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Zimbabwe - Don't Cry Tomorrow
From Cathy Buckle 
Dear Family and Friends,
A tragic event involving a 15 year old schoolboy and a fatal stabbing in a church, has sent shivers down my spine. It should be ringing alarm bells both in and outside Zimbabwe because this, more than any diplomatically worded political speech, demonstrates just how tired Zimbabweans are of waiting for accountability and justice.
The news came in a transcript from a Voice of the People Radio report. A 15 year old schoolboy was attending a service in the Zion Christian Church in Village 2 near Neshuro Growth Point in the Mwenezi District. At some point in the service Nhamo Machacha, described as a "well known Zanu PF terror master," and aide to the Zanu PF MP for Mwenezi East, interrupted the church proceedings. The teenage boy got up and stabbed Machacha twice in the stomach. Despite being rushed to Neshuro hospital, Machacha died from excessive bleeding.
In the radio transcript an eyewitness explained the history behind the behaviour of the 15 year old boy:
"That boy's father Lameck Muripo was killed by Zanu (PF) thugs in 2008.
Their home was burnt and they were left homeless but the children were still
young. However, up to now the culprits including the now deceased were
walking free and this boy said he wanted to revenge,"
The 15 year old school boy was taken into Police custody and the Zanu PF MP for Mwenezi East, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, responded to the killing of his aide by saying:
""There is nothing to hide here. MDC is a party of violence, they need
violence and they have provoked us today. How can I keep silent when they
slapped us in the face like this? They have started it and they must not cry tomorrow."
An amazing statement from a Member of Parliament.
For ten years the murderers, torturers and rapists spawned during a decade of violent elections have been walking amongst us. For ten years reports have been made to authorities but perpetrators have not been arrested, tried or convicted. Everyone knows who the perpetrators of the crimes are. There are witnesses, affidavits and documented reports and yet still nothing is done.
Writing to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the murders of Prime Minister Tsvangirai's election agent Tichaona Chiminya and activist Talent Mabika, the MDC are also demanding that justice be done. The men named in those killings continue to walk free, one even still in state employment.
There are thousands of similar cases and thousands of victims still waiting for justice in cities, towns and remote rural villages. It is a ticking time bomb which apparently left a 15 year old schoolboy unable to wait a day longer. A time bomb which should have everyone shouting out for accountability, including MP's.
Until next time, thanks for reading,
love, cathy
Copyright Cathy Buckle 1st May 2010. www.cathybuckle.com
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