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No One Wins In The Joe Stack Tragedy
By Devvy

Old Joe also killed an innocent person in that building. Allegedly, that fatality was an IRS employee. Hooray. Old Joe did the "mission accomplished" his way, but it won't change one single IRS regulation.

He also badly injured 13 people - two are in critical condition because of massive burns. You know, from the fuel burning their flesh to a crisp. People who suffer those kinds of massive burns experience pain that is almost impossible to describe; then sometimes years of surgery.

Although it's reported that none of those people work for the IRS, I'm not 100% certain at this time. But, those injured don't make IRS laws or regulations. That is the domain of Congress. Pukin' senators like Charles Grassley. Hell, many of the injured might even feel the same way as old Joe: Plucked clean in taxes.

Joe burned his house to the ground leaving his wife and 12 year old daughter homeless and to fend for themselves.

Think his wife will be able to get their insurance company to pay off? Fat chance.

While Joe is sorting things out with God, he left his family with a horrible situation.

His legacy to his daughter is that he killed an innocent person, injured 13 other people; two in critical condition. Gee, that was my dad! You saw him on the news, perhaps you even saw the funeral of the person he killed or the two people who had their flesh burned so badly!

We're all frustrated and angry. ALL of us want the IRS abolished and a return to constitutional revenues for a limited form of republican government.

Killing innocent people is not the answer, but I suppose Joe simply couldn't take it anymore and instead of quietly taking some sleeping pills and posting his manifesto, better to kill innocent people along the way and leave his family to take the heat and shame.

Some on Facebook are heralding Stack as a hero:

"And some people on Facebook couldn't agree more. "Finally an American man took a stand against our tyrannical government that no longer follows the Constitution," wrote Emily Walters of Louisville, Ky."


Yes. As expected the lame stream media and cable are painting Stack as a domestic terrorist and a "troubled individual." That is to be expected and Joe gave them a juicy hunk to promote and attack all of us working so hard to get the solutions implemented. Those statements on Facebook give gasbags like Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews even more fodder.

But, I ask you: Do you declare war on those who have no role in policy or law making?

Is this not what those suicide bombers in the Middle East do? Blow up dozens of people at a restaurant or people just riding a bus, to make their statement?

Tourists at an outdoor restaurant or even locals stopping for some coffee and conversation. Riding the bus to church or work and they get blown to bits or burnt to a crisp and live, because some group wants to make a statement.

We condemn that, but because it's an American who hated the IRS, Stack is a hero?

We can see the police state tightening the noose. Stack gives the evil doers in DC more "justification" for more draconian laws and attacks on our freedom.

I despise the IRS, but I would never destroy innocent people like that just to make a statement. I read Stack's last words (manifesto) and he is right on so many counts. Too bad he couldn't hold it together and get involved -- we are gathering strength in numbers.

But, think of the impact on all 13 injured plus their families.

Did they make a single IRS regulation or law?

Did any of them sit on a single committee in Congress and write IRS regulations?

Mom, dad, sister, brother,aunt, maybe even a grandpa -- just another day at work and then their lives changed in a ball of fire.

What if it was you in that building or your husband, wife, son, daughter?

You, your wife, husband, son, daughter don't work for the IRS, they just have an office in a building that employs IRS workers, but yourlives are expendible because of a frustrated, angry man? Tens of millions of us are, believe me.

Is it okay with you to be a victim of the next Joe down the road?

Is it okay with you for the next Joe to kill your son, daughter, husband, wife or grand daughter working in a building that happens to have offices for a govmint agency he hates?

Will people call the next Joe a hero when it's their loved one who has NO role in making laws or regulations?

Aw, tought luck. Wrong place, wrong time.

The solution is right there, but not enough pressure has been put on the state legislatures to pass honest money bills and revitalize the constitutional militia. The power of the purse and the power of the sword.

THAT is the answer. Not flying a plane into a building and playing God with people's lives.

You might feel differently. I don't know. I just know no one is a winner in this tragedy.


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