homeland Security Czar Michael Chertoff as the 'most
effective means of detecting hidden explosive devices' further raises my
suspicions," Celente said. Following last year's Christmas Day "Underwear
Bomber" episode, Chertoff who had left Homeland Security to
open his own consulting firm spent the holiday season making the
media rounds loudly championing the scanners while keeping quiet about
his firm's contract with Rapiscan, their manufacturer. (Furthermore, it
was established that the bomber could not have ignited the device with
matches or the syringe of accelerant in his possession. Only an electronic
detonator or "extreme heat" could have set it off.)
- "In other words," said Celente, "the entire
flying public is being subjected to either radioactive contamination or
gross privacy invasion so that Chertoff & Co. can make a profit out
of these pernicious machines. The pat-down option, an already invasive
procedure, has been dramatically upgraded by the TSA into a flagrant full-body
grope. Making the pat-down so gross is designed to encourage people to
go through the scanners rather than get felt up by strangers. It is my
contention that this degrading and disgusting practice is about selling
machines, not about ensuring security.
- The "Celente Solution": Just as the Government
invariably gets everything else wrong, its grope-the-public strategy is
upside-down and inside-out, contends Celente.
- "As a strictly heterosexual, if I'm going to get
groped in an airport be it in public or private I want to be
groped by a gal. Period! And, ideally, I would like to choose my groper.
Does the TSA have a 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' policy," he asks? "What
twisted TSA/government bureaucrat put in place this guy-gropes-guy policy?
- Or are they covertly fostering homosexuality by forcing
men to be felt up by other men all under the guise of security?"
- Celente readily acknowledges that his "solution"
is male-oriented.
- "I'm speaking only for myself and on behalf my guy
friends," said Celente, "not for women. They'll have to find
their own solution."
- Until some such solution is found, citizens of the "Land
of the Free and the Home of the Brave" are going to be subjected to
either radiation poisoning or sexual humiliation.
- Trendpost: Celente says the TSA policy is trend-significant.
As it stands, it will serve to discourage air travelers, which will take
a toll on the slowly recovering business travel and tourist industry.
- Holiday destinations within driving distance will attract
vacationers who refuse to be scanned or groped. And America's airport
security practices, already under attack by foreign nations as unnecessary
and draconian, will further discourage international travelers.
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