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Eastman - China's New Credit Agency Nails US
From Richard Eastman
Downgrading The US Credit Rating
How China's first attempt at a ratings agency isn't pulling any punches
By Addison Wiggin
The Daily Reckoning
"Lenders should do all they can to meet the needs of creditworthy borrowers," Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke suggested helpfully at a conference in Washington on Monday. "Credit conditions remain very difficult," Mr. Bernanke reported.
Funny how credit gets tight in a post-binge bust.
"Total bank loans have, indeed, grown," GoldMoney's James Turk comments, "but not because banks made new loans. Instead, the increase was a result of pure accounting.
"On April 1, 2010, the accounting rules for banks changed. Credit previously extended in the form of derivatives booked off bank balance sheets now has to be accounted for on a bank's balance sheet. Thus, in accordance with rule FAS 166/67, banks brought about $300 billion of assets and liabilities onto their balance sheets in April. This was credit already extended.
"Contrary to earlier conclusions, bankers are still sitting on their hands. They are not making new loans, when taking into consideration the bookkeeping change. Bankers are still trying to repair their own overleveraged balance sheets," a task that is going to take a lot of time yet.
Speaking of credit, or the lack thereof, the US has been stripped of its AAA credit rating. So have Britain, France and Germany...
This morning, the Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., China's first real attempt at a ratings agency, initiated coverage on the sovereign debt of 50 different countries. "Dagong's sovereign credit ratings are based on the new sovereign credit rating standard created by Dagong," the Dagong report explains in a perfectly logical, if circular, fashion.
Dagong analysts claim to give a greater value to nations with the best "wealth-creating capacity" and biggest foreign reserves. They strive to "not be affected by ideology," insisting that "it is the newly-created social wealth that supports the national funding capacity and constitutes the primary source of debt repayment."
When we were in China last month, we had a chance to fire Chinese-made M-16s and AK-47s. The Chinese are reverse-engineering the weapons and mass-producing them. Heck, if the US and Russia are making money in the global arms trade, why shouldn't China get a piece of the action?
The same logic apparently applies to the global credit markets, too.
Here's how global debt looks when expressed in terms of Dagong's outlook for each of the top 20 countries' currency.
Perhaps we should consider these new ratings to be another subtle shot across the bow from the Far East... The Chinese are not nearly as ignorant as most Westerners would want them to be.
These new Chinese ratings might make sense, but they are not sanctioned by the SEC.
"The single most important factor in the Commission staff's assessment of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSRO) status," reads the SEC's website, "is whether the rating agency is 'nationally recognized' in the United States as an issuer of credible and reliable ratings by the predominant users of securities ratings."
"The [SEC] staff also reviews the operational capability and reliability of each rating organization. Included within this assessment are... the rating organization's independence from the companies it rates...the rating organization's rating procedures (to determine whether it has systematic procedures designed to produce credible and accurate ratings)..."
Ha! Take that, you Chinese credit raters. The SEC is the decider!
Only 10 organizations in the world are labeled a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO)! Any worldly company that wants to both utilize a credit ratings agency and comply with US financial regulations has to use one of these NRSROs...thereby making any alternative ratings agencies mostly irrelevant, regardless of the quality of their ratings.
So there.
Of the 10 sanctioned NRSROs, seven are US companies. Naturally. Two are Japanese, and one is Canadian. But we're pretty sure these last three don't count. Clearly, no other country in the world is capable of accurately assessing credit conditions.
Sorry, Dagong Global...wrong country, wrong era.
"As future bond issuers belly up to the bar with their rating agency seals of approval," PIMCO's Bill Gross wrote earlier this year, "it is incumbent on the buying public to treat those IDs with a healthy skepticism. Firms such as PIMCO with large credit staffs of their own can bypass, anticipate and front-run all three, benefiting from their timidity and lack of common sense. Take these recent examples, for instance: S&P just this [April] downgraded Spain 'one notch' to AA from AA+, cautioning that they could face another downgrade if they weren't careful. Oooh - so tough! And believe it or not, [up until May of 2010] Moody's and Fitch still have them as AAAs. Here's a country with 20% unemployment, a recent current account deficit of 10%, that has defaulted 13 times in the past two centuries, whose bonds are already trading at Baa levels and whose fate is increasingly dependent on the kindness of the EU and IMF to bail them out. Some AAA!"
That's the biggest bond manager in the world publicly mocking the ratings establishment. How much longer can the status quo last?
They have layed out your future as powerless subsistence-level debt slaves -- are you going to accept it? Is that what you want every child you know to grow up to live in?
Obama's Pay-National-Debt-to-Rothschilds-at-Any-Cost Commission lays it all out for us.
How $47,000 owed by every American to the Rothschilds and Chinese will be paid.
The chairmen of President Obama's national debt commission painted a gloomy picture Sunday as the United States struggles to end spending for the public in order to maintain the required stream of debt payment to the Rothschilds who were so good to make the credit available to us in the first place.
Republican Alan Simpson and Democrat Erskine Bowles told a meeting of the National Governors Association that everything needs to be considered - including curtailing popular tax breaks, such as the home-mortgage deduction, and instituting a financial trigger mechanism for gutting Medicare coverage to pay America's international creditors.
The nation's total federal debt to the Rothschild interests next year is expected to exceed $14 trillion - about $47,000 for every U.S. resident. Not even jobs created by tearing down our coal power pants and tearing down our dams so the salmon can spawn and replacing the lost power with windmills and solar cells is expected to earn that much money. "So its either we take the knife to ourselves or we disappoint the Rothschilds. History shows -- at least for the ruling elites that the Rothschilds have trusted to serve their interests -- that taking the knife to our sub-ruling classes is by far the better choice.
"This debt to the Rothschilds is like a cancer," Bowles said in a sober presentation lightened by humorous asides between him and Simpson. "It is truly going to destroy the country from within -- no matter what. Our goal is just to keep up orderly payments to the Rothschilds until the last drop of blood is wrung from the last stone dead debtor.."
Simpson said the entirety of the nation's current discretionary spending is consumed by the Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs. How in the hell can we dare have those when we owe Rothschild so much money?
Simpson, a former Republican senator from Wyoming, and Bowles, a former White House chief of staff under President Clinton, head an 18-member commission to diffuse responsibility for cutting open the American people to sell their organs to meet debt payments to the Rothschilds who got the trillion dollar bailout that was money borrowed from the Rothschilds at interest which we now must pay back. After all Obama promised the G-20 it would get down -- and the G-20 are all debt-slave nations whose leaders are Rothschild debt-collectors.
The panel is charged with coming up with a plan by Dec. 1 to reduce the government's annual deficits to 3 percent of the national economy by 2015. Right now the deficit is most of the GDP. The interest payments that must be made to the Rothschilds can't be cut -- it becomes America on the chopping block. Of course if Ron Paul and Celente can get us on a gold standard and if the American people in a panic buy gold from the Rothschilds -- who monopolize it -- everything will get better faster. Nothing like a lot of shiny yellow metal disks and lump bars buried in the back yard to ensure there will be enough food for everyone. So if you have bought gold from one of Glenn Becks advertizers you can stop reading -- none of this need concern you.
"The rest of the federal government, including fighting two wars, homeland security, education, art, culture, you name it, veterans, the whole rest of the discretionary budget, is being financed by China and other countries," Simpson said. China alone holds $920 billion in IOUs from the U.S. government. And China got that money because the Rothschilds set them up to get it. The Rothschilds have giant stake in all of the Chinese industrial firms that produced the goods which Americans bought on Rothschild mediated credit.
If the United States makes no changes, Bowles said, the nation will be spending $2 trillion by 2020 just for interest on the national debt to the Rothschilds. Even debt slavery has its limits.
"Just think about that: All that money, going somewhere else, to create jobs and opportunity somewhere else," he said.
BOSTON -- The co-chairmen of President Obama's debt-owed-to-the-Rothschilds commission and deficit in meeting interest payment obligations in our debt to the Rothschilds commission offered an ominous assessment of the nation's fiscal future here Sunday, calling current budgetary trends a cancer "that will destroy the country from within" unless checked by tough action in Washington that will enable our interest payments on our debt to the Rothschilds to continue without missing a payment.
The two leaders -- former Republican senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming and Erskine Bowles, White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton -- sought to build support for the work of the commission, whose recommendations on how and where to cut in order to not incur the wrath of Rothschild is due later this year are likely to spark a fierce debate in Congress.
"There are many who hope we fail," Simpson said at the closing session of the National Governors Association annual meeting. He called the 18-member commission "good people with deep, deep differences" who know the odds of success in balancing national survival with our obligations to the Rothschilds "are rather harrowing."
(Graphic: President Obama's proposed 2011 budget explained)
Bowles said that unlike the current economic crisis, which was largely unforeseen before it hit in fall 2008, the coming fiscal calamity is staring the country in the face. "This one is as clear as a bell," he said. "This debt is like a cancer." The compound interest owed to the Rothschild banking alliance grows like cancer spreads. The cuts we must make to pay the Rothschilds are like the organs that must be removed to keep the cancer from killing the patient. Either we cut off our arms and legs or we miss a payment to the Rothschilds, therefore prepare to feel the scalpel.
The commission leaders said that, at present, federal revenue is fully consumed by three programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "The rest of the federal government, including fighting two wars, homeland security, education, art, culture, you name it, veterans -- the whole rest of the discretionary budget is being financed by China and other countries," Of course the Rothschild/Rockefeller planned and forced the deindustrialization of the US and the export of our industrial capital to China, bankrolled by Rothschild loans, laundered drug money etc. and of course Rothschild/Rockefeller money bought the prostituting politicians that passed NAFTA and WTO treaties that made it impossible for us to discipline ourselves with the requirement of balanced trade. Of course the Rothschilds and their partner China were willing to extend loans so the US could provide demand for China industrialization and cheap goods that destroyed US domestic
producers. Why not? They know that when we default they get the collateral -- they get our ever remaining resource. Simpson said.
"We can't grow our way out of this," Bowles said. The debt is too big, the compound interest is too impossibly high. "We could have decades of double-digit growth and not grow our way out of this enormous debt problem. We can't tax our way out. . . . We The reality is we owe the Rothschilds more than we can pay and the debt to the Rothschilds is growing at compound interest faster than we could ever hope to grow ourselves, especially since our capital base is completely gone and our infrastructure is worn our and unreliable and we have no demand and a workforce dumbed-down and discouraged
so we've got to do exactly what you all do every day as governors. We've got to cut spending or increase revenues or do some combination of that to make sure we don't miss a payment to the Rothschilds."
Bowles pointed to steps taken recently by the new coalition government in Britain, which also faces an acute budgetary problem in meeting their debt payment obligations to the Rothschilds -- as a guide to what the commission might use in its recommendations. That would mean about three-quarters of the deficit reduction would be accomplished through spending cuts, and the remainder with additional revenue. Cut and tax the many so that the super-rich are no angered by a missed payment. Otherwise, Bowles added the Rothschilds will stop lending to us and we will go bankrupt and by international law when the Rothschilds don't get paid there has to be blood in the streets until all of those who would short change the Rothschilds get what they deserve."
Most Republicans in Congress are opposed to any tax increases to pay the Rothschilds, which has made the work of the commission far more difficult. Bowles and Simpson appealed for support to the governors, who have been forced by their states' constitutions to balance their budgets with deep spending cuts and, in many cases, tax increases. "After all, Bowles said, we borrowed the money for our stimulus payment to the financial sector -- now we have to pay for it.
Stimulus money does not come out of thin air. We hired the money, now we have obligations to the international lenders that must be met."
Bowles and Simpson said the commission would have had a stronger hand politically had it been created by Congress, rather than through an executive order. But the new recess appointment of the man who will cut US medical services by half will help,Simpson pointed out.
"As far as I can discern, it was to stick it to the president," Simpson said. "That's where we are in Washington." He later added that all seven "have now come to us to say, 'We're ready to help.' "
The presentation by Simpson and Bowles, which included repeated statements of determination to produce a bipartisan set of recommendations to meet our obligations to the Rothschilds drew praise from the governors.
"I don't know that I've ever heard a gloomier picture painted that created more hope for me," said Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe(D). Job security for hit-men.
Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire (D) said that many governors fear that the commission's recommendations will result in more demands on the states. It's a dirty job, but those Rothschilds must get their money. I won't let them down.
Bowles, who noted that the 1997 balanced-budget agreement to stay within the budget that Rothschild willingness to lend and accumulating debt that was reached between the Clinton White House and the Republican-controlled Congress included many provisions that put more burdens on the states, said that wasn't likely.
"I don't think you're going to see a lot of devolution coming from us because the states are all broke," he said. We simply owe and can't pay. It is now just a matter of slicing up the country until their is nothing left. But the rules must be followed: "Let the children starve and die of exposure on the streets before by withhold a penny of payment to the Rothschilds.
Simpson also warned that the November elections could add another wild card to the work of the commission. "I have no idea what's going to happen on Election Day but it's going to be disruptive when Karl Rove with all that money from corporations elects Newt Gingrich as the next President. Newt is a self-proclaimed life-long Rockefeller man, so I am sure if payments to the Rothschilds/Rockefellers can be kept up somehow Newt will find the way. he said. "It's going to be a big wake-up call around the whole United States. I have no idea where it's going, but thank heaven we have a month then to work through the wreckage."
Or not!
Populists want to cut through all the above -- repudiate the debt, institute domestic debt-free treasury money, and nationalize credit providing each household with social credit dividends -- purchasing power that families can spend without having to pay back. The social credit does not replace going to work to earn a living -- but it removes all debt at once -- and it replaces the Rothschild/Rockefeller international usury system that injects new money by making giant debt loans to their pet monopoly corporations with Rothschild minion CEOs etc.
As one Social Creditor put it in a letter this morning:
We, especially of the "civilized" world, HAVE been slaughtering each other on a mass scale for well over a century--mainly because of intensifying international competition to force more and more of our growing super-abundance on other nations. If we don't learn how to distribute this wealth to the people at large in the first instance without first engaging in increasingly wasteful and ultimately destructive activity we will no doubt keep up the momentum of the killing machine. One surprising little bright ray of light that recently peeped through the darkness: I was listening to a financial commentator, who has just released a book, on radio the other day and while musing about the intractability of the "recessionary forces" partly because of weakening foreign trade and partial if temporary military pull-outs he suddenly blurted out,
"We can't all export more than we import!" Somehow he seemed to have been struck by a sudden flash of insight. Not much, but it was a small, if profound, crack in conventional thinking. Can we hope that this sort of thing may become contagious?
Remember -- the trade deficit and the entire system of debt slavery and our condition right now were all the result of a policy dictated by international bankers and executed by their servants who we have been tricked into believing are public servants working for the general good.
America needs repudiation off all debt to Rothschild/Rockefeller crime syndicate, debt-free treasury money, Social Credit, Transactions Taxes on Big Finance after it is Cut Down to Size
Populist Nationalist Social Credit Brotherhood of American Citizen Peacemakers of All Races and Creeds -- This is our Common Ground!!!
Thoughts of Douglas on Social Credit, Economic Depression, the Bankers' Conspiracy
Clifford Hugh Douglas - Social Credit(1924)
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From: Dan Breeden
To: Richard Eastman
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 5:36 PM
Subject: disgusting IMF
Richard Eastman

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