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Who Cares Enough To Tell The Truth?
By Richard Eastman
Soldiers and veterans - who cares enough to tell the truth?  How easy to kill (remorse comes later...for some) but how difficult to stand up for the truth to really save your country.  The military breaks manhood -- those who go into battle are submissives,  slaves  --  watching their best buddies destroyed yet they keep their mouths shut -- and then go home and blow their own brains out.  People would rather get a letter saying their son is dead than to speak out against a government that has been infiltrated by our real enemy.
Teacher: "...and that is why we have to support our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq."
Student: "You mean the troops said 'Let's go fight,' and so everyone has to say 'Yes, that's a great idea, keep on fighting,' until the troops change their minds?"
Received from
Ken Rechtstein
In less than 2 generations, the Zionists managed first to corrupt the WASP politicians, then to push them aside and take over America.
Israel is being supported by the US tax payers and The Pentagon has become a subsidiary of Israel.
No US president can be elected without the approval of the AIPAC, and before even being nominated by his or her party, he or she has to to put on the Kipa and address the wailing wall, to show respect to the Don.
How can 2% of the US population have more to say than 98%? 
Put a Menorah there instead of the Cross and you will see how it will be cared for, will never disappear, within months you will have a holocaust museum erected next to it, maybe a Wailing Wall too and a touristic operation set up, bringing in visitors by helicopter loads. The place will be renamed New Jerusalem. After a year or so you will have some rabbi swearing that Yahvé materialized for him there and next, AIPAC will claim the Mojave Desert as National Patrimony of the Clansorry, of Israel. Within a decade The' New Jerusalem City' will have the privilege to print money and lend it to the US government at high interest rates, competing with the FED Reserve but owned by the same people UH! and financing both the Republican and Democratic party candidates, no matter the degree of concentration of Melamine in their skin, whether they are straight of free wheelers, men or women, as long as they follow ad literam the AIPAC Script and subscribe to-accept its conditions.
It occurs to me that one of the major reason, for which the Veterans are ill-treated and not given the attention and care they deserve, has nothing to do with the lack of funds: It is intentional, a well thought of state policy that could be traced to the Think Tanks managed by the people that sent young men and women to senseless wars to ensure that a CLAN continues to amass wealth at the expense of the sacrifice, misery and alienation of others. It serves various purposes and the reasons to keep the Veterans down and out of the way are many:
1) The Veterans, who managed to return, with their sanity and analytical sense intact, from the senseless wars, they were cynically sent to, CAME BACK KNOWING MANY DIRTY SECRETS: a,- They have been lied to about the motives of the war: Nothing to do with defending the USA or 'Democracy', even less any value known to ethics or decency; b,- all was about greed, drugs, power and money, part of a scheme devised by devious minds, by un-American members of an International Mafia, sitting comfortably in cozy sitting rooms or offices, and talking about the billions that will be made from arms deals and occupation, drug production and distribution; c,-nobody cares about the Veterans sacrifice or the suffering of civilians in the occupied territories; d,- the Israeli and the MOSSAD are to be found behind the actions and False Flag Ops intended to push the USA into unjust ­senseless wars and create INDUCED TERRORISM to keep the Merry Go Round Turning and the profits funneled to Israel . The Veterans, acting in good faith, bought the lies of "DEFENDING the USA", "liberating far away countries from dictators", (who have been put in power by the very same policy makers), risked their lives, left family, friends and dreams behind, saw friends and companions of arms die unnecessarily in faraway forsaken places, defending created interests that have nothing to do with National Security or the Wellbeing of neither the USA-GB- Europe-Scandinavia-Irak-Afghanistan or Pakistan, but a lot to do with the New World Order that Israel and the Banksters want to implement worldwide,
2) The very same monsters who sent young men and women to war on the basis of FALSE PREMISES and LIES are the ones who, as well, devised devious policies and bureaucratic road stops TO KEEP THE VETERANS OFF BALANCE and occupied with menial chores, trying to survive and live at peace with the nightmares they have experimented in the theaters of operations and the TRUTHS, they discovered while on "duty".
3) The idea is to keep the Veterans focused on solving basic problems: shelter, food, employment, not giving them the care or funds they need and are entitled to, in order to have a normal life, because that will free their mind to THINK and, the Anti-American Think Tanks imbedded in the USA do not want that to happen. They do not want that Veterans, who have been there, who know about arms and explosives, who have seen it all, to become one VOICE and REAL ACTORS in DOMESTIC or FOREIGN POLICY with first hand evidence and knowledge of what really happened, what happens out there and what could happen in the future with negative effects for the entire planet.
4) The Mafia who took over America and Europe is scared to death at the idea that veterans might UNITE, ORGANIZE and point their fingers at the real culprits, reveal the behind the scene manipulations, and expose the lies. That is why it is why its SAYANIM members are busy launching attacks, issuing warnings and rocking the currencies and the stock exchanges.
I think that the next 11/S-earthquake will happen within the FINANCIAL SECTOR as a show of how powerful the MAFIA is. Incidents as the disappearance of the Cross are meant just as diversion.

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