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Why Covert Ops Must Have 'Fake' Video?
By Ed Ward MD
Because the videos show that an JSTAR E-10 MC2A was the supposed Super-Powered 'Commercial Airliner'.
Even if true, unlike Proven Mini Nukes, It means nothing in the big picture of how it was actually done or actual evidence of anything other than the fact the videos are fake. Doesn't mean anything as to whether or not planes were actually used.
Of course, for this premise of 'fake' video proving anything, one must also believe that during planning...someone says, since the plan is to use hijacked airliners, "Hey, let's not use real planes. Let's truck the plane parts in, crews to lay them out, people to say they saw planes, etc, et al, and just make some fake videos of planes going into the towers. Now, when we make these fake videos, instead of photoshopping in a commercial airliner with windows, we'll photoshop in the plane needed to actually do it." Everybody high fives and says 'yeah, it's just our lives on the line for treason.'
Next day, the moron is no longer a threat... most likely scenario, taken out by their own family out of fear they'd all be taken out. It's ludicrous on multiple levels.. Not just one.
It's only important if one NEEDS to disprove that something other than a SUPER POWERED IRREGULAR SHAPED COMMERCIAL AIRLINER FLEW INTO THE WTCS - INDIRECTLY.
Evaluation of Video Footage - for wtc comparisons... http://911review.org/Wiki/Wtc2PlanePod.shtml
Proven 9-11 Nukes = US Government Involvment  http://www.rense.com/general92/pr911.htm - has link for Ivy Flats Video

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