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Obama's War - Death To
Women And Children
Cover-Ups To Protect The US Killers

By Dave Lindorff
So, finally the truth comes out...sort of.
After initially claiming that two pregnant women and a teenage girl killed in a US Special Forces raid on an Afghan home in Khataba in February had been discovered bound and slain by the Americans, the US military has admitted that they were actually shot and killed by those US troops--who then tried to cover up their "mistake" by carving the bullets out of the bodies with knives, removing other incriminating bullets from the compound's walls, and then washing away the bloody evidence with alcohol.
In this new grisly version of the story issued from the US command in Afghanistan, it was a case of the Special Forces Unit lying to superiors about what had transpired in their botched raid, which also killed an Afghan police commander and a government prosecutor...
For the rest of this story, please go to:

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