- The jet fuel is long gone when south tower begins collapsing.
So who added this heat? From the ground it looked like dust and rubble
of collapsing concrete and steel but now we see the violent combustion
sufficient for the job. There is no argument that can be raised against
- One photo is all that is needed to prove the 9-11 mass-murder
was a false-flag black-op -- an attack by a most ruthless foreign enemy
in an effort provoke war between Christian Americans and Moselm Iraqis
and Afghanistanis. This one newly released helicopter shot of the early
stage of the collapse of South Tower independently confirms what the thermite
residues found by Dr. Steven Jones already proved -- controlled demolition,
an inside job, Jewish rather than Moslem involvement. Simply ask yourself
where the tremendous head energy visible in this explosion came from so
long after the last of the jet fuel is gone -- the jet crashes and fuel
combusion not producing an explosion anywhere near this size.
- Pay up!
- Rothschild Crime Syndicate owes you $100 Trillion in
restitution for wars, depressions, inflations, monopoly and everything
else they have done since in the last two centuries.-- not only the money
they have taken, but the wealth of mankind that they have prevented
consider what humanity might have attained without world
war one, without the great depression, without world war two, without the
cold war, without depressions and recessions and hyperinflation, without
the witholding of patents and the suppression of basic science breakthroughs
in order to protect their monopoly power in oil and other areas, without
their monopoly of the media and their efforts to dumb down nations, their
efforts to pit race against race, their efforts trading weapons, heroin,
cocaine, opium, their sabotage of our basic institutions, their judeo-pornogaphic
culture at war with our pro-family Christian and Moselm values. And most
of all for the effects of their monopoly of money and credit which was
used to maximize their wealth in the form of holdingour interest-paying
IOUs representing our debt -- while they carried out a policy of deflation
to ensure that even the principal of the loan is much more than the original
purchasing power borrowed.
- And apart from this restitution we are owed there are
the criminal penalties -- for their systematic capture of goverments, for
the murder of their political opponents, for false-flag provocateur terrorism,
and for the systematic obstruction of justice through bribery, blackmail,
murder, and use of media monopoly and hired agents to keep out the truth
-- treason and misprison of treason.
- This is the bill I place on the table in answer to all
claims on the world population that the Rothschild interests -- crime dynasties
forming an international organized crime conspiracy syndicate. We owe you
nothing and you have no claim to the lands, capital and patents now in
your possession.
- A full confession and a full accounting from you are
required. Your cooperation in the execution of justice is in your new best
interest. It will determine the extent of your freedom and of the possessions
that will be left with you as your account with mankind is settled. More
conspiracy is not recommended. With exposure to light conspiracy loses
its leverage and only adds to your total bill.
- -----
- It's time everyone start thinking along these lines.
And remember, if we don't take the intitiative from they we will merely
fall victim of all the still-to-come phases of their elaborate well-thought-out
program against us.
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington