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GMO Insanity - Mad Soy Disease Strikes Brazil
From Kimberly Dawley 
From generalportal55@gmail.com
This was sent to me and it finally explains what I have been trying to get through to the Illinois Extension Service minions.
For about 10 years now I have been reporting that tomatoes stay green on the vine (if they fruit at all) until the damned frost comes to kill the plant.
"I've never heard of that before..."
Most of my garden this year (the part that survived the clouds of RoundUp) did the GO DORMANT AND DON'T GROW trick of the Mad Soy.
You see, in the days of Atrazine and other gender-swapping chemicals like that, (2,4-D, etc) the garden would take a hit for about 2 weeks and then start growing again. Perhaps they vomited out the chemical spray.
But I have watched over the years of GMO crops and RoundUp overspray the two things mentioned in this article: Inhibited maturity and Lethal Mold and I can tell you it isn't any f**king mite or any other insect vector.
One of the first three emails that I send out to listmembers includes the government evaluation of the overuse of RoundUp and the virulence of Fusarium Mold.
They created this.
It is hitting the WORLD.
If you think you can live safely in a city when the food supply diminishes.
Think again.
If you think you can live in the country and grow your own food when the food won't grow.
Think again.
It is time for action instead of sitting in front of terminals being titillated by all of the scary bad news.
P.S. You have to love the ISIS database.
From Dr. Shiv Chopra The Institute Of Science In Society
Science Society Sustainability www.i-sis.org.uk
Now look what they've created!! Next we'll see heads of grain with eyes blinking...
And don't forget the FDA says that Americans have no Constitutional right to select their own FOOD....
Mad Soy Disease Strikes Brazil
By Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
No cure for mad soy disease
They call it "mad soy disease" in Brazil, where it has been spreading from the north, causing yield losses of up to 40 percent, most notably in the states of Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Goias.
Like its namesake, mad cow disease, it is incurable [1, 2, 3].
This is the latest GMO fiasco to surface since our report on the meltdown in the USA [4] (GM Crops Facing Meltdown in the USA, SiS 46), China [5] (GM-Spin Meltdown in China, SiS 47), and Argentina [6] (Argentina's Roundup Human Tragedy, SiS 48).
Mad soy disease has afflicted soybeans sporadically in the hot northern regions of Brazil in the past years, but is now spreading to more temperate regions in the south "with increased prevalence overall", according to a US Department of Agriculture scientist.
The disease delays the maturation of infected plants indefinitely; the plants remain green until they eventually rot in the field. The top leaves thin out, and the stems thicken and become deformed. The leaves also darken compared to healthy plants; the pods, when formed, are abnormal with fewer beans.
Researchers have yet to find a cure for the disease, as they are still not sure what causes it. The prime suspect for spreading disease is the black mite found in stubble when soybean is grown in no-till production systems.
According to the USDA Global Agricultural Information Network, Brazil has 24 million hectares planted to soybean, 78 percent of which are GM [3]. Apart from mad soy disease, Brazil's soybean is simultaneously afflicted by soybean Asian rust that first appeared in 2001-2002. Producer groups are requesting the Brazilian Government Agency to speed up approval of more effective fungicide to combat the disease, which would have significant cost implications. But for mad soy disease, no cure is forthcoming. Mato Grosso, which alone produces nearly 30 percent of Brazil's soybean crop, is among the states that have brought the issue of mad soy disease "to the forefront".
US scientists identified more than 40 diseases associated with glyphosate and glyphosate-tolerant crops
Disease of GM soybean is no longer a surprise. Senior scientists in the United States, who have studied glyphosate and glyphosate-tolerant GM crops for decades, identified more than 40 diseases linked to glyphosate, and the list is growing [7] (Scientists Reveal Glyphosate Poisons Crops and Soil, SiS 47). Glyphosate tolerant crops play a pivotal role in causing and spreading diseases, not only to the crops themselves, but also to other crops grown nearby or planted subsequently [8] (Glyphosate Tolerant Crops Bring Diseases and Death, SiS 47).
Read the rest of this article here - http://www.i-sis.org.uk/madSoyDieaseStrikesBrazil.php
Or read other articles about GM soya here http://www.i-sis.org.uk/GE-soya.php
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