- I learned of the earthquake in Haiti yesterday evening
when I entered my father's house to go for our daily walk -- he is 89.
I saw Bill Clinton and asked my mother what was going on. Then I noticed
that Stephanopolis -- Clinton's former Press Secretary was anchoring the
news. Clearly this was a well-staged event. As the facts about the earthquake
unfolded and how I saw the event was being spun so well for Obama --
and Stephanopolis showed none of the emotions or spontaneity -- and I saw
how callous he was when he interviewed the Haitian president "On a
personal level, this must be quite hard for you" -- something close
to that -- what an astoundingly inappropriate thing to ask -- but revealing
so much -- revealing that Stephanopolus, like Clinton who always refers
to Americans as "ordinary citizens" -- expects detachment from
the tragic fate of the "ordinary people" - asking this president
if he actually was really feeling something on such an occasion.
- Anyway, I knew from that broadcast that the broadcast
was a component of a well planned operation. I notice that this earthquake
caused no Tsunami damaging any Fat Cat's ocean front property in Florida
etc. And the event so helps both Obama and Clinton -- when Obama is just
on the brink of collapse of his political power and presidential authority.
- They had the motive and the means to create this earthquake.
None of the properties or people were important to the interests that
I know were responsible for the 9-11 deaths, the steering of Katrina and,
yes, the December 2004 Sumatra magnitude 9 earthquake and Indian Ocean
Tsunami where wave 100 ft high in places and at least 50 ft high along
a 60 mile stretch of the coast of Sumatra --76,000 deaths and 100,000 homes
- I have put some 2005 articles below. They give my reasons
for believing the Sumatra quake was the result of weaponized earthquake
generation -- as I am convinced the Haiti quake was too.
- I have gathered some articles from 2005 that I think
will shed much light on the earthquake of January 12, 2010. (Remember,
Clinton' Sec of Defense stated five years before that both weather warfare
and earthquake-making weapons already existed in hands outside the US
-- he did not say who -- I know the weather tech is in Israeli hands.
- That is all I have time for now. Read the articles
below -- I think you will be convinced.
- One last thought -- the Haiti quake is over -- don't
let it distract us from economic and war atrocities still in the works
-- they may yet be prevented. What is needed is a world-wide repudiation
of the power , the claims upon us, and the position and wealth of Globalist
international crime. If you can help the Haitians do so -- but let us
go after the entire global network that believes their power gives them
the right to create disasters like this at their own caprice. Haiti was
murdered as a distraction --
- Dick Eastman
- oldickeastman@q.com
- Eastman and Vialls
- Joe Vialls was dead five months after writing the following///
- From: Joe Vialls
- Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:31 AM
- Subject: Asia Tsunami Proved Biggest War Crime in History
- Though I rarely send personal messages, it seems worthy
of note that within 30 hours of publishing "Asia Tsunami Proved Biggest
War Crime in History" on 24 February 2005 , this particular page on
all four of my operational servers became invisible to roughly 80% of Internet
surfers around the world.
- Because the servers are stand alones and physically distant
from each other, it is reasonable to suspect direct sabotage of a sohisticated
variety. How it was done I do not know, but for the present at least, the
artificial blockage seems to have been removed. Those who wanted to read
about the tsunami but could not view it, should be able to get through
now at:-
- http://www.vialls.com/subliminalsuggestion/tsunami2.html
- Possible motives for this massive war crime were touched
on briefly in Part One of this report, with the nuclear reactor at Kalpakkam,
80 kilometers from Chenna, the most likely target. If this particular reactor
had cracked open like Chernobyl, the results would have been so catastrophic
that the new Russia-China-India-Brazil coalition, a clear and present danger
to Wall Street, would have been neutered. It is not hard to imagine the
glee on the faces of members of the World Bank and IMF, as India crawled
in humbly on its belly asking for a huge loan.
- Although the Kalpakkam facility escaped major damage,
it was a very close call, with 30 atomic scientists and technicians killed
at the plant's nearby residential complex. And if the thermonuclear weapon
placed in the Sumatran Trench had been more powerful, Wall Street might
easily have scored a double whammy. A bigger Russian-aided nuclear power
complex that uses sea water for cooling is coming up fast at Koodankulam,
900 km south of Chennai and close to Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip
of the Indian peninsula that was severely devastated by the (unique artificial)
tsunami, that in some places reached 35 feet in height.
- The report is also posted at:-
- http://www.vialls.net/subliminalsuggestion/tsunami2.html
- http://www.joevialls.net/subliminalsuggestion/tsunami2.html
- http://joevialls.lvo.info/subliminalsuggestion/tsunami2.html
- Joe
- Why I say the Tsunami earthquake was generated intentionally
- By Dick Eastman
- Beneath India and between Madascar and Sumatra lies
the Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge where new sea floor adds to the ocean crust
of the
- Indian-Austrailian techtonic plate and spreading the
entire plate to northeast where at its edge it is bent and crammed under
the crust and mantle of Eurasian plate in a process called subduction
where tremendous forces progressively build up as potential energy which
is then released as the rock breaks and shifts beneath the Eurasian plate.
The Indo-Austrailian plate bends downward at the Java trench west of Sumatra
-- in fact Sumatra is merely a mass of material pushed up by the subduction
process. Here the downgoing slab is subjected to a system of forces that
cause it to break up not all at uniformly, but according to the direction
of forces, temperature, depth and strength of the crustal material. The
release of seismic energy originating in the subduction region is constant
over the years, since the rate of extrusion of new oceanic crust from the
Mid-Indian-Ocean Ridge is fairly uniform, but the process of subduction
does not happen at a uniform rate or all at once. Subduction slips at
two different locations along the Java Trench will suggest that a length
between these locations will be the next to go. The amount of strain on
a region -- the proximity of a seismic event -- can be estimated, lending
to earthquake prediction -- BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT, manmake seismic events
can be added to the picture to actually determine the precise time and
extent of a release of seismic forces.
- Here is how I believe that was just done.
- The location of released energy, called the earthquake
focus, is the point from which seismic waves radiate out through the volume
of rock in all directions. The earthquake focus can be precisely located
by analysis of the timing of the seismographical readings taken from various
locations. With this technique the size and shape of the subduction zone
can be determined -- including the probable foci of future earthquakes.
But just as an earthquake can generate waves of a given pattern, so too
can a potential earthquake be triggered by producing the seismic waves
at points away from the focus. A series of underwater explosions (large
bombs) each at different points from the desired earthquake focus where
forces strains are known to already be high, can create seismic waves that
can be placed at such distance that the peak of each bomb-induced wave
reaches the intended earthquake focus at exactly the same time, so that
wave peak will add to wave peak creating the shock that will trigger the
planned seismic event, in this case the mass-murder earthquake and tsunami
that has just taken, at last report, 44,000 lives.
- The earthquake that produced the Tsunami was generated
by a series of submarine explosions spaced and timed in such a way that
the force of the wave combined at the targeted focus point to trigger the
earthquake -- a much bigger earthquake that otherwise would have obtained
by natural (unaided) geological process.
- The Tsunami has distracted the world from Iraq war crimes,
American strategic defeat, and from Rumsfeld's latest slip confessing that
Flight 93 was shot down and the implication that 911 was a mass-murder
frame-up black-op.
- The Tsunami has been a perfect advertizment selling the
globalists new international Disaster Prevention treaty -- more loss
of national sovereignty and the official legal turnover of weather and
earthquake control to private hands -- the global elites seeking their
own private benefit -- under negligible puppet UN oversight.
- The Tsunami diverts first aid and relief from Iraq where
the Zionists at the Pentagon -- who are in fact, war criminals by deliberate
choice -- do not want it to go.
- The world will be ready to sign away its national sovereignties
to globalist disaster controls, just as quickly as Americans were ready
to sign away their freedoms to buy anti-terrorism controls following the
911 inside-job false-flag frame-up.
- The all-of-a-sudden investment opportunity:valuable Indian
Ocean coastal property opened up to global investment and industry -- small
property holders and their claims no longer a problem -- thanks to "Tsunami
- Smart money goes to reconstruction of Indian Ocean coastal
properties -- available for a song -- most already vacated. Vast inflow
of funds for reconstruction will make corporate investment all the easier
and cheaper. And best of all, no insurgents shooting at you or trying
to blow you up -- your investments will be treated as humanitarian development
- ------------
- Beneath India and between Madascar and Sumatra lies
the Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge where new sea floor adds to the ocean crust
of the Indian-Austrailian techtonic plate and spreading the entire plate
to northeast where at its edge it is bent and crammed under the crust and
mantle of Eurasian plate in a process called subduction where tremendous
forces progressively build up as potential energy which is then released
as the rock breaks and shifts beneath the Eurasian plate. The Indo-Austrailian
plate bends downward at the Java trench west of Sumatra -- in fact Sumatra
is merely a mass of material pushed up by the subduction process. Here
the downgoing slab is subjected to a system of forces that cause it to
break up not all at uniformly, but according to the direction of forces,
temperature, depth and strength of the crustal material. The release of
seismic energy originating in the subduction region is constant over the
years, since the rate of extrusion of new oceanic crust from the Mid-Indian-Ocean
Ridge is fairly uniform, but the process of subduction does not happen
at a uniform rate or all at once. Subduction slips at two different locations
along the Java Trench will suggest that a length between these locations
will be the next to go. The amount of strain on a region -- the proximity
of a seismic event -- can be estimated, lending to earthquake prediction
-- BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT, manmake seismic events can be added to the
picture to actually determine the precise time and extent of a release
of seismic forces.
- Here is how I believe that was just done.
- The location of released energy, called the earthquake
focus, is the point from which seismic waves radiate out through the volume
of rock in all directions. The earthquake focus can be precisely located
by analysis of the timing of the seismographical readings taken from various
locations. With this technique the size and shape of the subduction zone
can be determined -- including the probable foci of future earthquakes.
But just as an earthquake can generate waves of a given pattern, so too
can a potential earthquake be triggered by producing the seismic waves
at points away from the focus. A series of underwater explosions (large
bombs) each at different points from the desired earthquake focus where
forces strains are known to already be high, can create seismic waves that
can be placed at such distance that the peak of each bomb-induced wave
reaches the intended earthquake focus at exactly the same time, so that
wave peak will add to wave peak creating the shock that will trigger the
planned seismic event, in this case the mass-murder earthquake and tsunami
that has just taken, at last report, 44,000 lives.
- The earthquake that produced the Tsunami was generated
by a series of submarine explosions spaced and timed in such a way that
the force of the wave combined at the targeted focus point to trigger the
earthquake -- a much bigger earthquake that otherwise would have obtained
by natural (unaided) geological process.
- The Tsunami has distracted the world from Iraq war crimes,
American strategic defeat, and from Rumsfeld's latest slip confessing that
Flight 93 was shot down and the implication that 911 was a mass-murder
frame-up black-op.
- The Tsunami has been a perfect advertizment selling the
globalists new international Disaster Prevention treaty -- more loss
of national sovereignty and the official legal turnover of weather and
earthquake control to private hands -- the global elites seeking their
own private benefit -- under negligible puppet UN oversight.
- The Tsunami diverts first aid and relief from Iraq where
the Zionists at the Pentagon -- who are in fact, war criminals by deliberate
choice -- do not want it to go.
- The world will be ready to sign away its national sovereignties
to globalist disaster controls, just as quickly as Americans were ready
to sign away their freedoms to buy anti-terrorism controls following the
911 inside-job false-flag frame-up.
- Was the Indian Ocean tsunami deliberately made to happen
by globalist finance to facilitate development in some of the most beautiful
property in the world -- without dirt poor undesirables complicating the
issue and running down real estate values? {A large number of Muslim undesirables
have just been removed -- so rest easy etc.)
- How about a Sumatra coffee plantation with an ocean view?
- Great hidaways for billionaires -- new stretches of
perfectly deserted beaches opened up -- you've worked hard to capture
your millions -- now give yourselves the paradise living you have always
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/frameup/message/10300
- A Man-Made Tsunami
- Terry Jones
- I am bewildered by the world reaction to the tsunami
tragedy. Why are newspapers, television and politicians making such a fuss?
Why has the British public forked out more than £100m to help the
survivors, and why is Tony Blair now promising "hundreds of millions
of pounds"? Why has Australia pledged £435m and Germany £360m?
And why has Mr Bush pledged £187m?
- Of course it's wonderful to see the human race rallying
to the aid of disaster victims, but it's the inconsistency that has me
foxed. Nobody is making this sort of fuss about all the people killed in
Iraq, and yet it's a human catastrophe of comparable dimensions.
- According to the only scientific estimate attempted,
Iraqi deaths since the war began number more than 100,000. The tsunami
death toll is in the region of 150,000. Yet in the case of Iraq, the media
seems reluctant to impress on the public the scale of the carnage.
- I haven't seen many TV reporters standing in the ruins
of Falluja, breathlessly describing how, in 30 years of reporting, they've
never seen a human tragedy on this scale. The Pope hasn't appealed for
everyone to remember the Iraqi dead in their prayers, and MTV hasn't gone
silent in their memory.
- Nor are Blair and Bush falling over each other to show
they recognise the scale of the disaster in Iraq. On the contrary, they
have been doing their best to conceal the numbers killed.
- When the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
estimated the figure of 100,000 killed in Iraq and published their findings
in one of the world's leading scientific journals, the Lancet, Downing
Street questioned their methodology, saying "the researchers used
an extrapolation technique, which they considered inappropriate, rather
than a detailed body count". Of course "a detailed body count"
is the one thing the US military will not allow anyone to do.
- What is so odd is the way in which so much of the media
has fallen into line, downplaying the only authoritative estimate of casualties
in Iraq with the same unanimity with which they have impressed upon us
the death toll of the tsunami.
- One of the authors of the forenamed report, Dr Gilbert
Burnham, said: "Our data have been back and forth between many reviewers
at the Lancet and here in the school, so we have the scientific strength
to say what we have said with great certainty."
- So, are deaths caused by bombs and gunfire less worthy
of our pity than deaths caused by a giant wave? Or are Iraqi lives less
worth counting than Indonesian, Thai, Indian and Swedish?
- Why aren't our TV companies and newspapers running fundraisers
to help Iraqis whose lives have been wrecked by the invasion? Why aren't
they screaming with outrage at the man-made tsunami that we have created
in the Middle East? It truly is baffling.
- Terry Jones is a film director, actor and Python. His
book Terry Jones's War on the War on Terror is published this month by
the Nation
- Published by The Guardian
- =================
- Globalists pose Clinton to be the "counter-Bush"
good-guy, tsunami for that purpose?, we know he has been being groomed
to head new omnipotent UN -- the world is stupid if it thinks Clinton
is the good-guy.
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington
- --------------------------------------
- Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:36 pm
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/frameup/message/10176
- n message http://www.libertyforum.org/showprofile.php?Cat=&User=cybe&Number=293263534&
- Board=news_news&what=showflat&page=&view=&sb=&o=&part=1&vc=1
- a critic writes:
- > There has been speculation on the Internet that
the earthquake near Aceh was caused by man, through sonic-surveying of
the area looking for new oil-reserves, causing whales and dolphins to beach
themselves because of the intense pain it causes them, and/or a nuclear
device, or HAARP.
- > Whilst any or all of these causes is quite possible,
there is also another more probable and simpler possibility that could
very easily have caused this earthquake and many others around the world.
- > That other cause is the extraction of oil and gas
from the immediate area around Aceh, and from around the world where other
earthquakes occur.
- > World oil-production alone (not including natural-gas)
is approximately 80 100 million barrels of oil per day. Yes, 80 -
100 million barrels per DAY. That is a tremendous volume of oil, too large
to even visualise in your mind's eye, and it is being extracted EVERY DAY.
The world's oil-fields are pressurised naturally by natural-gas within
the oil, and you have all probably seen "oil-gushers" on films
about oil-strikes, and how the oil shoots high into the air as it is forced
out of the ground
- This critic overlooks the fact that the sea bed being
subducted near Sumatra is relatively new basaltic seabed material and not
at all oil or coal bearing. This critic also inserts straw-man --i.e.,
if you can't answer the argument being made then just make up and attribute
to your opponent a stupid argument that you can and would enjoy answering
-- explanations of how the tsunami could have been generated by triggering
subduction along the Sumatra subduction zone. No one I know of has mentioned
"sonic-surveying," no one has suggested a "nuclear device"
and HAARP was only suggested as a possibility given our general ignorance
of that systems purpose and capabilities and Defense Secretary Cohen's
1997 reference to weaponized triggering of earthquakes by "electro-magnetic"
- The fact is that seismic waves generated at specified
locations each at specified times can send body waves through the earth
that can trigger an earthquake that mounting pressure over many years has
- Dick Eastman
- Tue Feb 1, 2005 6:29 pm
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/frameup/message/10352
- Clinton to be U.N. tsunami envoy, source says
- Former president already cochairs U.S. fund-raising effort
- The Associated Press
- Updated: 1:08 p.m. ET Feb. 1, 2005
- UNITED NATIONS - Secretary-General Kofi Annan has selected
former U.S. President Clinton to be the U.N. point man for tsunami relief
and reconstruction, a well-informed U.N. diplomat said Tuesday.
- U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard refused to confirm the appointment
but said "a statement will be released on the subject by my office
in the next few hours."
- Clinton and former President George H.W. Bush already
cochair a tsunami fund-raising effort at the request of President Bush.
- The two former presidents have been traveling throughout
the United States raising money and Bush said last week that they hope
to go to the tsunami-ravaged Indian Ocean region to illustrate the need
for continued financial help from Americans to rebuild the area. He didn't
say when.
- Ironically, the report surfaced as The Associated Press
obtained a letter by former Sen. Jesse Helms in which he predicts Clinton
will try to become the next U.N. secretary-general.
- ================
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/frameup/message/10079
- Tsunami Death Toll Rises to 76,700
- Tsunami producing earthquake was generated intentionally
with this technology.
- by Dick Eastman
- Beneath India and between Madascar and Sumatra lies
the Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge where new sea floor adds to the ocean crust
of the Indian-Austrailian techtonic plate and spreading the entire plate
to northeast where at its edge it is bent and crammed under the crust and
mantle of Eurasian plate in a process called subduction where tremendous
forces progressively build up as potential energy which is then released
as the rock breaks and shifts beneath the Eurasian plate. The Indo-Austrailian
plate bends downward at the Java trench west of Sumatra -- in fact Sumatra
is merely a mass of material pushed up by the subduction process. Here
the downgoing slab is subjected to a system of forces that cause it to
break up not all at uniformly, but according to the direction of forces,
temperature, depth and strength of the crustal material. The release of
seismic energy originating in the subduction region is constant over the
years, since the rate of extrusion of new oceanic crust from the Mid-Indian-Ocean
Ridge is fairly uniform, but the process of subduction does not happen
at a uniform rate or all at once. Subduction slips at two different locations
along the Java Trench will suggest that a length between these locations
will be the next to go. The amount of strain on a region -- the proximity
of a seismic event -- can be estimated, lending to earthquake prediction
-- BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT, manmake seismic events can be added to the
picture to actually determine the precise time and extent of a release
of seismic forces.
- Here is how I believe that was just done.
- The location of released energy, called the earthquake
focus, is the point from which seismic waves radiate out through the volume
of rock in all directions. The earthquake focus can be precisely located
by analysis of the timing of the seismographical readings taken from various
locations. With this technique the size and shape of the subduction zone
can be determined -- including the probable foci of future earthquakes.
But just as an earthquake can generate waves of a given pattern, so too
can a potential earthquake be triggered by producing the seismic waves
at points away from the focus. A series of underwater explosions (large
bombs) each at different points from the desired earthquake focus where
forces strains are known to already be high, can create seismic waves that
can be placed at such distance that the peak of each bomb-induced wave
reaches the intended earthquake focus at exactly the same time, so that
wave peak will add to wave peak creating the shock that will trigger the
planned seismic event, in this case the mass-murder earthquake and tsunami
that has just taken, at last report, 44,000 lives.
- The earthquake that produced the Tsunami was generated
by a series of submarine explosions spaced and timed in such a way that
the force of the wave combined at the targeted focus point to trigger the
earthquake -- a much bigger earthquake than otherwise would have obtained
by natural (unassisted) geological process.
- The Tsunami has distracted the world from Iraq war crimes,
American strategic defeat, and from Rumsfeld's latest slip confessing that
Flight 93 was shot down and the implication that 911 was a mass-murder
frame-up black-op.
- The Tsunami has been a perfect advertizment selling the
globalists new international Disaster Prevention treaty -- more loss
of national sovereignty and the official legal turnover of weather and
earthquake control to private hands -- the global elites seeking their
own private benefit -- under negligible puppet UN oversight.
- The Tsunami diverts first aid and relief from Iraq where
the Zionists at the Pentagon -- who are in fact, war criminals by deliberate
choice -- do not want it to go.
- The world will be ready to sign away its national sovereignties
to globalist disaster controls, just as quickly as Americans were ready
to sign away their freedoms to buy anti-terrorism controls following the
911 inside-job false-flag frame-up.
- Not convinced?
- Ask me if I give a damn.
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington
- Was the Christmas/Boxing Day 2004 Earthquake-Tsunami
Event Caused by Seismic Warfare?
- http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/01/307247.shtml