HAARP Disinformation On
Radio And The Net
From Wes Thomas

The following is forwarded with permission from Marshall Smith (, who was the radio engineer who broke the story (first posted on the MC and EWAR lists) of the strong 3.39 MHz signals from HAARP. I agree with these comments. _____
By Marshall Smith
I have degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering and in physics. I am a licensed radio engineer. I have worked for many years on NASA Space Shuttle projects and am familiar with government and military facilites. I have not been to Gakona Alaska but I have reviewed the technical specifications of all the equipment installed at HAARP. It is not possible for the HAARP equipment to do the many things claimed for it by the public.
I have communicated with the HAARP designer, Dr. Eastlund. Eastlund does hold patents on using something similar to a HAARP device which might be used for weather control, but even he says, the location of HAARP in Alaska means it could never be used for that purpose. The location of HAARP below the aurora means it can only be used for injecting particles into the magnetosphere through the auroral electrojet just above HAARP. The HAARP beam cannot be aimed or used anywhere on the earth's surface, only above the atmosphere in the ionosphere where the particles can be used as an anti-missile defense shield. The many stories you have heard about the use of HAARP for weather modification or mind-control are misleading.
To give you a clue of the direction of my research, at the end of WWII, Gen. Eisenhower came back to America from his minor campaign in Europe and in his presidential Farewell Address he warned about the "Military-Industrial Complex." That term has become fairly well known around the world, and I suppose you have heard of it.
By definition, a cooperative union of business (the military manufacturers and industry) and the government is called "fascism." Thus Eisenhower, at the end of WWII, was warning the Americans and also the Europeans using the Marshall Plan, about the upcoming rise of fascism in Europe and America. Most people mouth the words "military-industrial complex" and think it must be some kind of bad thing, but they don't know why or what it means. They don't see it is the same as the Krupp-Schrodinger Complex working with Hitler. And we all know how that turned out.
Even less known is, Gen. Eisenhower also warned of another more important group in the next paragraph of his Farewell Address. He warned of the "Educational-Research Complex". Almost nobody has heard of this group. Most copies of the Farewell Address in textbooks leave out that paragraph. The educational writers and publishers of the textbooks have very carefully excised that warning about themselves. Nonetheless, they have become a stronger, more insidious factor in controlling governments around the world, than the military-industrial complex.
The development of radar was not done by the military or by any business. It was done in university laboratories in both Britain and America during the 1930's and '40s. The development of the atomic bomb was not done by the military nor industrial business. It was done by American and British professors in government research laboratories operated by universities at government expense. At the end of WWII both of those research project groups did not simply disappear. During the war those groups had received tremendous funding. At the end of the war they continued to receive funding. But for what purpose? Forty years ago Eisenhower warned about what would happen. But nobody listened. And the words in his speech have been excised. I have a copy of his original Farewell Address with the missing paragraph.
The primary source of funding for the Educational-Research Complex is large Foundations, such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation and others. They provide billions of dollars as seed money to start research projects and then the universities (the Educational-Research Complex) seek Government funding for continuing and enlarging those projects. That is what Eisenhower warned about. Often the Foundations and Universities also seek funding from international groups such as the United Nations. The international projects, on the surface, appear to be benign and are concerned with health, food and education around the world. But in fact, the projects are focused on eugenics, population control and genocide.
Thus while people are worried about mind-control and population control projects and they look at the Military-Industrial Complex they will find nothing. The concerned people have been carefully misdirected away from the real source of those projects, which is the Educational-Research Complex. The many stories about HAARP and its possible use to create weather control projects for controlling populations around the world, or transmitting signals to affect mind-control around the world, all are misdirections from the true source of those projects.
HAARP is a military operation with some university projects as the cover for the use of HAARP as a large "covert" defensive weapon. Last year I exposed the fact HAARP is now using the improved "vertical curtain shield" technique rather than its original Eastlund design "horizontal blanket shield." That is the "inside secret" which nobody outside of HAARP is supposed to know. That is one of the reasons for the secrecy at HAARP.
But HAARP has no means or equipment to affect weather or for mind-control. The actual source of population control projects is to be found in the Los Alamos and Sandia Laboratories operated by the University of California with massive US government funding. There are similar university projects in Britain. The size of that university laboratory funding is a "black budget" and is not disclosed.
Any time you hear of a genocide, mind-control, or weather or population-control project and it is somehow connected with a military facility, you can assume that is a FALSE story. It is, in fact, a misdirection from the Educational-Research Complex to keep you looking in the wrong place. Military people have taken an oath to protect their country. It is averse to their oath and lifestyle to actively participate in projects which are designed to control or eliminate populations in foreign countries, unless during a time of war. Instead, it is left to those nit-wits who work in Academia who dream up those plans to improve the world by eliminating all the undesirables through population control and genocide. Both the US Congress and the British Parliament have committees which oversee military expenditures and thus "secret projects" would be exposed. There are no equivalent committees to oversee the "strange state-of-the-art" university projects. That is left to the universities themselves, i.e. the Educational-Research Complex.
I would suggest you look at PM Tony's funding of university projects, especially those projects with large budgets and no stated purpose. Its there you will find those projects dealing with radio waves with ultra-low-frequency modulation used for population control. You will also find many universities are now using the DNA genetic codes to develop viruses which can be targeted at certain racial groups. Of course they won't say that's what they are doing. Can you say, mad-cow-disease? And all that government funding for research. Naw - there can't be a connection there. Can there?

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