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Communism May Be Dead In The USSR
But It's Alive And Well In The USSA
By Joe Cortina
Communism May Be Dead
In The USSR But It's Alive
And Well In The USSA
By Joe Cortina
Just when you thought 'Red Rallies' and 'May Day' celebrations and 'clenched fists' and all those catchy 'commie cliches' - had ended up on the ash heap of history ­ they are back with a vengeance! No ­ I'm not taking about a new movie or TV series or a revitalized craze for 'Che' T-shirts.
I'm talking about the REAL thing coming from the City where Communism was classically supported in the 60s before it was discredited for the demonic Godless ideology which ultimately caused more civilian murders that all of the wars -plagues and natural disasters of the 20th Century COMBINED.
It would also be prudent to remember that FACT that this global nightmare was a 'gift' from the Jews of course. You remember the 'tribe' don't you? The self-chosenites who got America into two world wars and and have succeeded in turning out once Christian based nation into a cesspool ­ a morally rotted corpse and a financially decimated occupied nation of subservient sheeple.
Well anyway ­ Like in 'The Shining' - they're back! This time - no waffling around with drugged up ­ dropped out - 'love children' at Woodstock orgies. THIS time its POWERFUL Congressmen - union thug leaders ­ and other people with respectable sounding titles ­ albeit the fact they are pure unadulterated scum.
The straw-man issue ­ their whipping post, their facade - for all this self- sanctimonious show of 'righteous indignation' and hate-mongering? The newest legislation in Arizona enacted to stem the invasion of illegal criminals from Mexico. I could fill BOOKS with documented FACTS regarding organized gangs ­ high rates of crime ­ rapes ­ robberies ­ hard drug smuggling ­ freeloading and stealing citizens benefits bought and paid for LITERALLY - from the sweat and tears of the American working family ­ but the unemployment lines and lost homes and jobs crowded hospitals and many other problems resulting from the recent economic collapse and of course uncontrolled invasion of illegal freeloaders and irresponsible undesirables speak for themselves.
Next time you are in an emergency room with a life threatening condition and observe it if FILLED with vagrants and migrant workers and an assortment of people who cannot even speak our language ­ who are not even citizens and who have never had to pay a dollar of medical insurance ­ and must wait for hours and hours for care YOU HAVE PAID FOR ­ let me know how you feel about these Communists who are so eager to see our system in shambles and place these illegal freeloaders' welfare AHEAD of yours!
I sent the following letter to the Governor of Arizona. Everything contained therein is verifiable and true. I believe it should be read by EVERY literate man woman and child who are citizens of this country ­ and are struggling to maintain their families basic needs - so you will understand the TRUTHS that are shielded from you with layers upon layers of outright lies by some of the most pernicious greedy lying lowlife criminal thug mentality evil scum ever spawned in this country !
Dear Governor Brewer,
Tampa ­ May 7 2010
I am a Hispanic. I am also a Former Green Beret airborne commander of the 60s. I was also a former Vice-Consul to Costa Rica ( obviously multilingual) . I was also the past president of a company ( many years ago) I built with my own hands during the worst recession of the past 50 years. I was also an aerospace engineer who helped solve high-tech problems for NASA. I am well educated - well traveled ­ well informed and am a journalist to boot. I supported the Democrat Party for 23 years as a moral but naive ignorant young man. As I gained wisdom and truth, I was repulsed. I then sustained the Republican Party for almost as long - till it became a cabal of Godless war-mongering hypocrites. The stench of innocent death and the appalling hypocrisy were unconscionable ­ so I am now a 'homeless political orphan'. I am a Christian ­ a Catholic as you may suspect.
Having said these things ­ I wish to inform you of my approval of your legislation to combat illegal immigration. Your actions are responsible moral and WAY overdue. Hopefully the rest of our population who are not gangsters or are NOT sharing brains ­ will follow your example. American citizenship is NOT a right. It is a privilege!
I learned that at the knee of my father whose parents came here to find a better life over a hundred years ago. They were poor in material wealth ­ but rich in spirit ­ Godly ­ moral - decent ­ responsible ­ educated pioneer mentality CONTRIBUTORS.
I have read the entire HP 1070 ­ including the revisions. From what I can see it is not only 'fair' ­ but MANDATORY to the security of a safe, drug free, violence free community that is geographically juxtaposed to a foreign country unquestionably reputed for its violence -crime and drug influence ­ not to mention a level of corruption which even surpasses our current administration ­ a fact of which I am painfully aware. I have spent enough time and experience there to know what I am talking about.
I applaud ANY foreign visitor who wished to share our blessings ­ BUT ONLY if he or she 'obey the rules of the house' ­ as I would expect to do were I the 'guest'. Life is tough enough here economically as of recent ­ without unnecessary added burdens of more guests ­ especially larcenous immoral and nefarious ones. IF ­ I were 'king' ­ learning to speak OUR language would be MANDATORY. It is no less arrogant of them, to pre-suppose that we 'Gringos' must expend extra effort and funding to accommodate their laziness to learn OUR language ­ than for an American ­ as a permanent guest in another nation ­ perhaps theirs - to expect THAT nation to accommodate Our language.
Something you might not know. The Bishop of Phoenix who so condescendingly suggests to censure you and your entire State is NOT the holy man of God he would have you believe. As matter of fact ­ Bishop Kicanas is no more a 'Vicar of Christ' than was that- dyed in the wool African Marxist 'Bishop Desmond Tutu'. He is a high ranking official in the USCCB ­ which in itself is blasphemy! He should more correctly be referred to as 'Comrade Bishop Kicanas' for his apostasy in supporting the totally discredited 100% Marxist ideology of Liberation Theology embraced by the USCCB. The USCCB is RIDDLED with corruption hypocrisy and rot, as a thorough examination will reveal!
I was educated from day one by the nuns and then the Jesuits ­ so I know true Christian based Catholicism. As a Christian who had risked his life in defense of my Christian heritage against communism and all the other evil 'isms' ­ I RESENT his hypocrisy. He is a false 'priest' and should have been excommunicated long ago for embracing the maxims of Christianity's greatest modern enemy! He and needs to be exposed. Compassion and Communism are not moral equivalents.
On a closing note ­ I suggest that if you and or your advisers have not done so ­ that you acquire a full transcript of a TV special ­ The May Day - Migrant Workers and Rights Rally ­ in New York City - presented by C-SPAN-3. I saw it on May 5. It was one of if not THE most disgraceful consortium of thugs, social slime, union gangsters and Marxists I have witnessed in this country. Many of the communist there openly ans shrilly spouted their mantras of ; ' Workers of the world unite!"
A half dozed United States Congressmen (and women) contributed to this disgusting leftist hate fest. ALL of these Reps were either Negro or Hispanic. ALL emphasized theirpride of being a Cuban or Puerto-Rican or Mexican etc. - but NONE stated pride of being an AMERICAN! ALL were Democrats. ALL suggested that the mob they were addressing should go to Arizona and demonstrate against the people and the State. ALL kept reinforcing the lie that these criminals somehow had American citizen's rights AND were somehow entitled to ALL citizens benefits.
NONE spoke of or even suggested that these law breakers assume responsibility for their OWN actions. NONE spoke of the privilege of citizenship or ANYTHING remotely moral. None condemned the violence ­ gangs ­ crime ­ illegality ­ financial burden on-working Americans or anti-American nature of this invasion of our sovereignty. NO mention was made suggesting that these illegal immigrants should leave or that they should be trying to address THEIR problems with THEIR OWN country. It was a hate fest of lies for export to useful idiots. The Devil would have blushed.
It was ALL choreographed and ALL right out of the 'Little Red Book. The crowd was of course too ignorant to understand that the greedy immoral union thugs and the mobsters and the disgraceful Congressional Hispanics and Negros would benefit greatly from an all out open door of amnesty and uncontrolled invasion. More hundreds of thousands of uneducated masses needing social benefits medical benefits ­ unemployment benefits ­ food stamp benefits ­ public housing benefits and a laundry list of more 'entitlements' of a universal Pandora's box.
Consequently, of course ­ this huge potential power base voting bloc of all these jobless hungry homeless 'huddled masses' would of course logically consider these thugs and criminals on the podium to be their benefactors ­ and become the obligatory electorate for what ever THESE Socialist union mentality thugs supported. Bingo! - instant mega-welfare State ­ soon to be a financially and morally bankrupt third world country. THAT - Governor Brewer ­ IS the agenda of our Democrat Party.
That is EXACTLY how it happens ­ and EXACTLY what WILL happen. That's how I see it
Good luck. Stand firm. Remember those scum on that Marxist podium are still not who represent what America is really about ­ God willing. Responsible traditional value moral informed people like myself and millions of others like me ­ contributors ­ not takers - who have PAID our dues in blood sweat and tears - ARE America ­ NOT the mobsters!
Joe Cortina ­ father ­ veteran ­ scientist ­ writer - investigator ­ diplomat and patriot
My name is Joe Cortina. I was a 60s Green Beret commander and a representative for IBM as well as a scientist for Honeywell Aerospace in Florida. I later became President of my own manufacturing company. I have two sons and 2 granddaughters who are the reason for my dedication to expose the threats to the freedoms I hope to see them enjoy as I did many decades ago when America was still a Christian-based sovereign nation free of Zionist influence.

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