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Mr. 'President' - Bankers And Pro Athletes 
Are Fundamentally Different

By Dave Lindorff
President Barack Obama is a relative newbie to Washington. He didn't even complete one term in the senate, and now he's just finished his first year in the White House, so it's stunning to see how quickly this one-time "community organizer" has lost his moorings in the marbled halls of power in Washington.
In an interview reported in the Bloomberg news service, Obama expresses no concern with the latest huge bonuses that CEOs Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase ($17 million) and Lloyd Blankenfein of Goldman Sachs (9 million) paid themselves, saying not only that they are "savvy businessmen" and that "success and wealth" are "part of the American system," but equating them with professional baseball players who   "are making more than that who don't get to the World Series either."
Talk about being out of it!
Mr. President, we average Americans aren't stupid. We know the difference between a banker and a ball player. And we also know the difference between a guy who rewards himself, and a player, who negotiates a salary up front...
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