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Arianna Huffington's LAME Solutions
By Scott Teeters
The other day on The Huffington Post, an article by Arianna Huffington Asks, "Is America Becoming a Third World Country?"
Excellent Question... LAME Solutions Arianna!
A friend shared with me an "interesting" article on Huffington Post that asks a VERY pointed and painful question, "When it Comes to Innovation, Is America becoming a Third World Country?"
I'm not a fan of Ms. Huffington, but the provocative title certainly got my attention. She correctly points out that America surged in the post-WW-II years mainly because we had little competition from the war-ravaged European nations. We had a nice 25-year run while Europe rebuilt and Asia emerged from its isolationism. In the late '70s while we were destroying our manufacturing base and rushing into the new information age, the Asian nations said, "We'll make that stuff for you." Now we don't know what hit us and are scrambling for answers and solutions.
Here's the link to her article...
This is how Liberals get shnookered. Someone such as Ms. Huffington, asks an important question, outlines grim statistics, then offers totally lame solutions that make guilty liberals feel good what we should do.
Here are her 3 solutions to bringing back innovation to America;
1. High speed internet access for everyone so that we can innovate. The Obama administration has a plan to increase broadband from 65% to 90% by 2020. (TEN YEARS from now?)
2. A non-profit green bank. This is part of the next jobs bill that will create 4 million new jobs in 2 years. (Similar to last year's jobs bill that created 2 million new jobs that no one can seem to identify?)
3. A new immigration policy to grant visas to foreign-born entrepreneurs. Right now, Senators John Kerry and Dick Lugar are working on their "Start Up Visa Act." And they hope to pass the measure this month. They're right on the problem, yes sir. You see, great ideas come from all over the world. So we should let MORE foreigners in because we can't think of any good ideas. (This one is my FAVORITE! [Frost Woodridge will LOVE this one too!] I'm feeling better all ready-NOT!)
Sorry Arianna, but that's just liberal drivel! Lets take these three lame notions apart.
1. Access to the internet doesn't deliver education - parents, teachers and schools do that. The internet serves up porn and social BS, such as Facebook and MySpace. We've fallen behind because we have turned public schools into daycare centers and colleges into online programs with no dialog, no lectures to listen to, no interaction with professors and students. Just read the material, regurgitate it well, and here's your specialized degree. You won't know much of anything outside of your little micro nitch, but you'll have a degree so you can get a good, $10 an hour job.
Here's a REAL solution: If we want smart kids, unplug them from TV, limit internet access, ditch the No Child Left Behind Program, let teachers TEACH and fund the arts. The solution is NOT more internet access. Friends, new ideas are NOT in a computer or online. They are inside your head. You'll never find them unless you have some quiet reflection time to THINK. Unplug and start digging in that gold mine between your ears.
2. Green banks for green jobs is just like "everyday low prices" that creates everyday low wages. Look, I like solar, but unless we're talking about retrofitting every home in suburbia with the next generation solar panels and batteries for energy storage, this is a lateral move. Should we do it? Yes! Will it save us, no. Geothermal? GREAT! But we don't need a Manhattan project to figure that out. Send a team to Iceland and learn how to do it right. Windmills? Forget it, let the Dutch keep theirs. Windmills are a maintenance nightmare and we've yet to see what happens when a plane flies into one or one falls down in a hurricane or earthquake.
Here's a REAL solution: Webster Griffin Tarpley (http://tarpley.net/) has talked about this many times. Instead of propping up, dead, zombie, parasitic banks, use 0% Federal credit with a small administration fee, instead private "for profit" banks that make fortunes for shuffling paper and moving electrons around. Since the 2008 Bank Bailout Bill was passed, banks have made more money than any manufacturing company in America. And what tangible "things" do they make? NOTHING! American citizens have no use for mortgage back securities or other exotic instruments.  
If we want to create high-paying, high-tech jobs, finance a new Trans-Continental Mag-Lev Railroad System, like China is doing with their new 250-mph rail road. Imagine the thrill of working on the world's most advanced train system.
Want to create high-paying, high-tech jobs? Use federal credit to fund the new NASA Solar System Space Exploration Program. Imagine the thrill of helping build parts and equipment for the new USA Moon Base, building a space dock that builds REAL starships that can go to Mars and the rest of the solar system. If we don't do this, China and India WILL! While we're frittering away, wringing our hands, they're making plans. Time's a-wasting!
3. The LAST thing we need are more foreigners. If unemployment was 1% instead of 21% (as measured by the 1980 standards) it "might" make sense to let a few foreign entrepreneurs into America to create new businesses that would be required to STAY in America. But that's NOT reality.
Arianna, how is letting more people into this nation when we don't have enough jobs for the people that live here, a viable solution? It's NOT! What, we are incapable of thinking of any new ideas so we need outsiders?
Here's a REAL solution: Let the foreigners fix their own nations. What, India is all fixed up and now they're coming here to fix up the U.S.? I DON'T think so. We can talk with them on the internet or by phone, remember. They don't need to come here. And instead of major high-tech companies, such as Microsoft getting special work Visas for foreigners because they work on the cheap and send home most of what they earn, hire the best and brightest young Americans, pay THEM an honest wage so that the money STAYS in America.
If you don't understand this or are confused, look at the Amish business model. They buy from one another, NOT toxic Chinese junk and fake food from Wal-Mart because it's cheap.
This is such a large and important issue, one that would take many more words to address. This short essay is by no means intended to be an outline for our future. But Ms. Huffington is a typical Liberal ­ she states the obvious, lays a load of statistics on her reader, then offers dead-end solutions.
Snap out of it Liberals.
To paraphrase my hero, George Carlin, if you think that's the American dream, YOU'RE ASLEEP!

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