- The first real skirmishes over who will live and who
will die in the final conflicts for the soul of the planet will soon begin
on this ragged perimeter, where the twilight and the dawn are often mistaken
for each other. We are all about to enter that Shadowland which is the
last stop for summer-soldiers and yesterday's heroes that thought they
might be able to rise with this wave; yet even as they could feel this
coming they failed to realize, even as they wrote that they too were involved,
in what is fast becoming no ordinary wave. This is a political-tsunami
of mega-proportions which is why the part-time-patriots have already begun
to distance themselves from the continuing and oncoming consequences.
- A major part of why this has finally reached this point
is apparently a basic lack of comprehension that surrounds certain key
words and concepts inherent in political language. It would seem that some
'Definitions' might help clear the air around some our most intractable
misunderstandings. Below are some definitions for the important words that
our summer-soldiers-in-print have studiously avoided using. These definitions
come from The New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College
Edition © Simon & Schuster 1986
- "TREASON: "1. [Now Rare] betrayal of trust
or faith; treachery 2. violation of the allegiance owed to one's sovereign
or state; betrayal of one's country, specif., in the U. S. (as declared
in the Constitution), consisting only in levying war against the U. S.
or in giving aid and comfort to its enemies "
- TREASONABLE: adj. having the nature of, or involving
treason; traitorous
- TRAITOR: a person who betrays his country, cause, friends
etc.; one guilty of treason or treachery.
- LIE: 1. a) to make a statement that one knows is false,
esp. with intent to deceive
- FRAUD: 1. a) deceit; trickery; cheating b) Law intentional
deception to cause a person to give up property or some lawful right"
- As a result of the failure of the media (there are no
longer any "news-divisions within the major networks) and those that
call themselves journalists, to accurately portray the words and actions
of those that are in the public spotlight: (Largely because they have stolen
whichever office they currently hold) The public tends not to see what
is being said and done in their names; for the actual crimes which the
recent and current political actions actually are. Most reporters use terms
such as "he or she misspoke" or were "inaccurate" instead
of saying what the man or woman really did which was to "lie"!
- The use of terms like fraud, treason and traitor, carry
with them legal consequences if they are used without proof. Consequently
editors and managers of most media stories simply forbid (or censor) the
use of these terms to avoid any potential legal hassles. However in that
process they do the nation and the people a massive disservice. If we still
had "citizens" here, instead of only 'consumers' then it would
be a crime for reporters and spokespersons not to use the correct terminology
for the actions taken routinely in Congress and the Courts as well as in
the Executive branches of government. But only citizens have "rights"
consumers have nothing when it comes to protection from this behemoth that
masquerades as their overlord.
- Needless to say I use the above words frequently and
yet there is no outcry from those that I accuse of these things, because
I'm not large enough to count in the great circles of corruption that altogether
compose both the government and the greatest criminal enterprise ever assembled;
to screw the people that in theory created them and that in fact are paying
for their malevolent conduct, against each and every one of us that is
not a member of their governing elites. The question is 'why do not more
writers use real terms for what has been going on now for the last ten
years'? That's fairly simple; because they are terrified of being blacklisted,
or of losing the so-called job they had, whenever this subject came up.
- In other words most of these professional writers have
been serving as gutless stooges for the same traitors that they're reporting
on yes? I suppose that it's understandable for those caught up in
the politics of politics not to want to divulge the truth when their entire
job is to keep the truth hidden: however that does not excuse the general
public from not-seeing through these charades and demanding some actual
honest answers and more than a few scraps of candor that tend to fall as
crumbs from any encounter where the public is locked-out of every meaningful
meeting that might involve anything of actual substance concerning the
life or death of so many of those people that will be directly affected
by the fraud, by the treachery, and by the virtually unlimited continuing-acts
of those determined traitors who are the same people that are supposedly
responsible for every major act of this government for the last TEN YEARS!
- Words are massively important if the public is to grasp
what's really going on with any proposal that this nation is about to undertake;
yet we have mostly remained just bystanders, to the major decisions, which
this treasonous government has consistently taken in opposition to whatever
would have been in the best interests of the people of the United States.
Coincidently someone ought to point out that "what is good for the
national security interests of the United States" almost always runs
directly counter to the actual health, welfare and real security of the
people that pay the bills and have most recently become the targets of
the government's new war upon what it sees as enemies of this state.
- Maybe if we began to demand clear answers from the fraudulent
politicians, and began to hold each one of them personally responsible
for everything they have already done to us; in the same way that they
have now even criminalized our thoughts as well as our token actions against
them, as being dangerous to the national-security-state, which no one was
ever asked to vote for or against. We simply became a fascist police-state,
because that was the best way for the owners to make the most money and
create the least amount of resistance from we-the-targets in their War-on-Us!
- So while 'DEFINITIONS' are important; actions are far
more important. In fact in the end actions are the only thing that really
counts, especially now that the curtain has began to come down on the farce
that we used to call the United States of America. If there are any rights
left then we had better use them now or we'll lose them in the next few
months. America is going to need all the 'Good Luck' she can get; not to
mention the 'guts' we seem to have lost somewhere while we were hiding
from the erratic firestorms' of criminality that have been raging around
us for more than a decade now. . . How much longer are we going to wait
before we finally "remember who we really are"!
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net