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Obama Bows To Gay Pride -
Denies Patriotic Flyovers - Vid

From Spiker
Check this short Fox News video. Obama denied a flyover that's been done for 42 years, because of the name of the event...yet he celebrated "Gay Pride Day" just to spit in the faces of Christians. He could care less about what Christians feel about homosexuality. I guarantee he would not offend Muslims, now would he?
Next he'll change the Marine Corps motto of "God, Country and Corps."
Send this to everyone you know! Please get this out globally. It's time other nations saw what we're dealing with here.
Unbelievable, isn't it!!! Everyone needs to see this. I foresee many flyovers by the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels being canceled in the next three years too. Also demonstrations by the Golden Knights and our service bands. This guy is out of control!!! Obama denied a military flyover at the annual "God and Country" rally in Idaho, where new military recruits were inducted and all military were honored. This is the first time in 42 years that there has not been a military flyover in formation, and organizers were stunned that Obama refused to allow this. When the lady organizing the event contacted the Pentagon to ask why this was not allowed, as it had occurred every year for 42 years, she was told it was because of the event's "Christian nature."
The video also mentions that when Obama made a recent speech, a cross and a Christian symbol for Jesus had to be covered first.
This is beyond unbelievable action by the Commander in Chief and President, and Americans need to know about it!
YouTube - Obama Denies Flyover
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