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WorldNetDaily 'No To Obamacare'
FaxGram Hustle?
Shilling For Ralph Reed
From Scott Teeters
Hi Jeff,
Hope you're doing well. I subscribe to several email alert programs that I don't particularly don't like, just to see what they're up to. This morning, not long after I got off the phone to my congressman's office (John Adler, of Cherry Hill, NJ) telling them that I DO NOT want him to vote for the healthcare reform bill, I got an email from WorldNetDaily.
They're calling for people to help them burry Congress with FaxGrams saying "NO" to Obamacare. When I clicked the link to sigh the petition, there's a form to fill out, that includes picking a contribution amount and the credit card info areas are "Required Fields." Meaning that unless you give them MONEY, they won't fax Congress in your name.
The email invitation doesn't say anything about required donations and doesn't mention the donation part until you scroll WAY down to the bottom.
Plus, they state that they're aiming for 300,000 FaxGrams. Let's see, even if people only donate $10, that adds up to$3 Million dollars.
We should ALL be running deals like this, but most of us are too honest.
This is nothing more than a fund raising effort on the part of that creep, Ralph Reed and his Faith & Freedom Coalition.
Everybody is working a deal, Jeff.
Take care.
Here's the email invitation that says nothing about a REQUIRED donation...

And here's where you Pay to protest...
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