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Trouble For All - Everyone Going Brain-Dead
By Ted Twietmeyer
There is increasing chatter about those who toil away each day for ruthless big box stores. Companies laughingly call these people "sales associates." Associates of what? They have no real say in anything that goes on in the store. More like associate slaves. These same people are often called the working poor or walking wounded.
Employees earn wages that fall far below the poverty level, and are deprived of health care insurance by sky-high premiums they cannot possibly afford and pay their bills at the same time. Yet these big corporations proudly brag they reap billions of dollars in profit each year. How do their CEOs sleep at night doing this? Quite well, because to put it bluntly they are ruthless bastards and were hired because they are.
I knew the former president of Eastman Kodak, the late Kay Whitmore. Kay was not ruthless and had risen through the ranks at the company up the corporate ladder. At the time he was Kodak's president the company employed more than 50,000 people. When the board decided to downsize during his tenure there they demanded he lay off 8,000 employees, which he refused to do.
Instead of the huge layoff, Kay suggested better ways to accomplish the same cost savings. But the board would have no part of it and Kay was shown the door. Kay was a kind, God-fearing caring man who refused to ruin the lives of 8,000 employee and stood his ground as all Americans should.
Was I born with a silver spoon in my mouth? Not at all. My wife and I have been down to the very bottom where the only direction left was up to tie our shoelaces. We're neither ashamed nor proud of it. It was just one of life's lessons forced upon us by some unscrupulous businessmen. Did we sit around and do nothing, whining about our lot in life and wallow in it? No.
An old expression says, "When life gives you lemons you make lemonade." And this is what we did. A stubborn determination to use my abilities kept me going upward from that point on over the years. I knew what the alternative future was for me and my family, and there was no way I would allow that to happen.
But why are adults of all ages becoming brain dead?
In the movie "Animal House" Dean Wormer dresses down several Delta alumni in his office about their grades. To one young man he proclaims, "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Yet playing endless violent video games, driving stupid, doing crazy stunts on skate boards, mouthing off to peers and sleazing around has become the order of the day. Are these signs of intelligence or rebellion?
One man was busy meddling with his cell phone while walking down a street in NYC. He fell into an open manhole and dropped about ten feet straight down. Was it left open? No, workers had just pulled the cover off moments ago and had briefly turned their back to set up the safety railing. But apparently they weren't fast enough.
Last month I watched the emergency room treatment of a lady who slipped and fell on an icy driveway and broke her arm. She sustained a distal radius fracture at the wrist. This is the end of the smaller of two arm bones between the elbow and the wrist.
What was the treatment for her broken bones? The doctor used a very large syringe with a heavy needle to inject an anesthetic into the wrist BONES ­ withdrawing the needle then re-injecting at about 8 different angles into 8 different places.
Next, the middle two fingers are inserted into two wire mesh tubes similar to Chinese finger puzzles which were attached to an overhead frame to fixate them. Then a TEN POUND WEIGHT was hung from the elbow using a cloth band. The ten pounds ground the bones together. And that's wasn't the worst of it.
The painful anesthetic injections did NOT completely work and she was screaming in pain for hours. Because of medications she was already on, they could not give her more anesthetic. X-rays were taken and a cast put on. Before the cast set her wrist was forced to bend 30 degrees to force the bones together.
Then another X-ray was taken to confirm the bones were set correctly ­ all the while the anesthetic was not working and she was in total agony. And now 3.5 weeks later, she is still in pain with two more weeks to go. Then painful physical therapy will follow after the cast is removed for a few more weeks. And even after all that, she was told there may be some "residual disability from the break."
Why did I say all this? Because foolish physical acts of today's teenagers and adults can put them through agony like this or even worse. For some reason, idiots believe they are indestructible and doctors can fix anything.
Some twenty years ago, the price of lawnmowers went up $100 almost overnight. Why? A new law was created mandating every power mower must have a safety clutch that stops the blade in three seconds. This was because every so often an idiot somewhere would reach under the deck with the engine running to clear some debris ­ and instantly lose their fingers or even a hand. Now the general public will pay forever for the stupidity of these few idiots.
There will never be a way to protect idiots from themselves. Recently in a restaurant a young man a few tables away was loudly boasting to his friends "When I went over the fence, my feet caught the top of it and it bounced me back." I told my wife there's another genius at work. Then he whines, "Then the hospital was trying to give me more pain."
Apparently it was OK for this clown to give himself pain, but not tolerate pain from a nurse or doctor who treats his injuries? So what's wrong with that picture? Remember the broken arm story? That's the fun people like him are headed for sooner or later.
Base jumpers who illegally climb buildings or live radio towers with 50,000 watts of power on them often get hurt or killed. Documentaries about this interview these young men (?) in hospital beds, often in traction. And they brag, "When I get better I'll be base jumping again. I can't wait."
I say, DON'T give these boys treatment. Make it illegal to give medical treatment to those doing stupid things like this. That will put a stop to it, and also help keep the cost of medical insurance down.
It's scary as hell that our world is slowly being placed into the hands of a generation of children that can't even pass a math test without a calculator in hand. Who will program the software in the next generation of computers and calculators?
When you look at the quality of education (or lack thereof) of children pushed out the doors of high schools today and handed a diploma it's downright embarrassing. Many of these children won't have a prayer of ever getting into college without taking makeup classes. Academics I know just shake their heads when I talk about it to them. They know the score and are frustrated.
If you are a parent, don't smugly think that your son or daughter is doing OK in school simply because they haven't run amuck of school rules. Or feel happy that their grades look OK. Grades never tell the entire story.
If that's your educational standard you better review it again.
If all you want for your son or daughter's future is to work in the armed forces, a job at a gas station or a big box store then just sit and do nothing and you'll get your wish. And the day will come when they will hate you for doing nothing when you could have helped them. Sooner or later you can absolutely be certain you WILL regret doing nothing for the rest of your life. Unless of course, you're already brain dead.
One parent, just one, can make a huge difference in any community. There are always other parents out there who secretly want to improve things ­ but they are looking for someone else to lead them. JUST BE A LEADER, not a follower. If you don't think you're a leader, you're wrong. This ability is in everyone and all it needs is to be cultivated. A farmer plants his crops and he cultivates the soil to help plants grow. Developing leadership skills are no different.
If you think the No Child Left Behind Act is a good thing, think again. Part of it essentially prohibits schools from keeping children back a grade that really NEED to be kept back. Sometimes that's a necessary thing to help a child to save their grades and education record. Sometimes it wakes them up. I've heard teenagers and parents actually tell me they were glad they were kept back a grade because it actually helped them.
The UN deviously stated in their documents, "The family unit is an enemy to society." I submit it is the UN who is the enemy of society. Brain-dead citizens not raised in a normal family environment are much easy to control.
Consider what happened in the now defunct USSR. One of the biggest past-times in those days was drinking. And I don't mean beer, but the hard stuff like Vodka. Real liver-killer drinks.
An engineer I spoke to back in the early nineties only a few years after the USSR fell apart had come to the USA from Moscow. He explained how life was in Russia exactly this way:
"You go to liquor store and stand in line. Always long lines go way down the block. You talk to the man in front and behind you, and all of you go in together to buy one bottle. After you buy the bottle, everyone goes around behind the store. Each man pulls out a glass out of his coat and everyone drinks until the bottle is empty. Then you go your separate ways."
Soviet government thought it was great as it helped sustain a chemically induced brain-dead attitude so no one really cared about revolting. Eventually the country finally collapsed under its own weight.
We can't give all the credit to Reagan with his speech "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Like Gorbachev obeyed Reagan like a good boy? No ­ when the wall came down it helped to get the problem people out of the country. The brain dead stayed behind. Now Russia is slowly returning back to the days of the Soviet Union after capitalism has been a disaster. There is a lesson to be learned here for America, too.
Even without hard liquor consumption on the scale of the old USSR, a downhill slide is EXACTLY what's happening to America right now. Citizens are the lifeblood of every country. Without them government is nothing more than a collection of office buildings holding empty promises.
Active citizens who actually care about America will stand up for what's right in their communities and schools. Real citizens do *not* sit around and whine how bad things are, claiming nothing can be done or uttering pointless phrases like "You can't fight city hall" or "Don't rock the boat." Instead they get out and change things for the better.
It's now or never.
We are almost out of time before America suddenly comes falling down around our ears. If everyone worked at stopping this madness and started returning to precious moral values that built America, the downward slide will be stopped and reversed. It will take nothing less than the concerted effort of everyone.
Is there a real life example showing citizens can change things for the better? Yes there is! Recent news has stated the EU is in danger of falling apart. This proves the globalists that work hard to destroy a good life for everyone are not as powerful or all-knowing as they think they are. Citizens in small countries like Greece have stood up for their civil and economic rights, defying the all-powerful EU police state. Clearly their efforts provide the rest of the world inspiration.
I say to parents, forget the video games. Disconnect them and put them in the trash. Don't even sell them ­ that just causes some other child or adult to become brain dead. Accept the fact you screwed up when you bought them and just walk away from it. If you have games on the family computer, eradicate them all.
Start TALKING to your children and spouses. Get involved in their academic work and achievements in school. Children need their parents now more than ever before in the history of mankind.
Brain dead children and adults who constantly text with cell phones and PDAs and don't talk to each other face to face will be the end of America. Stop mouth breathing and start thinking. Why let this happen? When you see a sore that won't heal do you not consult a doctor to be sure it isn't cancer? But a cell phone or PDA that consumes all your waking time is a convenience you claim is something you cannot live without. I don't own either one and live just fine.
Somewhere a manhole cover is missing, just waiting...
Ted Twietmeyer
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